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    problem with the last payment GetFreeDash

    Ya esa pagina dejo de pagar los dueños de la pagina desaparecieron
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    My account lags.

    en este forum nadien ayuda a nadien que lastima
  3. A multipool

    que es esto?
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    I have a problem GetFreeDash

    hello @demo and those pages are you active to register, or are they just proposals?
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    I have a problem GetFreeDash

    They also sent me an email saying they paid me and they did not and now a sign says test succesfull
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    ayuda ayuda AYUDA

    my solution was to install it in another pc Due to this problem, he decided to use the wallet in android thanks @demo
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    AYUDA error con mi dash cartera!!

    I do not know, but only you answered :(
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    AYUDA error con mi dash cartera!!

    I will try to download dash core on another computer to see if it is my computer the error
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    AYUDA error con mi dash cartera!!

    I think my error in my debug is because of this 2018-04-14 09:06:19 Leaving block file 17: CBlockFileInfo(blocks=14917, size=134197602, heights=645302...660253, time=2017-03-31...2017-04-27) 2018-04-14 09:06:19 Pre-allocating up to position 0x1000000 in blk00018.dat 2018-04-14 09:06:19 Unable...
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    AYUDA error con mi dash cartera!!

    YES 32bits windows 7
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    My wallet crashes almost immediatly after the flash screen

    I think my error in my debug is because of this 2018-04-14 09:06:19 Leaving block file 17: CBlockFileInfo(blocks=14917, size=134197602, heights=645302...660253, time=2017-03-31...2017-04-27) 2018-04-14 09:06:19 Pre-allocating up to position 0x1000000 in blk00018.dat 2018-04-14 09:06:19 Unable...
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    AYUDA error con mi dash cartera!!

    I read the post but I do not understand how it was that I recover if wallet
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    AYUDA error con mi dash cartera!!

    I'm going to read thanks
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    AYUDA error con mi dash cartera!!

    1) windows 7 2) 32bits 3) It's a backup of my purse before it burned if he also used it in windows
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    AYUDA error con mi dash cartera!!

    I have the .dat file on my wallet but I can not recover it because I get that error
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    AYUDA error con mi dash cartera!!

    2018-04-14 12:15:40 Dash Core version v0.12.2.3 (2018-01-11 12:31:49 +0300) 2018-04-14 12:15:40 InitParameterInteraction: parameter interaction: -whitelistforcerelay=1 -> setting -whitelistrelay=1 2018-04-14 12:15:41 GUI: setGeometryDp: Unable to set geometry 5x13+192+60 on...
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    AYUDA error con mi dash cartera!!

    I have already uploaded the file......
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    AYUDA error con mi dash cartera!!

    hace un par de días mi pc se quemó a la hora de sincronizar mi copia de seguridad de mi cartera, me sale el siguiente error error: fatal error interno ocurrido, consulte la depuración.el registro de la AYUDA AYUDA [USUARIO=5057]@demo[/USER] PC: WINDOWS 7 2018-04-14 12:15:40 Dash Núcleo de la...
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    ayuda ayuda AYUDA

    @demo de ayuda ayuda AYUDA my computer burned and when installing the wallet on my mom's computer when it starts to synchronize, an error appears that says error: A fatal internal error ocurred, see debug.log I can not restore my wallet