11.2 - Dash Release

There are nodes, it worked until 2nd April around the fork time. Going to be a few people gonna do this who haven't upgraded! ..
It was not fork, but stuck because reference node.
Did you try this: Copy old wallet to Dash folder and do it from there with Dash client.
It was not fork, but stuck because reference node.
Did you try this: Copy old wallet to Dash folder and do it from there with Dash client.
No, copying the wallet is not the point-I am thinking what will happen to others, I am just pointing out if anyone tries sending from darkcoin thats whats going to happen, I suppose there is no way to avoid that as upgrade is mandatory with the protocol change.
No, copying the wallet is not the point-I am thinking what will happen to others, I am just pointing out if anyone tries sending from darkcoin thats whats going to happen, I suppose there is no way to avoid that as upgrade is mandatory with the protocol change.
Ahaa, then devs must say something for this.
Ahaa, then devs must say something for this.
Comes back on -reindex as expected.

Edit: Thats odd I tried it 3 times and only 1 time did the coin reach the Dash wallet correctly so its luck of the draw I guess.
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I compiled Darkcoin on Debian 8.0 with libdb5.1. and it was working just fine. Now I compiled DASH on the same system (with the --with-incompatible-bdb option) and I'm getting "Error initializing wallet database environment /path" error when trying to run ./dashd

Is there any way to resolve this issue without downgrading to libdb4.8. since I would probably face wallet.dat incompatibility after that. As far as I know BDB is not backwards-compatible.


2015-04-07 10:00:23 Dash version v0.11.2.17-09a8987-beta (2015-04-03 20:26:55 -0700)
2015-04-07 10:00:23 Using OpenSSL version OpenSSL 1.0.1j 15 Oct 2014
2015-04-07 10:00:23 Using BerkeleyDB version Berkeley DB 4.8.30: (April  9, 2010)
2015-04-07 10:00:23 Default data directory /root/.dash
2015-04-07 10:00:23 Using data directory /root/.dash
2015-04-07 10:00:23 Using at most 125 connections (1024 file descriptors available)
2015-04-07 10:00:23 Using 4 threads for script verification
2015-04-07 10:00:23 Using wallet wallet.dat
2015-04-07 10:00:23 init message: Verifying wallet...
2015-04-07 10:00:23 CDBEnv::Open : LogDir=/root/.dash/database ErrorFile=/root/.dash/db.log
2015-04-07 10:00:23 ERROR: CDBEnv::Open : Error 22 opening database environment: Invalid argument

2015-04-07 10:00:23 Moved old /root/.dash/database to /root/.dash/database.1428400823.bak. Retrying.
2015-04-07 10:00:23 CDBEnv::Open : LogDir=/root/.dash/database ErrorFile=/root/.dash/db.log
2015-04-07 10:00:23 ERROR: CDBEnv::Open : Error 22 opening database environment: Invalid argument

2015-04-07 10:00:23 : Error initializing wallet database environment /root/.dash!
2015-04-07 10:00:23 Shutdown : In progress...
2015-04-07 10:00:23 StopNode()
2015-04-07 10:00:23 Verifying mncache.dat format...
2015-04-07 10:00:23 Loaded info from mncache.dat  1ms
2015-04-07 10:00:23   Masternodes: 0, peers who asked us for Masternode list: 0, peers we asked for Masternode list: 0, entries in Masternode list we asked for: 0, nDsqCount: 0
2015-04-07 10:00:23 Writting info to mncache.dat...
2015-04-07 10:00:23 Written info to mncache.dat  3ms
2015-04-07 10:00:23   Masternodes: 0, peers who asked us for Masternode list: 0, peers we asked for Masternode list: 0, entries in Masternode list we asked for: 0, nDsqCount: 0
2015-04-07 10:00:23 Masternode dump finished  5ms
2015-04-07 10:00:23 Shutdown : done


Page 0: metadata page corrupted
Page 0: could not check metadata page
wallet.dat: DB_VERIFY_BAD: Database verification failed
illegal flag combination specified to DB_ENV->open
illegal flag combination specified to DB_ENV->open

What I'm not getting is why it shows "Using BerkeleyDB version Berkeley DB 4.8.30: (April 9, 2010)" in the debug.log and not the Berkeley DB 5.1.29: (October 25, 2011) which is actually being used on my system

Or is it somehow possible to safely downgrade an encrypted wallet.dat to the libdb4.8.?

Ideas are appreciated
Look into config.status and search for "db". What's there?
this is how i extract private key and also maybe import in batch.

Pls inform me if make mistake, thanks

run coin-qt -server

dump priv key

./coind listaddressgroupings >> test.txt

awk '/"/' test.txt >btest.txt #only print those between symbol

cat btest.txt | sed 's/"//g' >ctest.txt #remove symbol

cat ctest.txt | sed 's/,//g' >dtest.txt #remove symbol

cat dtest.txt | sed 's/ //g' >etest.txt #remove space

awk '/./' etest.txt >> ftest.txt #remove empty

awk < ftest.txt '{ print "./coind dumpprivkey " $1" " $2" " $3" " $4 }' | "/bin/sh" >>privkey.txt

import privkey.txt

awk < privkey.txt '{ print "./coind importprivkey " $1" " $2" " $3" " $4 }' | "/bin/sh" >privkey1.txt
Is there a post that explains how to set up your masternode to donate to the foundation? I am looking for the last hour and can't find anything. Sorry, I know there is a post somewhere I literally can not find it. I was thinking about making a guide for others, maybe even turn it into a video. Any help pointing me in the right direction would be rad. I know it's gotta be easy. I also know that it might not be working at the moment, but i still want to know. thanks.
Look into config.status and search for "db". What's there?

UdjinM6, many thanks for your help. Really appreciate it.

I somehow managed to get it working with the pre-compiled binary and -salvagewallet and -rescan options. Which is a bit weird since I have libdb5.1. installed and the binary most likely compiled with libdb4.8. I also was able to unlock a salvaged wallet.dat, so now everything is up and running.

Is there a post that explains how to set up your masternode to donate to the foundation? I am looking for the last hour and can't find anything. Sorry, I know there is a post somewhere I literally can not find it. I was thinking about making a guide for others, maybe even turn it into a video. Any help pointing me in the right direction would be rad. I know it's gotta be easy. I also know that it might not be working at the moment, but i still want to know. thanks.
I had the same question and found this post on doing donations with a multi masternode config.
And this is the link to setup multiple masternodes from one wallet.
I had the same question and found this post on doing donations with a multi masternode config.
And this is the link to setup multiple masternodes from one wallet.

Thanks but this doesn't really help me, I don't understand? I have one masternode, not multiple. I want to donate a portion of my rewards to the developers. Like I've said i looked for a post or explanation about how to do this, all over the forums, and I CAN NOT find it. I know these guys are busy, I know we're all busy, but someone is trying to donate money, it might be a good idea to show that person HOW to do it.

*edit* Especially when that person is going to write a formal guide and make a how to video to go along with it, which would make future explanations easy for everyone.
I had the same question and found this post on doing donations with a multi masternode config.
And this is the link to setup multiple masternodes from one wallet.

mn1 XXX ZZZ 1 address:50

This will donate to foundation address (??) 50% from this single masternode incomings.

Foundation donate page: https://www.darkcoinfoundation.org/donate/

EDIT: removed multisig address, not supported yet.
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Thanks but this doesn't really help me, I don't understand? I have one masternode, not multiple. I want to donate a portion of my rewards to the developers. Like I've said i looked for a post or explanation about how to do this, all over the forums, and I CAN NOT find it. I know these guys are busy, I know we're all busy, but someone is trying to donate money, it might be a good idea to show that person HOW to do it.

*edit* Especially when that person is going to write a formal guide and make a how to video to go along with it, which would make future explanations easy for everyone.
You can proceed with reubens tut, but use commands start-alias / stop-alias, see below.

help masternode

masternode "command"... ( "passphrase" )
Set of commands to execute masternode related actions

1. "command"        (string or set of strings, required) The command to execute
2. "passphrase"     (string, optional) The wallet passphrase

Available commands:
  count        - Print number of all known masternodes (optional: 'enabled', 'both')
  current      - Print info on current masternode winner
  debug        - Print masternode status
  genkey       - Generate new masternodeprivkey
  enforce      - Enforce masternode payments
  outputs      - Print masternode compatible outputs
  start        - Start masternode configured in dash.conf
  start-alias  - Start single masternode by assigned alias configured in masternode.conf
  start-many   - Start all masternodes configured in masternode.conf
  stop         - Stop masternode configured in dash.conf
  stop-alias   - Stop single masternode by assigned alias configured in masternode.conf
  stop-many    - Stop all masternodes configured in masternode.conf
  list         - Print list of all known masternodes (see masternodelist for more info)
  list-conf    - Print masternode.conf in JSON format
  winners      - Print list of masternode winners
  vote-many    - Vote on a Dash initiative
  vote         - Vote on a Dash initiative
Ok, but there is need to be clear page/message about donations to: Developers and Foundation general use for example.

Thanks for the help everyone, just gonna wait till the devs make it an automatic thing (if that is happening in the future). Not really trying to fk my masternode up with the wrong configurations.
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Thanks for the help everyone, just gonna wait till the devs make it an automatic thing (if that is happening in the future). Not really trying to fk my masternode up with the wrong configurations.
Yep, that would be optimal, automatic 5% donation per masternode, you answer simple yes or no.
I think it's really important to get the donations working. We all talk about how the developers need to get paid, etc, and I completely agree. They work their asses off, and that is why I am trying to donate. I feel like developers will be missing out on donations until there's an easy way to do it automatically. Masternode blinding is important, paying the people who are writing the code for masternode blinding is more important. So....