Active member
Pre-Proposal updated please re-read and comment.
Masternode Owners are requesting a proposal from the Core Team, to create a flexible open source Masternode Admin Console for Masternode Owners, with at least the UX of DashCentral.
Background from the Forum:
Masternode Owners are requesting a proposal from the Core Team, to create a flexible open source Masternode Admin Console for Masternode Owners, with at least the UX of DashCentral.
- 55% of MNOs use DashCentral for the UI/UX
- DashCentral is centralized
- DashCentral is not open source
- It's difficult to get support and enhancements into DashCentral, as it's funded outside the proposal system by donations
- MNOs should own the proposal submission process
- MNO tools for accomplishing tasks (thinking taxes - @bituzer & @acidburn) are not audited and in some cases "one-off" scripts, which could leave MNOs exposed to vulnerabilities or added confusion regarding best practices.
- MNO could safely "disconnect" from the current "central" DashCentral server, without loosing the UX
- Open sourcing the Admin Console project in github would allow others to contribute, review, audit and enhance the tool.
- The Admin Console, might benefit from the new organizational structures the Core Team is setting up for legal reasons, as a separate project owned by MNOs
- Allow all MN installs (hosted or not) to use a common interface for:
- Voting
- Earnings
- Up-time Status
- Notifications
- Incidents
- Voting
- Allow for enhancements like:
- Tax reporting assistance
- Proposal submission process enhancements
- Proposal tracking enhancements
- Partial MN ownership voting
- HW wallet logins
- HW wallet starts
- ...
- Tax reporting assistance
- Masternode hosting providers could drop "home-brewed" admin consoles saving them time and money
- Unify Masternode Owner UI/UX support, while possibly increasing voting
Background from the Forum:
- I reached out to @rango with gratitude for his contributions, to see if keeping DashCentral was an option, while paying him for his current work effort and open sourcing the current code base. This seems like a dead end and not an option.
- I reached out to Masternode hosting providers to see if they wanted to build the Admin Console, as they likely host the majority of the nodes. This too seems like a dead end, as they, like I, lack the skilled resources to complete such a task.
- I originally suggested the Admin Console be installed on 'localhost' along side the MN service, but was concerned when the MN hosting providers didn't agree or disagree w/ this type of implementation making the idea undesirable. This design places the MNO to MN relationship w/ the Host, the whole Host and nothing but the Host.
- The forum agreed this proposal request should not slow the Evo implementation schedule, but should be considered, as the Dash architecture advances.
- MNOs responded in the forum most favorably to some type of DAPI Admin Console.
- The Admin Console design implementation will be base on the Core Team's expertise and MNO requirements.
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