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  1. strophy

    Dash Core Group Q1 2019 Summary Call - 9 May 2019

    Masternode/community questions from April and May have been added to the list for the call, and will be posted as written transcripts after the call. Please keep posting any further questions you might have!
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    Voting with Dash, a quick guide for Dip003 Masternodes

    And on Dash Nexus: Go to My Profile > Masternodes > Add Masternode OR My Profile > Masternodes > Add Masternode > Menu > Change Voting Key and enter an encryption key (to encrypt your voting privkey) and the voting privkey.
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    v14.0 Testing

    Faucet has been refilled:
  4. strophy

    Debug nonsense

    Thanks for the thoughts! I have seen multiple videos of the eagerly awaited "upcoming Evolution wallets" and I from what I can tell, the user experience is constantly given primary consideration. Writing user stories is a major component of Agile development, so I am optimistic that this is the...
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    non-wallet or invalid address for a fresh address

    Can you provide more details of the steps you took? Can you run validateaddress on the addresses you are using to ensure they are in the wallet and valid?
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    Debug nonsense

    Haha, no worries, it's not the first time spellcheck has done that to me! In all fairness, Dash Core is designed as an enterprise backend tool. Most of the development that goes into dashd is for masternodes and runs at the protocol level - a full wallet is not a consumer-oriented product...
  7. strophy

    How to change MN payout logic from "0" to "%"

    You cannot change the operator payout percentage with an update transaction after the initial ProRegTx is done. You will need to create a new ProRegTx.
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    Debug nonsense

    You had a significant window during which you could have upgraded without reindexing, however DIP3 is now active and you will need to take an extra step and reindex at this point. Simply start Dash with the --reindex argument. e.g. Under Windows, change your shortcut to: "C:\Program...
  9. strophy

    Please update the Masternode setup documentation

    I thought you might get banned because of the downtime while switching the node, but if you just change the IP and operator privkey, you might be ok actually. Either way, you have the right approach now, let me know how it goes!
  10. strophy

    Please update the Masternode setup documentation

    The "latest" page is intended for consumption by users of testnet. I'm working with the hosting platform to prioritize "stable" over "latest", the reason "latest" pops up in Google is something that happened accidentally when they implemented XML sitemaps without thinking through actual use...
  11. strophy

    Please update the Masternode setup documentation

    Hi @masternube I am responsible for that documentation. Please use the stable documentation for the current version of Dash Core - latest should be considered beta and a work in progress. They will be synchronised and a version added to a branch each time Dash Core is released to keep an archive...
  12. strophy

    Attention Dash Masternode Owners: Please register with the Deterministic Masternode List now

    One option here is to import the owner privkey into the Dash Core wallet. Your masternodes will then appear in the list when filtered using "My masternodes only".
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    Attention Dash Masternode Owners: Please register with the Deterministic Masternode List now

    The deterministic masternode list has been running in the background since DIP3 activated. Spork 15 simply controls which list is valid for payment - the old list, or the new deterministic list. So masternodes have been being selected for payment on the DIP3 list for some weeks now, the only...
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    Attention Dash Masternode Owners: Please register with the Deterministic Masternode List now

    @masternube this is the difference between the "spork show" and "spork active" commands. The spork is set to activate at a specific block in the future, and therefore shows active because it is not set to 0 or some other invalid value.
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    Community Q&A - March 2019

    Each month, the ten most popular questions submitted by the Dash community at Dash Nation Discord are collected and sent to Dash Core Group for answers. The intention is to select important and well-thought out questions and filter out unpopular questions, questions that have already been...
  16. strophy

    is there a dash core signed?

    We are in the process of getting the necessary certificates to sign the binaries for Windows. The macOS binary is already signed.
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    Attention Dash Masternode Owners: Please register with the Deterministic Masternode List now

    Hi, can you provide more details? Did you register using DMT or what? It might be best to open a new thread here:
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    MN not showing in search

    @semajjames you should search using your protx txid or payout address in that list. @elbereth maybe we could make it possible to search by collateral address on that page as well? most people think of that as the "identifier" of their mn
  19. strophy

    Attention Dash Masternode Owners: Please register with the Deterministic Masternode List now

    @Curacao please feel free to contact us on Discord as well for realtime support