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    How to mine
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    How to set auto backups in Windows Dash Core?

    I haven't tested this, but I think if you disable the warning using "Warn if PrivateSend is running out of keys" in Settings > Options > Wallet then it will just make the new keys and a new backup without asking you first. You can then use various third party backup options to monitor the wallet...
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    How to reduce Website loading speed?

    Check here:
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    Women In Blockchain Series, with Naomi Brockwell

    I love this idea, it's great how initiatives like this start from physical events like conferences rather than online. You should check out the #women-of-dash channel on Discord at, I'm sure you'll find a lot of interesting women for interviews there!
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    Spark Payments (formerly DashPay POS)

    Hi guys, I'd like to add this to the documentation on how to set up a POS system. Couple of questions: Using Uphold for fiat conversion should work with any POS solution (like Anypay) as well, right? @Orion can I use your guide in the documentation? Do you have a non-PDF source file you can...
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    Electrum DASH 2.4.1 cannot send

    That server should work. My installation also shows: port 50016 port 50002 Do you have any firewalls or port blockers in the way?
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    Contact With Dash developers

    Hi Saul! A good place to start learning about Dash code is the Developer Documentation: The user documentation also describes many important Dash principles, and almost all documents are available in Spanish as well! English:
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    Electrum DASH 2.4.1 cannot send

    Hi there! You should be able to export either your recovery seed or individual private keys from Electrum by going to Wallet -> Seed or Wallet -> Private Keys -> Export. You can then safely update Dash Electrum, or import the seed into another HD wallet like Dash for Android/iPhone. I'm not...
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    Anyone can help me uderstand how this works?

    Good question! It's not written very clearly, or the terminology we use has changed since the whitepaper was written. I think we would usually use the word "wallet" these days, but the whitepaper still uses "client". Basically, the process of starting a masternode requires two running...
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    Switching from Dash Core to Cold Storage

    If you move the Dash to another address, you will lose your place in line. You will need to issue another start command from the new address, which will put you at the back of the line. When you say "cold storage", it's not easy to start a masternode from e.g. a paper wallet. Best practice is...
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    Can't get dash from paper wallet into Jaxx

    My recommendation at this point would be to track down an older copy of the software (a Jaxx extension for Chrome?) that created those keys, and see if it will import the L/K format privkeys. If you install it and disconnect from the internet, you might be able to prevent it from auto-updating...
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    Can't get dash from paper wallet into Jaxx

    I thought I'd give this a try as well. I was unable to replicate your reported bug in both an older version of Jaxx (1.3.3), the latest version of Jaxx (1.3.18) and in Jaxx Liberty ( All versions returned private keys in the standard 52-character compressed WIF format, starting with X...
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    System wide Masternode Setup with Systemd auto (re)start RFC

    So I had a brief chat with @nmarley who recommended breaking this work up into a PPA to install Dash properly (using systemd and correct folders, etc.) on Debian-like systems, while using Docker images to simplify the steps and configuration required to perform a masternode installation. I'm not...
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    MasterNode w/ Ledger Nano S?

    Documentation on how to set up a masternode with hardware wallet is here:
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    How to Install Insight-api on Ubuntu 18.04

    Thanks @Antti Kaikkonen !! I have worked through this and confirmed the process works as advertised. I'd like to include this in the official documentation, since there are a few conflicting instructions floating around on the internet. Is there a way we can modify this so that it doesn't run...
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    What's Going on at Dash?

    This is something I've pointed out before as well. Delivering updates in image or PowerPoint formats makes them inaccessible to search engines, and difficult to quickly or legibly access on most mobile devices. Even PDF is borderline annoying. The content is TEXT and should be presented in an...
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    System wide Masternode Setup with Systemd auto (re)start RFC

    Thanks for this significant contribution! Since I have a much more limited understanding of Linux system architecture, I have asked @xkcd to post this here for more community input before we consider changing the docs. On the positive side, standardizing installation in this way would make...
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    Dash in your language: 2018 Translation Push!

    Hello Dash Community! We are now almost one month into the translation push, and I would like to provide the community with a progress update on the translation of Dash key products. In the past month we have completed training and onboarding for 11 translators, all sourced from within the...
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    Looking for Turkish translator - paid work

    Hello, Dash community in Turkey! We are currently looking for native Turkish speakers with an excellent understanding of English and Dash and/or blockchain technology to translate the following products into Turkish: Dash Core Dash iOS Dash Android Dash Website Dash Docs (partial) This work...
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    Who signs Dash releases and where is the PGP public key file?

    @UdjinM6 currently signs the SHA256SUMS.asc file to verify the integrity of the builds. His PGP public key fingerprints are available at You can verify the authenticity of the file using the following commands (for Linux, macOS should be similar if not identical)...