Bitcore keep alive

Izham Zubir

New member
Currently I am running bitcore using "./bin/bitcore-node-dash start" using SSH. But after SSH session expired/ended, the bitcore seems shutting down by its own. My aim is to keep insight-api and insight-ui 24/7 accessible.

My question is, how to prevent that? Is there any command to keep the process in background? Means execution of bitcore do not have to dependant to SSH.

What I have tried so far that not working:
1. pm2 start ./bin/bitcore-node-dash
2. forever start ./bin/bitcore-node-dash
Thank you for the suggestion. Currently I am trying to login the server using Putty in Windows and let the Putty & PC stay alive by having 30 seconds interval sending null packet in order to keep session alive.
Thank you for the suggestion. Currently I am trying to login the server using Putty in Windows and let the Putty & PC stay alive by having 30 seconds interval sending null packet in order to keep session alive.

Yes, that is definitely going to fail at some point (and you don't really want to require a 2nd computer to be online). The issue with that is due to the process running under your SSH session and ending when the session ends. The link I provided above (or any number of other related stackoverflow questions) explains how you can do this.
Yes, that is definitely going to fail at some point (and you don't really want to require a 2nd computer to be online). The issue with that is due to the process running under your SSH session and ending when the session ends. The link I provided above (or any number of other related stackoverflow questions) explains how you can do this.

I have been observing between keeping SSH active and using tmux. It seem using tmux is far better, been running almost 3 days without system down :D. Thanks a lot bro