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  1. AndyDark

    Opinion on DIP5-BlockchainUsernamePricingModel

    Because there's no integrated way to do that trustlessly because DNS is a separate protocol. In other words, I can create http://grandmasterdash.somedap.tld or even http://somedap.tld/grandmasterdash today and claim thats you. Then lets say BU are released and you register that exact name -...
  2. AndyDark

    Opinion on DIP5-BlockchainUsernamePricingModel

    For an A record to work it needs to be configured in a DNS name server, i.e. there'd need to be some 3rd party bridge between Dash protocol and DNS. If what you're implying is, is it possible to create subdomains per BU name on some domain then yes, e.g. andydark.somedap.tld, and that's one of...
  3. AndyDark

    Opinion on DIP5-BlockchainUsernamePricingModel

    I don't think increasing the minimum length to 6 would have negative effects at launch (even though I don't agree that shorter names have a higher intrinsic value and even if they do the Name market can resolve that). And if we up the minimum length to 6 it just means the shorter names are not...
  4. AndyDark

    Opinion on DIP5-BlockchainUsernamePricingModel

    For further information, I’ll post the bullet points on BU name requirements from a recent presentation I did internally. This is background info & design rationale on the public DIP 0005 content so it’s nothing new but might help provide more information: Blockchain User requirements...
  5. AndyDark

    Opinion on DIP5-BlockchainUsernamePricingModel

    Proposal: ID: 675c83fb78e06a0bea6af72cfd729df40ec083a1185af86fc86d87130cd27cb1 Hi GrandMasterDash, Regarding your proposal DIP 0005 Blockchain Users, as one of the DIP authors from Core I’ll give my opinion here so that the...
  6. AndyDark

    Evaluating the privacy of PrivateSend

    nice analysis!
  7. AndyDark

    What's Going on at Dash?

    Hi there, I'm assuming the new position of Chief Architect. This is because i'm probably the person who spends most of their time on protocol design; internally improvements to the protocol follow our DIP process and many different devs are involved so I don't get a special pass to push...
  8. AndyDark

    Pre-Proposal - Visual Identity

    agree. I remember we spent a day with Santi from O&M in London during the conference last year, and I was really impressed with him and O&M's interpretation of our mission and plans to develop our brand, and I know they have done huge amount of work for us since. You know when you meet...
  9. AndyDark

    Additional Network Layers and Governance v3

    Yep remember though that DashCentral is just a frontend to the governance system which is p2p itself. I guess there's not many alternative frontends because a) the gov system internals are pretty esoteric and b) DashCentral is a really good / usable site so high bar / lot of work to compete...
  10. AndyDark

    Additional Network Layers and Governance v3

    thanks - like some comments above, DashCentral is an app that reads governance data from fullnodes and provides UIs for writing governance data via fullnodes, i.e. it's not part of the Dash protocol. Likewise your proposed implementation isn't within the Dash protocol but a layer to make it...
  11. AndyDark

    Roadmap dates already innacurate?

    Hi @Stealth923 The dates we give out are estimates because it's pretty hard to know the future of any release cycle especially with rolling out onto a live P2P / Crypto based software. Right now we have 2 releases that are running late (DashCore 12.2 upgrade to 2MB blocks and Dash CoPay Wallet...
  12. AndyDark

    Alt36 Proposal Issue & Resolution

    hi there - yes this is currently an item in the 12.3 milestone in Trac (the Core dev PM system) to investigate the issue of paying multisig from Coinbase tx (which is currently disabled in the protocol)
  13. AndyDark

    Temporary disabling of InstandSend due to potential quorum exploit method

    Hi everyone, We'd like to inform you that with help from the community, we have discovered a potential exploit in the current InstantSend implementation which provides the chance for an attacker with 6 or more Masternodes to dominate an InstantSend quorum by brute forcing collateral transaction...
  14. AndyDark

    Dash Core Team Q2 2017 Summary Call

    •From oaxaca: Can somebody on the call explain the new, upcoming PrivateSend methodology? This has been posted already - the underlying mechanisms are the same (which provides the best balance of usability / privacy) but it's mainly the user experience and speed that is improved (e.g. by moving...
  15. AndyDark

    Introducing Dash Improvement Proposals, starting with 2MB Block implementation

    Hi everyone, I'm pleased to announce the publication of our first Dash Improvement Proposal, aka DIP, related to the initial scaling of the network to 2MB blocks that was agreed by a network vote last year: Modelled on the Bitcoin BIPs...
  16. AndyDark

    Will Dash Evloution be Shoppable?

    shoppable content would be on the merchant side. merchants can use DAPI to list products so they could pull the info out like that. but an API can't be shoppable..unless you have a different meaning. BTW welcome to Dash Forum and I never received any emails from you Andy
  17. AndyDark

    What is up with the CoPay wallet?

    no that's not really the case that we want non-technical masternode operators directly - if they're non technical they should employ someone to do it for them. the reason is a large part of the roadmap is changing Dash's composition so the P2P network (hosted on masternodes) becomes the...
  18. AndyDark

    What is up with the CoPay wallet?

    Yep this is exactly right. Going back to the Evo goals, it's a network where high-power nodes provide a decentralized API 'backend' to a mainstream userbase capable of 100s of millions of users - those user's aren't expected to use a fullnode so they need an easy to use DAPI wallet that's SPV...
  19. AndyDark

    How To Enable On-Chain Scaling - Evan Duffield

    wow deep question :D (lot of things to think about there) EDIT: short answer is yes but only if you can then redeem them for on-chain (actual) coins
  20. AndyDark

    How To Enable On-Chain Scaling - Evan Duffield

    Why is On-chain scaling better than off-chain ? Is it about security, prevent double spending, speed or what ? **Because off-chain tx are really unrelated to the currency and don't convey the benefits to users that the crypto is designed to deliver - Coinbase transfers between users are...