Electrum Dark

And were I can find testnet blockexplorer? Would like to make sure that #371a978075436de8cb36f0a1d77633554998944c93f80a7014c3a8730e9f0b8e made through to the faucet

Upd: http://test.explorer.darkcoin.fr/tx/371a978075436de8cb36f0a1d77633554998944c93f80a7014c3a8730e9f0b8e
Looks fine for me.

So, right now I'll push the changes to the repo and will declare electrum server and client ready for testnet.
Testnet tools: https://darkcointalk.org/threads/sticky-testnet-tools-resources.1768/
Where do we get it? I have a spare VPS doing nothing and want to perpetrate psychadelic mayhem upon the client.
Do you want a "prebuilt" archive? (to the extend possible with python)

In case you've missed, server is https://github.com/akhavr/electrum-drk-server and client is https://github.com/akhavr/electrum-drk
Thanks. A prebuilt archive might help idiots like me. :)

Installed whatever the client complained was missing ( sudo pip install pyasn1, sudo pip install pyasn1-modules, sudo pip install tlslite, then ran pyrcc4 icons.qrc -o gui/qt/icons_rc.py when told to) but it now gives me: 'ImportError: No module named qrcode'
Thanks. A prebuilt archive might help idiots like me. :)

For such multitaskers like me - please, create an issue for this?

Installed whatever the client complained was missing ( sudo pip install pyasn1, sudo pip install pyasn1-modules, sudo pip install tlslite, then ran pyrcc4 icons.qrc -o gui/qt/icons_rc.py when told to) but it now gives me: 'ImportError: No module named qrcode'


(.electrum-drk)akhavr@twist ~/src/electrum-drk $ pip list | grep qrco
qrcode (5.0.1)

Should be installed automatically via
pip install -r requirements.txt
... Ouch.. Got it. Please, create an issue too, so my ADD wont have a chance