hace un par de días mi pc se quemó a la hora de sincronizar mi copia de seguridad de mi cartera, me sale el siguiente error
error: fatal error interno ocurrido, consulte la depuración.el registro de la
2018-04-14 12:15:40 Dash Núcleo de la versión v0.12.2.3 (2018-01-11 12:31:49 +0300)
configuración -whitelistrelay=1" datos de la traducción="2018-04-14 12:15:40 InitParameterInteraction: parámetro de interacción: -whitelistforcerelay=1 -> configuración -whitelistrelay=1" data-type="trSpan" style="font-size: 14.6667 px; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);">2018-04-14 12:15:40 InitParameterInteraction: parámetro de interacción: -whitelistforcerelay=1 -> configuración -whitelistrelay=1
2018-04-14 12:15:41 GUI: setGeometryDp: no se puede establecer la geometría de la 5x13+192+60 en QWidgetWindow/'QLabelClassWindow'. Geometría resultante: 116x13+192+60 (cuadro: 8, 30, 8, 8, personalizada margin: 0, 0, 0, 0, tamaño mínimo: 0 x 0, el tamaño máximo: 16777215x16777215).
2018-04-14 12:15:41 GUI: "registerShutdownBlockReason: registrado Correctamente: Tablero de Núcleo no salir con seguridad..."
2018-04-14 12:15:41 Suponiendo que los antepasados de bloque 000000000000001c172f518793c3b9e83f202284615592f87fe3506ce964dcd4 han firmas válidas.
2018-04-14 12:15:45 Uso de la BerkeleyDB versión de Berkeley DB 4.8.30: (9 de abril de 2010)
2018-04-14 12:15:45 directorio de datos Predeterminado C:\Users\USER\AppData\Roaming\DashCore
2018-04-14 12:15:45 Uso de directorio de datos C:\Users\USER\AppData\Roaming\DashCore
2018-04-14 12:15:45 desde el archivo config C:\Users\USER\AppData\Roaming\DashCore\dash.conf
2018-04-14 12:15:45 Uso en la mayoría de los 125 conexiones (2048 descriptores de archivo disponible)
2018-04-14 12:15:45 el Uso de 0 hilos para la secuencia de comandos de verificación
2018-04-14 12:15:45 programador de inicio de subprocesos
C:\Users\USER\AppData\Roaming\DashCore\backups\wallet.dat.2018-04-14-12-15" data-translation="2018-04-14 12:15:45 Creación de copias de seguridad de C:\Users\USER\AppData\Roaming\DashCore\wallet.dat -> C:\Users\USER\AppData\Roaming\DashCore\backups\wallet.dat.2018-04-14-12-15" data-type="trSpan" style="font-size: 14.6667px; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);">2018-04-14 12:15:45 Creating backup of C:\Users\USER\AppData\Roaming\DashCore\wallet.dat -> C:\Users\USER\AppData\Roaming\DashCore\backups\wallet.dat.2018-04-14-12-15
2018-04-14 12:15:45 Using wallet wallet.dat
2018-04-14 12:15:45 init message: Verificando monedero...
2018-04-14 12:15:45 CDBEnv::Open: LogDir=C:\Users\USER\AppData\Roaming\DashCore\database ErrorFile=C:\Users\USER\AppData\Roaming\DashCore\db.log
2018-04-14 12:15:45 Bound to [::]:9999
2018-04-14 12:15:45 Bound to
2018-04-14 12:15:45 Cache configuration:
2018-04-14 12:15:45 * Using 37.5MiB for block index database
2018-04-14 12:15:45 * Using 8.0MiB for chain state database
2018-04-14 12:15:45 * Using 254.5MiB for in-memory UTXO set (plus up to 286.1MiB of unused mempool space)
2018-04-14 12:15:45 init message: Cargando el índice de bloques...
2018-04-14 12:15:45 Opening LevelDB in C:\Users\USER\AppData\Roaming\DashCore\blocks\index
2018-04-14 12:15:45 Opened LevelDB successfully
2018-04-14 12:15:45 Using obfuscation key for C:\Users\USER\AppData\Roaming\DashCore\blocks\index: 0000000000000000
2018-04-14 12:15:45 Opening LevelDB in C:\Users\USER\AppData\Roaming\DashCore\chainstate
2018-04-14 12:15:46 Opened LevelDB successfully
2018-04-14 12:15:46 Using obfuscation key for C:\Users\USER\AppData\Roaming\DashCore\chainstate: 8c0fd73f708f34cb
2018-04-14 12:17:22 LoadBlockIndexDB: last block file = 18
2018-04-14 12:17:22 LoadBlockIndexDB: last block file info: CBlockFileInfo(blocks=1, size=30125, heights=660228...660228, time=2017-04-27...2017-04-27)
2018-04-14 12:17:22 Checking all blk files are present...
2018-04-14 12:17:23 LoadBlockIndexDB: transaction index enabled
2018-04-14 12:17:23 LoadBlockIndexDB: address index disabled
2018-04-14 12:17:23 LoadBlockIndexDB: timestamp index disabled
2018-04-14 12:17:23 LoadBlockIndexDB: spent index disabled
2018-04-14 12:17:23 LoadBlockIndexDB: hashBestChain=00000000000056aae4a2f32994f8a231f4b7ac13bb43fba045a41da722de8f37 height=660227 date=2017-04-27 09:28:14 progress=0.320406
2018-04-14 12:17:23 init message: Verificando bloques...
2018-04-14 12:17:23 Verifying last 288 blocks at level 3
2018-04-14 12:18:36 No coin database inconsistencies in last 289 blocks (3910 transactions)
2018-04-14 12:18:36 block index 170624ms
2018-04-14 12:18:36 init message: Cargando monedero...
2018-04-14 12:18:38 nKeysLeftSinceAutoBackup: 999
2018-04-14 12:18:38 nFileVersion = 120203
2018-04-14 12:18:38 Keys: 1000 plaintext, 0 encrypted, 1000 w/ metadata, 1000 total
2018-04-14 12:18:38 wallet 2338ms
2018-04-14 12:18:38 ERROR: CheckProofOfWork(): nBits below minimum work
2018-04-14 12:18:38 ERROR: ReadBlockFromDisk: Errors in block header at CBlockDiskPos(nFile=18, nPos=0)
2018-04-14 12:18:38 Using masternode config file C:\Users\USER\AppData\Roaming\DashCore\masternode.conf
2018-04-14 12:18:38 *** Failed to read block
2018-04-14 12:18:38 fLiteMode 0
2018-04-14 12:18:38 nInstantSendDepth 5
2018-04-14 12:18:38 PrivateSend rounds 2
2018-04-14 12:18:38 PrivateSend amount 1000
2018-04-14 12:18:38 init message: Cargando caché de nodos maestros...
2018-04-14 12:18:38 Reading info from mncache.dat...
2018-04-14 12:18:39 Loaded info from mncache.dat 90ms
2018-04-14 12:18:39 Masternodes: 0, peers who asked us for Masternode list: 0, peers we asked for Masternode list: 0, entries in Masternode list we asked for: 0, nDsqCount: 0
2018-04-14 12:18:39 Read: Cleaning....
2018-04-14 12:18:39 Masternodes: 0, peers who asked us for Masternode list: 0, peers we asked for Masternode list: 0, entries in Masternode list we asked for: 0, nDsqCount: 0
2018-04-14 12:18:39 init message: Masternode cache is empty, skipping payments and governance cache...
2018-04-14 12:18:39 init message: Loading fulfilled requests cache...
2018-04-14 12:18:39 Reading info from netfulfilled.dat...
2018-04-14 12:18:39 Loaded info from netfulfilled.dat 2ms
2018-04-14 12:18:39 Nodes with fulfilled requests: 0
2018-04-14 12:18:39 Read: Cleaning....
2018-04-14 12:18:39 Nodes with fulfilled requests: 0
2018-04-14 12:19:24 Failed to connect best blockmapBlockIndex.size() = 853297
2018-04-14 12:19:24 chainActive.Height() = 660227
2018-04-14 12:19:24 setExternalKeyPool.size() = 999
2018-04-14 12:19:24 setInternalKeyPool.size() = 0
2018-04-14 12:19:24 mapWallet.size() = 0
2018-04-14 12:19:24 mapAddressBook.size() = 1
2018-04-14 12:19:25 torcontrol thread start
2018-04-14 12:19:25 CMasternodeSync:rocessTick -- nTick 1 nRequestedMasternodeAssets 0 nRequestedMasternodeAttempt 0 nSyncProgress -0.250000
2018-04-14 12:19:26 init message: Cargando direcciones...
2018-04-14 12:19:26 Loaded 12708 addresses from peers.dat 299ms
2018-04-14 12:19:26 init message: Loading banlist...
2018-04-14 12:19:26 net thread start
2018-04-14 12:19:26 addcon thread start
2018-04-14 12:19:26 mnbcon thread start
2018-04-14 12:19:26 opencon thread start
2018-04-14 12:19:26 msghand thread start
2018-04-14 12:19:26 dnsseed thread start
2018-04-14 12:19:26 init message: Carga finalizada
2018-04-14 12:19:26 tor: Thread interrupt
2018-04-14 12:19:26 dnsseed thread exit
2018-04-14 12:19:26 mnbcon thread exit
2018-04-14 12:19:26 opencon thread exit
2018-04-14 12:19:26 torcontrol thread exit
2018-04-14 12:19:26 addcon thread exit
2018-04-14 12:19:26 net thread exit
2018-04-14 12:19:26 scheduler thread interrupt
2018-04-14 12:19:26 PrepareShutdown: In progress...
2018-04-14 12:19:26 msghand thread exit
2018-04-14 12:19:27 Verifying mncache.dat format...
2018-04-14 12:19:27 Loaded info from mncache.dat 1ms
2018-04-14 12:19:27 Masternodes: 0, peers who asked us for Masternode list: 0, peers we asked for Masternode list: 0, entries in Masternode list we asked for: 0, nDsqCount: 0
2018-04-14 12:19:27 Writing info to mncache.dat...
2018-04-14 12:19:27 Written info to mncache.dat 4ms
2018-04-14 12:19:27 Masternodes: 0, peers who asked us for Masternode list: 0, peers we asked for Masternode list: 0, entries in Masternode list we asked for: 0, nDsqCount: 0
2018-04-14 12:19:27 mncache.dat dump finished 6ms
2018-04-14 12:19:27 Verifying mnpayments.dat format...
2018-04-14 12:19:27 Loaded info from mnpayments.dat 1ms
2018-04-14 12:19:27 Votes: 0, Blocks: 0
2018-04-14 12:19:27 Writing info to mnpayments.dat...
2018-04-14 12:19:27 Written info to mnpayments.dat 3ms
2018-04-14 12:19:27 Votes: 0, Blocks: 0
2018-04-14 12:19:27 mnpayments.dat dump finished 6ms
2018-04-14 12:19:27 Verifying governance.dat format...
2018-04-14 12:19:27 Loaded info from governance.dat 19ms
2018-04-14 12:19:27 Governance Objects: 0 (Proposals: 0, Triggers: 0, Watchdogs: 0/0, Other: 0; Erased: 0), Votes: 0
2018-04-14 12:19:27 Writing info to governance.dat...
2018-04-14 12:19:27 Written info to governance.dat 5ms
2018-04-14 12:19:27 Governance Objects: 0 (Proposals: 0, Triggers: 0, Watchdogs: 0/0, Other: 0; Erased: 0), Votes: 0
2018-04-14 12:19:27 governance.dat dump finished 68ms
2018-04-14 12:19:27 Verifying netfulfilled.dat format...
2018-04-14 12:19:27 Loaded info from netfulfilled.dat 1ms
2018-04-14 12:19:27 Nodes with fulfilled requests: 0
2018-04-14 12:19:27 Writing info to netfulfilled.dat...
2018-04-14 12:19:27 Written info to netfulfilled.dat 4ms
2018-04-14 12:19:27 Nodes with fulfilled requests: 0
2018-04-14 12:19:27 netfulfilled.dat dump finished 7ms
2018-04-14 12:19:28 Shutdown: done
error: fatal error interno ocurrido, consulte la depuración.el registro de la
2018-04-14 12:15:40 Dash Núcleo de la versión v0.12.2.3 (2018-01-11 12:31:49 +0300)
configuración -whitelistrelay=1" datos de la traducción="2018-04-14 12:15:40 InitParameterInteraction: parámetro de interacción: -whitelistforcerelay=1 -> configuración -whitelistrelay=1" data-type="trSpan" style="font-size: 14.6667 px; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);">2018-04-14 12:15:40 InitParameterInteraction: parámetro de interacción: -whitelistforcerelay=1 -> configuración -whitelistrelay=1
2018-04-14 12:15:41 GUI: setGeometryDp: no se puede establecer la geometría de la 5x13+192+60 en QWidgetWindow/'QLabelClassWindow'. Geometría resultante: 116x13+192+60 (cuadro: 8, 30, 8, 8, personalizada margin: 0, 0, 0, 0, tamaño mínimo: 0 x 0, el tamaño máximo: 16777215x16777215).
2018-04-14 12:15:41 GUI: "registerShutdownBlockReason: registrado Correctamente: Tablero de Núcleo no salir con seguridad..."
2018-04-14 12:15:41 Suponiendo que los antepasados de bloque 000000000000001c172f518793c3b9e83f202284615592f87fe3506ce964dcd4 han firmas válidas.
2018-04-14 12:15:45 Uso de la BerkeleyDB versión de Berkeley DB 4.8.30: (9 de abril de 2010)
2018-04-14 12:15:45 directorio de datos Predeterminado C:\Users\USER\AppData\Roaming\DashCore
2018-04-14 12:15:45 Uso de directorio de datos C:\Users\USER\AppData\Roaming\DashCore
2018-04-14 12:15:45 desde el archivo config C:\Users\USER\AppData\Roaming\DashCore\dash.conf
2018-04-14 12:15:45 Uso en la mayoría de los 125 conexiones (2048 descriptores de archivo disponible)
2018-04-14 12:15:45 el Uso de 0 hilos para la secuencia de comandos de verificación
2018-04-14 12:15:45 programador de inicio de subprocesos
C:\Users\USER\AppData\Roaming\DashCore\backups\wallet.dat.2018-04-14-12-15" data-translation="2018-04-14 12:15:45 Creación de copias de seguridad de C:\Users\USER\AppData\Roaming\DashCore\wallet.dat -> C:\Users\USER\AppData\Roaming\DashCore\backups\wallet.dat.2018-04-14-12-15" data-type="trSpan" style="font-size: 14.6667px; background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);">2018-04-14 12:15:45 Creating backup of C:\Users\USER\AppData\Roaming\DashCore\wallet.dat -> C:\Users\USER\AppData\Roaming\DashCore\backups\wallet.dat.2018-04-14-12-15
2018-04-14 12:15:45 Using wallet wallet.dat
2018-04-14 12:15:45 init message: Verificando monedero...
2018-04-14 12:15:45 CDBEnv::Open: LogDir=C:\Users\USER\AppData\Roaming\DashCore\database ErrorFile=C:\Users\USER\AppData\Roaming\DashCore\db.log
2018-04-14 12:15:45 Bound to [::]:9999
2018-04-14 12:15:45 Bound to
2018-04-14 12:15:45 Cache configuration:
2018-04-14 12:15:45 * Using 37.5MiB for block index database
2018-04-14 12:15:45 * Using 8.0MiB for chain state database
2018-04-14 12:15:45 * Using 254.5MiB for in-memory UTXO set (plus up to 286.1MiB of unused mempool space)
2018-04-14 12:15:45 init message: Cargando el índice de bloques...
2018-04-14 12:15:45 Opening LevelDB in C:\Users\USER\AppData\Roaming\DashCore\blocks\index
2018-04-14 12:15:45 Opened LevelDB successfully
2018-04-14 12:15:45 Using obfuscation key for C:\Users\USER\AppData\Roaming\DashCore\blocks\index: 0000000000000000
2018-04-14 12:15:45 Opening LevelDB in C:\Users\USER\AppData\Roaming\DashCore\chainstate
2018-04-14 12:15:46 Opened LevelDB successfully
2018-04-14 12:15:46 Using obfuscation key for C:\Users\USER\AppData\Roaming\DashCore\chainstate: 8c0fd73f708f34cb
2018-04-14 12:17:22 LoadBlockIndexDB: last block file = 18
2018-04-14 12:17:22 LoadBlockIndexDB: last block file info: CBlockFileInfo(blocks=1, size=30125, heights=660228...660228, time=2017-04-27...2017-04-27)
2018-04-14 12:17:22 Checking all blk files are present...
2018-04-14 12:17:23 LoadBlockIndexDB: transaction index enabled
2018-04-14 12:17:23 LoadBlockIndexDB: address index disabled
2018-04-14 12:17:23 LoadBlockIndexDB: timestamp index disabled
2018-04-14 12:17:23 LoadBlockIndexDB: spent index disabled
2018-04-14 12:17:23 LoadBlockIndexDB: hashBestChain=00000000000056aae4a2f32994f8a231f4b7ac13bb43fba045a41da722de8f37 height=660227 date=2017-04-27 09:28:14 progress=0.320406
2018-04-14 12:17:23 init message: Verificando bloques...
2018-04-14 12:17:23 Verifying last 288 blocks at level 3
2018-04-14 12:18:36 No coin database inconsistencies in last 289 blocks (3910 transactions)
2018-04-14 12:18:36 block index 170624ms
2018-04-14 12:18:36 init message: Cargando monedero...
2018-04-14 12:18:38 nKeysLeftSinceAutoBackup: 999
2018-04-14 12:18:38 nFileVersion = 120203
2018-04-14 12:18:38 Keys: 1000 plaintext, 0 encrypted, 1000 w/ metadata, 1000 total
2018-04-14 12:18:38 wallet 2338ms
2018-04-14 12:18:38 ERROR: CheckProofOfWork(): nBits below minimum work
2018-04-14 12:18:38 ERROR: ReadBlockFromDisk: Errors in block header at CBlockDiskPos(nFile=18, nPos=0)
2018-04-14 12:18:38 Using masternode config file C:\Users\USER\AppData\Roaming\DashCore\masternode.conf
2018-04-14 12:18:38 *** Failed to read block
2018-04-14 12:18:38 fLiteMode 0
2018-04-14 12:18:38 nInstantSendDepth 5
2018-04-14 12:18:38 PrivateSend rounds 2
2018-04-14 12:18:38 PrivateSend amount 1000
2018-04-14 12:18:38 init message: Cargando caché de nodos maestros...
2018-04-14 12:18:38 Reading info from mncache.dat...
2018-04-14 12:18:39 Loaded info from mncache.dat 90ms
2018-04-14 12:18:39 Masternodes: 0, peers who asked us for Masternode list: 0, peers we asked for Masternode list: 0, entries in Masternode list we asked for: 0, nDsqCount: 0
2018-04-14 12:18:39 Read: Cleaning....
2018-04-14 12:18:39 Masternodes: 0, peers who asked us for Masternode list: 0, peers we asked for Masternode list: 0, entries in Masternode list we asked for: 0, nDsqCount: 0
2018-04-14 12:18:39 init message: Masternode cache is empty, skipping payments and governance cache...
2018-04-14 12:18:39 init message: Loading fulfilled requests cache...
2018-04-14 12:18:39 Reading info from netfulfilled.dat...
2018-04-14 12:18:39 Loaded info from netfulfilled.dat 2ms
2018-04-14 12:18:39 Nodes with fulfilled requests: 0
2018-04-14 12:18:39 Read: Cleaning....
2018-04-14 12:18:39 Nodes with fulfilled requests: 0
2018-04-14 12:19:24 Failed to connect best blockmapBlockIndex.size() = 853297
2018-04-14 12:19:24 chainActive.Height() = 660227
2018-04-14 12:19:24 setExternalKeyPool.size() = 999
2018-04-14 12:19:24 setInternalKeyPool.size() = 0
2018-04-14 12:19:24 mapWallet.size() = 0
2018-04-14 12:19:24 mapAddressBook.size() = 1
2018-04-14 12:19:25 torcontrol thread start
2018-04-14 12:19:25 CMasternodeSync:rocessTick -- nTick 1 nRequestedMasternodeAssets 0 nRequestedMasternodeAttempt 0 nSyncProgress -0.250000
2018-04-14 12:19:26 init message: Cargando direcciones...
2018-04-14 12:19:26 Loaded 12708 addresses from peers.dat 299ms
2018-04-14 12:19:26 init message: Loading banlist...
2018-04-14 12:19:26 net thread start
2018-04-14 12:19:26 addcon thread start
2018-04-14 12:19:26 mnbcon thread start
2018-04-14 12:19:26 opencon thread start
2018-04-14 12:19:26 msghand thread start
2018-04-14 12:19:26 dnsseed thread start
2018-04-14 12:19:26 init message: Carga finalizada
2018-04-14 12:19:26 tor: Thread interrupt
2018-04-14 12:19:26 dnsseed thread exit
2018-04-14 12:19:26 mnbcon thread exit
2018-04-14 12:19:26 opencon thread exit
2018-04-14 12:19:26 torcontrol thread exit
2018-04-14 12:19:26 addcon thread exit
2018-04-14 12:19:26 net thread exit
2018-04-14 12:19:26 scheduler thread interrupt
2018-04-14 12:19:26 PrepareShutdown: In progress...
2018-04-14 12:19:26 msghand thread exit
2018-04-14 12:19:27 Verifying mncache.dat format...
2018-04-14 12:19:27 Loaded info from mncache.dat 1ms
2018-04-14 12:19:27 Masternodes: 0, peers who asked us for Masternode list: 0, peers we asked for Masternode list: 0, entries in Masternode list we asked for: 0, nDsqCount: 0
2018-04-14 12:19:27 Writing info to mncache.dat...
2018-04-14 12:19:27 Written info to mncache.dat 4ms
2018-04-14 12:19:27 Masternodes: 0, peers who asked us for Masternode list: 0, peers we asked for Masternode list: 0, entries in Masternode list we asked for: 0, nDsqCount: 0
2018-04-14 12:19:27 mncache.dat dump finished 6ms
2018-04-14 12:19:27 Verifying mnpayments.dat format...
2018-04-14 12:19:27 Loaded info from mnpayments.dat 1ms
2018-04-14 12:19:27 Votes: 0, Blocks: 0
2018-04-14 12:19:27 Writing info to mnpayments.dat...
2018-04-14 12:19:27 Written info to mnpayments.dat 3ms
2018-04-14 12:19:27 Votes: 0, Blocks: 0
2018-04-14 12:19:27 mnpayments.dat dump finished 6ms
2018-04-14 12:19:27 Verifying governance.dat format...
2018-04-14 12:19:27 Loaded info from governance.dat 19ms
2018-04-14 12:19:27 Governance Objects: 0 (Proposals: 0, Triggers: 0, Watchdogs: 0/0, Other: 0; Erased: 0), Votes: 0
2018-04-14 12:19:27 Writing info to governance.dat...
2018-04-14 12:19:27 Written info to governance.dat 5ms
2018-04-14 12:19:27 Governance Objects: 0 (Proposals: 0, Triggers: 0, Watchdogs: 0/0, Other: 0; Erased: 0), Votes: 0
2018-04-14 12:19:27 governance.dat dump finished 68ms
2018-04-14 12:19:27 Verifying netfulfilled.dat format...
2018-04-14 12:19:27 Loaded info from netfulfilled.dat 1ms
2018-04-14 12:19:27 Nodes with fulfilled requests: 0
2018-04-14 12:19:27 Writing info to netfulfilled.dat...
2018-04-14 12:19:27 Written info to netfulfilled.dat 4ms
2018-04-14 12:19:27 Nodes with fulfilled requests: 0
2018-04-14 12:19:27 netfulfilled.dat dump finished 7ms
2018-04-14 12:19:28 Shutdown: done
Last edited: