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  1. rango

    Forward proposal funds to proposal owner

    Second 405 proposal payment has been forwarded to the proposal owner. e0bd8e8be26e44c85dbeb404a741ce37970c821e01b652e55ae147a78b2f53df
  2. rango


    @UdjinM6 The escrow agreement is negotiated before the proposal submission. So a signature of the final proposal hash would be a bit cumbersome. You could alternatively provide an individual escrow address to prospected proposal owner and additionally provide him with a signature of this...
  3. rango


    By the way, i could implement a green escrow checkmark on DC for proposals having a core escrow address as a payout address. Potential downside: proposals indicate that they negogiated escrow services with core, which did not do so by simply setting a escrow address as a payout address. Opinions?
  4. rango

    Forward proposal funds to proposal owner

    405 DASH have been forwarded to the proposal owner: bf15b47016e4ba6f4f60d21c96290525c625f34382b19adab31e8591e8ac655e 028c9f0b9b0110687961a4682f00ac3fad6e9f77c07856f458500bf80d49fab5
  5. rango

    Forward proposal funds to proposal owner

    Thank you guys!
  6. rango

    Forward proposal funds to proposal owner

    The proposal owner of entered his DashCentral donation address as the proposal payout address. So DashCentral received 405 DASH on its donation addresses. I am going to forward him the 405 DASH to the address used to pay the...
  7. rango - masternode monitoring and budget voting

    @3dificio Mail sending on DashCentral looks fine. Please try another email address.
  8. rango

    "Create a new proposal" not functioning properly?

    @Crypto Eric Are the dropdowns also unfunctional here: ? Please try another PC/Mac. I suppose there is some kind of security software on your PC disallowing a part of the proposal generator.
  9. rango - masternode monitoring and budget voting

    DashCentral moved to a faster server. The proposal generator has been updated to support 12.2 proposal submissions.
  10. rango

    Epoch issues when inserting a proposal

    @JZA @UdjinM6 The DashCentral proposal generator has been updated and is now compatible with 12.2
  11. rango - masternode monitoring and budget voting

    @jeffh Thanks, please retry. The correct header ist now returned.
  12. rango - masternode monitoring and budget voting

    We improved the following parts of DashCentral: 1. MNO badge: If you own at least one masternode and verified the ownership of the masternode within the section "My masternodes", a MNO badge will be displayed within the proposal discussion and shoutbox close to your username. You can also...
  13. rango

    Masternode Operators: Sentinel Hotfix (Action Required)

    The DashCentral issue related to this proposal has been resolved yesterday.
  14. rango

    Alt36 Proposal Issue & Resolution

    I'll add a frontend check to reject multisig address proposal submissions via DashCentral. Edit: Check implementation done!
  15. rango

    DashCentral -> DashLocal and under MNO control....

    1. Send a PM or an Email like everybody else. Nobody is able to catch up with all volatile mentions on Slack. 2. The general idea (put DC functionality on local servers) to avoid one central platform is fine, with exceptions. Comments and accounts and can't be easily distributed between local...
  16. rango - masternode monitoring and budget voting

    DashCentral has been enhanced to allow proposal ownership claim with the proposal payout address in addition the the fee address.
  17. rango

    Proposal Assistance - Dash Treasury - Claim of ownership

    DashCentral has been enhanced to allow proposal ownership claim with the proposal payout address in addition the the fee address.
  18. rango

    Pre-proposal: Dash conference - Venezuela

    DashCentral has been enhanced to allow proposal ownership claim with the proposal payout address in addition the the fee address. You should now be able to go ahead and claim your DashCentral proposal.
  19. rango

    Dashcentral Donation run ; )

    General DC donation address: XiXAoDXHYW2usA6totszVNGnd4QpsF2g5M Thank you guys!
  20. rango

    [Request for Improvement] Make troll-proof

    Thank you for your support guys. The system is ready to stop posts derived from non MNOs at any time. ATM i don’t see that the pain is large enough to justify that kind of action. Pushing out other opinions is always something that should be avoided. But i’ll add a flag that will allow...