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  1. Obusco

    getting kicked when I'm down... As if things weren't bad enough...

    Sorry for your loss, I know many will go the optimization way to help you, however, here is my thought : Once, in 2012, a game designer (Peter Molyneux) used some good communication to get people to mine a cube, that was 68 billions phone tap to be made by people (3 millions people), and that...
  2. Obusco

    What's Going on at Dash?

    If I may, I would like to disagree and explain my rationale. I'm helping the network at DCG for the last two years, and as a Lead Dev (Backend, Dashpay), I had quite a nice overview and I would love to disagree. What happen is that our work process has improved in quality (at every level, from...
  3. Obusco

    DIPs 2, 3, 4 published here?

    Yeah, we did annonce DIP 1 and shared the link (actually there is 22 occurences of the forum about the github link shared above). I guess we announce it on so different places that we didn't create a specific thread here, probably @tungfa or @andyfreer would be able to post those later on ?
  4. Obusco

    DIPs 2, 3, 4 published here?

    Hi @GrandMasterDash, you will be able to find all the DIPs on Github. The direct link for the repository is here : Also mind that using Google, and using "Dash DIPs" as a search argument, it is the first link.
  5. Obusco

    What's Going on at Dash?

    Well, you don't know, I know as I can see them. Don't pretend you are worried, you know perfectly that is he working for Dash. But what about you, are you still working in your lab in your pivx thing ? How is it going so far ?
  6. Obusco

    Pour savoir comment déclarer ses dashs, c'est par ici !

    Tu n'as pas a le faire sauf cas ISF. Si tu ne les a pas transformés (cela comprendre aussi les ventes DASH/EUR sur Kraken hein), alors tu n'en a pas besoin vu que tu n'a pas encore faire de gains. Si par contre, tu as acheté le 1 Septembre des Dash, revendu en speed le 10, mais directement...
  7. Obusco

    Dash internships / Representation Office Thailand

    Oh yeah ! That's an exciting proposal here ! We are all aware of all those non-urgent task that we would love to see being done (max load of a MN being one of them, but I also think of the differents area related to implementation optimisation, networking monitoring tools etc..) ! I totally...
  8. Obusco

    A blockchain hard fork is possible. Is it possible a blockchain merge?

    Doing so harm scarcity. Therefore, a fork should be definitive, if at any point a chain can be remerge, then it could end up like paper gold, in this case paper dash. Even your attempt to take that into account with market capitalisation is not enough, as it's also more that scarcity, you try to...
  9. Obusco

    A couple of questions about basic web development

    Hi Oliverfisher, If your computer and your router have the port 80/443 open, then yes it will :) It could, but chances are that the electric consumption of this computer might not be optimised for such a job compared to a classic server renting. Depending on the load of your website, in your...
  10. Obusco

    Can we please get Dash's Roadmap page updated with the latest estimates?

    We already have this on a weekly basis, type of report generated is based on weekly sprint and state the status of the tasks "done, in progress, late, blocked....". These status are really raw and won't gave any insight to one that doesn't have the whole context. The amount of editing that is...
  11. Obusco

    Can we please get Dash's Roadmap page updated with the latest estimates?

    I personally informed most of our partners (ledger, exodus, jaxx..) about this release. Just look the May report : As far as I know, on that it's not mentioned, but see how many things are mentioned ? So probably...
  12. Obusco

    Can we please get Dash's Roadmap page updated with the latest estimates?

    Will then do with one : : version 0.5.0 in April. I have upcoming 0.6.0 but sadly I got distracted by that proposal bug recently and I delay in order to add another function in the same release. About priority on masternode owner, I might tell that...
  13. Obusco

    Can we please get Dash's Roadmap page updated with the latest estimates?

    Obviously this was an hypothetical exemple, please don't remove it from the context on the sentence. Obviously, no-one here told about 2 years in secret. Actually, it wasn't a secret since this video in 2016 (And no, this video doesn't mean we were 50 dev working on evolution, it's a concept...
  14. Obusco

    block is taking a long time

    Quite so, but only by pruning instead of keeping the full blockchain :/ In your case, the problem is that dashd abstract of lot of stuff for you, in a way where you aren't able to know about the percentage of node that sent you a tx message, even if you can ask for more peer in the node. So...
  15. Obusco

    block is taking a long time

    Right now, I'm working on DAPI that will in the future allows you to do so. By requesting to multiple node, you are able to verify in multiple places in the world that your transaction is being broadcasted correctly (which is one of the concern you need to have). It depends on when you want to...
  16. Obusco

    block is taking a long time

    It is most of the time 2.5 +-10s. Most of the time. Again probablistic random event. That's due to the way we secure the network. On some cryptocurrency similar event (what is a 20minute block) takes 2 hours (this is something you will find in the other crypto out there as we secure the network...
  17. Obusco

    block is taking a long time

    It's because a block being mined is the answer to a probabilistic event that has an average of 2.5min but as a low chance to be 1 second and an even lower chance to be 40 minute. These random event follow a specific probabilistic distribution. This can happen sometimes, in the long run the...
  18. Obusco

    Pre-Proposal: A masternode server in your android cell phone

    Voting against, because it will only be usable for the next 8 months, then it won't work anymore :/
  19. Obusco

    Can we please get Dash's Roadmap page updated with the latest estimates?

    These numbers mean that we have more than just DIP002 and DIP003. About if the DIP's name are still secret, well, I'm assumed that there are not, but in the London Conference talk from Chuck ( see it starting at 13m20 , you can see some of these DIP number associated with their names. But...
  20. Obusco

    Can we please get Dash's Roadmap page updated with the latest estimates?

    Come on, you know that I didn't imply that. I kind-fully explained him the full detail on why we didn't published it already. I could just answer "Yes we still have work to do", instead I tried to explained him what process we are following as there could have been two different process : 1)...