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  1. Izham Zubir

    DASH in Malaysia

    Currently i am using RocketPay to liquidate my Dash. Easy + low fee o_O
  2. Izham Zubir

    Error while send

    I quite did not understand. What do you mean by malformed actually?
  3. Izham Zubir

    Error while send

    Been 2-3 weeks having this error. But sometimes it is okay, sometimes return this error. I already create new wallet using the same seed, but still cannot send Dash to another address. Please refer the image below for the error details. Any fix for this? Update #1: - I've tried to change...
  4. Izham Zubir

    Error while send

    Sorry wrong section. Already moved to Electrum Wallet Support
  5. Izham Zubir

    Bitcore keep alive

    You can use tmux. And then start your bitcore. Try to exit the SSH and the bitcore will kept alive
  6. Izham Zubir

    Mask server IP & port using a domain

    Hello, I've been Google a lot about masking an IP & port a NodeJS application (Insight-api and insight-ui). I already succeed in installing bitcore, insight-ui, and the other modules. Currently using ipaddress:3301/insight/ to browse the block explorer. If using Apache, I can configure, but...
  7. Izham Zubir

    Bitcore keep alive

    I have been observing between keeping SSH active and using tmux. It seem using tmux is far better, been running almost 3 days without system down :D. Thanks a lot bro
  8. Izham Zubir

    Testnet Release: Dash Payment Processor / WooCommerce

    Thank you sir. I am able to get master public key for testnet right now :)
  9. Izham Zubir

    Electrum Dash Testnet

    Thank you for the answer. I think we have another easy way to get master public key by using this
  10. Izham Zubir

    Electrum Dash Testnet

    How to run electrum dash using testnet? As Dash Core, just run "path dash core" --testnet=1 to run testnet. I need to run testnet on electrum because I need to see Master Public Key to be used in dash-payment-processor.
  11. Izham Zubir

    Testnet Release: Dash Payment Processor / WooCommerce

    Hello, where can I find seed key (if not mistaken also called as master public key) for development like "tpub........"? For production, I am able to get "xpub......" by using Electrum Dash. Is it possible to get seed key from Dash Core? Because Dash Core can only generate hd seed and its look...
  12. Izham Zubir

    Failed to install processor

    At last I am able to run insight-ui and insight-api by referring to this All credited to Alex Werner
  13. Izham Zubir

    Bitcore keep alive

    Thank you for the suggestion. Currently I am trying to login the server using Putty in Windows and let the Putty & PC stay alive by having 30 seconds interval sending null packet in order to keep session alive.
  14. Izham Zubir

    Bitcore keep alive

    Currently I am running bitcore using "./bin/bitcore-node-dash start" using SSH. But after SSH session expired/ended, the bitcore seems shutting down by its own. My aim is to keep insight-api and insight-ui 24/7 accessible. My question is, how to prevent that? Is there any command to keep the...
  15. Izham Zubir

    Failed to install processor

    I've been following this guide to install bitcore-node-dash, everything seems good. But when I want to try install insight-ui-dash, bitcore-node-dash cannot install insight-ui-dash. I'm using Linux Ubuntu 17.10 x64.
  16. Izham Zubir

    Server Recommendation

    Hi I am currently survey for a server to install Dash Payment Processor. I would like to know whether which provider provides the best services in term of: Availability - 100% availability instead of 99.99% :p Mirror capability - If one down, have another backup Costing - By budget is around...
  17. Izham Zubir

    DASH in Malaysia

    Yea, jika ada exchanger di Malaysia lagi bagus. Mudah untuk keluarkan RM terus ke bank Malaysia.
  18. Izham Zubir

    Apa itu DASH

    Wahhhh asikkkk. Ketahuan ada post Indonesia :)
  19. Izham Zubir

    Failed to install processor

    Bitter truth to be told, I am still newbie in Node.js environment. My effort on having my own Dash Processor, I already hired 2 developers in Fiverr (Freelance service marketplace), but both having the same issue (Permission denied). Perhaps they are not professional enough? Haha joke on me :p
  20. Izham Zubir

    Failed to install processor

    Thank you @UdjinM6. We've been struggling over 1 week for that permission issue. Furthermore, I am not familiar with Node.js since I am writing using PHP/Java only :(