My account lags.


Well-known member
In the last few days I experience an extreme lag in my account.
In order to post a message, it takes at least 5 minutes to confirm.
Is it something wrong with my account?
Do you mean it takes 5 minutes for the messages to appear? Does the delay occur when viewing on your account or only when viewing from an another device? Or do you mean that you have to wait 5 minutes between messages?
Still having problems? Can a moderator/admin confirm if the problem is caused by an action taken against his account or something else.

I think it would be good to have a separate thread or subforum for banned and muted users where moderators would post a reason of banning/muting someone. This could obviously exclude spambots and duplicate accounts.
This is the post to test the limitation.

Edit: Got "you must wait at least 104 seconds" message so the limit seems to be ~2 minutes for me. Something seems to be wrong with your account. I would appreciate more transparency from the moderators and admins.