NEW MEMBERS: Welcome to Dash! Introduce yourself...

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Hi all,

Nice to be here, I have been involved in the crypto space for a couple of years but my main focus is the end user experience. I really enjoy using different stores of value and transferring them to maintain a high agility and some redundancy when it comes to engaging in commerce.

I don't know how to program, but I do write from time to time. I am still mainly a bitcoin user simply because there are more ways as an end user that I can take advantage of it vs. the traditional monetary system.

I hope to be able to do the same with Dash in the future as it seems like the perfect thing to use for many of the the end user's needs... however, until we get more companies who will integrate it (or who will base their operations around it), bitcoin is still more useful in my daily life presently.

I want to be able to contribute somehow but I'm not sure in what way to go about it. I do plan on getting more into programming but I think my other skills may be of more use for quite some time.

Anyhow, I simply wanted to say hello:

'Hello!' :)
Morning, I might as well spam here no ?

I'm looking to get back in to crypto space after a two year break and Dash seems like the most interesting and *cough* stable place to do this atm. Unlike Molefish above, my writing skills where lost at birth but coding is a passion.

Back to lurking :p
Hello I am sam I am new in this forum
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EDIT by moderator: welcome, but no advertisement here please, link removed
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keep asking for specifics if needed - i know it is tricky to get started as all a bit overwhelming :rolleyes:

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I ´am nobody's child no religion to
Beast of no nation never joined the army, i am not a cop caller,quit school i was seventeen for a guitcha
don't put no tie around my neck i ll never wear a uniform i don't sleep in a coffin but that's where i ll rest in peace and i am a bad mother fucker i am interest in Dash coz you offer alternatves and i wanna have access to fair trade deal ...that s my goal here it is simple authentic and true ... i went bitcoin and sold back everything the only thing i dont regret is the profit i made but for so much stress trouble but i ain't gonna cry for my mama coz i never did i am nobody's child and tend to keep it that way ... evangelist preacher soul convertor i am not into that ... see what happen to coinbase now IRS don't wanna see these f...knocking at the door ... i am commin for Dash in peace ✌️ and expect nothin but the best when i invest it is for good business so time will tell if tou worth it. Bitcoin was an over all deception but shit have to deal whit it every day so let s play better for a sublim and suprime futur thanks for reading play to win can't afford to lose ...
I ´am nobody's child no religion to
Beast of no nation never joined the army, i am not a cop caller,quit school i was seventeen for a guitcha
don't put no tie around my neck i ll never wear a uniform i don't sleep in a coffin but that's where i ll rest in peace and i am a bad mother fucker i am interest in Dash coz you offer alternatves and i wanna have access to fair trade deal ...that s my goal here it is simple authentic and true ... i went bitcoin and sold back everything the only thing i dont regret is the profit i made but for so much stress trouble but i ain't gonna cry for my mama coz i never did i am nobody's child and tend to keep it that way ... evangelist preacher soul convertor i am not into that ... see what happen to coinbase now IRS don't wanna see these f...knocking at the door ... i am commin for Dash in peace ✌️ and expect nothin but the best when i invest it is for good business so time will tell if tou worth it. Bitcoin was an over all deception but shit have to deal whit it every day so let s play better for a sublim and suprime futur thanks for reading play to win can't afford to lose ...

speaking of .... ;) .... and welcome
Hello all

I am an early adopter in the cryptocurrency community. I began with bitcoin back when Satochi Nakamoto was still active on bitcointalk forums. I joined while mining on the CPU was not only viable but quite lucrative. Ran into some bad luck in my personal life though (family issues and such). Spent nearly all my BTC in the early community and got scammed in a couple of early ventures. I Learned some valuable lessons back then, but still feel that the opportunity of early adoption in cryptocurrency has a lot to offer. Dash is the best idea in the altcoin space I have seen so far; and so I look forward to participating in developing of new ideas and tools. I don't really code (need wetware upgrade), but I have some interesting ideas and can write 'quite goodfully'. :p Look forward to catching up with you guys in here an on the slack interface. :D

Regards Karmicads.

Just found this prosperous coin!

Isn't 'prosperous' just such a wonderful word? Not used nearly enough IMHO. It's simply prosperous. LOL

So true, and methinks our humble opinion is shared by no less than the ever-evolving spirit of universal consciousness which, in an act of self-oblivion, dedicated to that very word the infinite self-imploding double torus which is our cosmos. Vibes of love are bound therewith, encapsulating those very germinating fractal seeds of hope and happiness that drive crypto evolution. Tempestuous Shakespearean magicians and lords of karma alike conjure and dance to its tune. To follow it is to flow with the Tao, not unlike the DASH-DAO, self-adjusting its prosperity from within to without. A prosperous coin? Call it Prospero’s coin. LOL
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