Who signs Dash releases and where is the PGP public key file?


I see a new wallet release on https://www.dash.org/wallets/ That page also offers a hash file SHA256SUMS.asc to verify the integrity of the releases. The hash file is signed in PGP. So far so good.

I'm using GPG Tools on a Mac and it complains:
"Verification FAILED: Signature can not be verified, because the corresponding public key is missing."

I spent the last 15 minutes looking for a signing policy and/or the proper key files and couldn't find any. So my questions:
  • Who is authorized to sign Dash releases?
  • What is the fingerprint of that person's public key? (The email address is not good enough, as it's trivial for anyone to generate a PGP key pair for any email address.)
  • Is there a policy document or a page where this info is easily accessible and any changes would be noticed?
@UdjinM6 currently signs the SHA256SUMS.asc file to verify the integrity of the builds. His PGP public key fingerprints are available at https://keybase.io/udjinm6

You can verify the authenticity of the file using the following commands (for Linux, macOS should be similar if not identical):

curl https://keybase.io/udjinm6/pgp_keys.asc | gpg --import
wget https://github.com/dashpay/dash/releases/download/v0.12.3.1/SHA256SUMS.asc
gpg --verify SHA256SUMS.asc

This procedure is documented at https://docs.dash.org/en/latest/masternodes/setup.html#option-2-manual-installation and possibly also in the release documentation on GitHub.
This information should be posted on the download pages or at least be linked to from there.
I have a related question:

Is it possible to compile from the source code to produce exactly the same file? This way multiple people could verify that the release isn't modified.