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  1. Cofresí

    DASH WILL NEVER BE SUCCESSFUL if it does not solve this Problem

    Here's some wisdom from pragmatic rural Russia: клин клином вышибают, meaning something like 'fight fire with fire', or 'only a diamond cuts a diamond', e.g eating ice-cream to get rid of your cold, or the best way to fight your sex addiction to maybe consider .... I'm half joking of course, but...
  2. Cofresí

    NEW MEMBERS: Welcome to Dash! Introduce yourself...

    So true, and methinks our humble opinion is shared by no less than the ever-evolving spirit of universal consciousness which, in an act of self-oblivion, dedicated to that very word the infinite self-imploding double torus which is our cosmos. Vibes of love are bound therewith, encapsulating...
  3. Cofresí

    Mysterium Network - A Decentralised VPN would be nice to see this dashified and in the Evolution market place ;)
  4. Cofresí

    New online store that accepts Dash

    down for me as well
  5. Cofresí

    Ideias Radicais - w/ Evan Duffield

    Nice interview! For people interested in economic/political theory: What Evan talks about in the end, reminds one of how new, disruptive ideas sometimes can fall asleep for many a winter without being much noticed, except in expert circles, only to reemerge and blossom with the right...
  6. Cofresí

    New website discussion

    here you go:
  7. Cofresí

    Dash in dominican republic?

    Welcome to the forum nffox007! Glad to see you and your question. Personally, I've been asking myself about the potential of cryptocurrency for the Dominican market for some time now, because I live here. Theoretically HUGE potential, like in all developing countries. The practical problems...
  8. Cofresí

    Bitcoins – die neue Währung der Prostitution (No Dash)

    Crypto should kill the pimp in the long run. Uber for prostitution anyone? Could be a catalyst for real world usage of DASH, just like Silk Road was for BTC. First step: tell all those escorts accepting BTC to better accept DASH as well. Because 5 years from now your then wife knows how to read...
  9. Cofresí

    I'm looking for a tough USB. Is IornKey Ok?

    I can only recommend IronKey. I got two D250 around 2008 and still use them for important stuff I don't want anybody ever to access (eg. cryptocoin savings). One backs up the other, just in case entropy happens and Dunedoo's signature get another entrance. Does it make sense to buy such...
  10. Cofresí

    Electrum Dark
  11. Cofresí

    Enhanced Darkcoin Wallet UI

    you just redefined the meaning of coloured coins (by adding rainbowed coins and unicornerd coins) Kind of pains me to think of the millions you lost by getting into dark instead of pump/dumping rainbow coin like a month ago. But maybe it is not too late? A lot of doge chics are bored of the...
  12. Cofresí

    Enhanced Darkcoin Wallet UI

    Smash! How can such a lovely head come up with such wicked tricks. Hedy inspires men the wrong way :what:
  13. Cofresí

    NEW MEMBERS: Welcome to Dash! Introduce yourself...

    Wrong question for a newbie avenger :) But if you offer a reasonable price, I'm in.
  14. Cofresí

    Enhanced Darkcoin Wallet UI

    Open the qt project file in Qt Creator and Edit > src/qt/forms > overviewpage.ui
  15. Cofresí

    Un-Thought Through Thoughts

    I imagine this to be possible as soon as there exists a liquid decentralised crypto exchange. Look at the counterparty protocol: An exchange that would (ab)use their protocol and add a wrapper parameter to the send command could use the existing...
  16. Cofresí

    Социальная сеть делится доходом с пользователями

    Спасибо! Btw: can someone please explain to Jaron Lanier, why DRK is the perfect catalyst to realise his ideas? He should mention Darkcoin everywhere, everytime and in every interview. I'd even pay him to do that LOL.
  17. Cofresí

    Electrum Dark

    err... akhavr just watch out that you get the same one on server and client. Mainnet addrtype is 76. Testnet is 111. Maybe you want to start with testnet. You see it here nicely on ccurl108 orignal darkcoin port of the server in utils/
  18. Cofresí


    Oh, shut up. You're the one and only drk-cheerleader and you know it. And isn't coins101 an inspiration? Multi-sig indeed + p2p. What's there to regulate anymore? The system regulates itself. I think I know now how to do it. Simpler than described before. Time to stop talking and deliver. Guess...
  19. Cofresí


    A p2p exchange doesn't have to be slow. You could solve discovery of A and B with a p2p network which includes each exchange wallet and where each exchange wallet knows what each other exchange wallet wants to trade by broadcasting its orders to everyone in the network. Or by using a trade...
  20. Cofresí


    Thanks so much for this nice uterus mandala that's perfect for my meditations. Will make my daily flights to the 胎蔵界 and the five wisdom kings so much easier. Just kidding. :wink: Unfortunately the devil dwells in the details... one thing which is not so clear to me in your representation is...