Recent content by DimitarCV

  1. DimitarCV

    ALL ABOUT DASH 2.0 Resource channel & Website for Latin American audiences *continuation*

    Hi Dash community ¡Two thumbs up for Todo sobre Dash! I like a lot to work in this project.
  2. DimitarCV

    proposals corruption in Venezuela inflating budgets

    Dear dash community I work with the Dash Caracas Team since the beginning and can testify DASHCCS and Dash Venezuela are a transparent, honest and serious organizations. Her project manager and team are working very hard to build a lot of opportunities for all the venezuelan people and convert...
  3. DimitarCV

    Pre-Proposal: Dash Youth Venezuela - Lectures about DASH in Schools and Universities of Caracas.

    ¡Congratulations for this good proposal! It is a amazing project. Venezuela and Latin America needs this kind of proposal: education about blockchain and cryptocurrencies need to be the first action. It will be good if you can continue in the future with more educational programs all around...
  4. DimitarCV

    Pre-Proposal: DASH Help - Venezuela (Customer Support Center)

    ¡Hello guys! ¡This is a wonderful and amazing proposal for Dash project! Congrats for this good idea. It is neccesary for venezuelan people in order to adopt more fast Dash in our economy, because Dash can be the solution for a lot of problems. I thing in the future this call center can support...
  5. DimitarCV

    ALL ABOUT DASH Resource channel for Latin American audience

    ¡Hello guys! Congratulatios for this good proposal for the spanish dash community in all Latin America. You have a very good concept, structure and philosophy around how to expose Dash to our community. We need this kind of projects in order to promote the massive adoption of Dash in our...
  6. DimitarCV

    need volunteers from Zimbabwe and Venezuela

    Hi! Thank you for this invitation. I can not sign Up, because after I put my phone number and press the Next button It can not go to the Next step. What can I do? Thank you!
  7. DimitarCV

    Dash MeetUp in Caracas-Venezuela

    Hi @algodon.franelas and @Jahlexis Tafari Lugo ! Thanks to you for your knowledge and support. It was a great meetup for all of us. More Dash experiences soon.
  8. DimitarCV

    DashForce Meetup & Presentation Program

    Hello, everybody. We just had our meetup in Caracas-Venezuela, there was 16 of us, 3 organizers and 13 participants. @Jahlexis Tafari Lugo explained what is blockchain, what is cryptocurrency and talk a little about minning. @algodon.franelas explained what is DASH and introduced...
  9. DimitarCV

    Dash MeetUp in Caracas-Venezuela

    Hello, everybody. We just had our meetup in Caracas-Venezuela, there was 16 of us, 3 organizers and 13 participants. @Jahlexis Tafari Lugo explained what is blockchain, what is cryptocurrency and talk a little about minning. @algodon.franelas explained what is DASH and introduced...
  10. DimitarCV

    DashForce Meetup & Presentation Program

    Hi! We are going to make a Dash MeetUp in Caracas-Venezuela. In this Dash Meetup (wildcard) we are goning to invite some friends to introduce them into Dash world (technology, concepts, mobile wallet, transactions, etc.), in order to bring to them the opportunities of this cryptocurrencie in...
  11. DimitarCV

    Dash MeetUp in Caracas-Venezuela

    Hi! We are going to make a Dash MeetUp in Caracas-Venezuela. In this Dash Meetup (wildcard) we are goning to invite some friends to introduce them into Dash world (technology, concepts, mobile wallet, transactions, etc.), in order to bring to them the opportunities of this cryptocurrencie in...
  12. DimitarCV

    DASH Caracas

    ¡Hola Eugenia! Los proyectos de Dash Caracas se están dando a conocer. buenas noticias para Dash en Venezuela. Este medio de comunicación es único en su tipo en el país y su respaldo comunicacional ayudará mucho al proyecto. Saludos y todo lo bueno
  13. DimitarCV


    ¡Hola Jahlexis! Excelente modelo de meetup. Te sigo en tus ideas y propuestas para seguir aprendiendo junto a ti. Saludos y todo lo bueno
  14. DimitarCV


    ¡Hola! Excelente traducción e iniciativa por parte de Dash. Hay mucho por hacer. Saludos y todo lo bueno
  15. DimitarCV

    DASH Caracas

    ¡Hola Dash Caracas! Excelente iniciativa. Activados desde Emprendimiento BitCo (eBitCo) para apoyarlos en todo lo que podamos y hacer proyectos en conjunto para expandir el uso de Dash en Venezuela. Saludos y todo lo bueno