proposals corruption in Venezuela inflating budgets

Dear dash community

I work with the Dash Caracas Team since the beginning and can testify DASHCCS and Dash Venezuela are a transparent, honest and serious organizations. Her project manager and team are working very hard to build a lot of opportunities for all the venezuelan people and convert Venezuela in the first Dash Nation, because Eugenia Alcalá and her team brought to us the blockchain philosophy of Dash and give for all the people in the country the posibility to enjoy, understant and study the new economic era with the use of the cryptocurrencies like Dash. The people in our country now can access to another economic mentality to afront the bad crisis wich we are suffering. A lot of new entrepreneurs and different kind of public who assits to the conferences now understant what is Dash and can understant how Dash can change their lives for better. A lot of new projects was borned like the communities around the country (Dash Maracay, Dash Maracaibo, Dash Los Teques, Dash San Antonio de Los Altos, Dash Táchira, Dash Guayana, etc.), the projects with financial support of the Dash Master Nodes, like Dash Help, Dash Youth Venezuela, Cryptolifex and the list go on. The conferences of DashCCS and all of the people who assist can prove that; only have to see the results in the social networks (Facebbok, Twitter, Instagram and Youtube). Within this conferences maybe most of the people in Venezuela never knew anything about Dash and maybe can`t give the incentive to make they proposals for Dash Master Nodes or even talk to other people about Dash through the meetups which take place in the different states of Venezuela every month.

The economic crisis in Venezuela is very bad and the inflation is one of the topics for this problem. This kind of inflation make the increase of the prices every week and is very difficult to have a stable prices in the market; much of the bussines have they budgets in dolars and changed it from one day to another. ¿How can you calculate the exact price of the services or the products? DashCCS and Dash Venezuela are making an enormous efforts to make every conference and they have to afront the problems of the inflation when they paid every service to bring the most quality to the public. Remember they are the face of Dash Digital Cash in Venezuela.

If some one have a problem with the budget or the payments for the services of DashCCS or Dash Venezuela and its transparency, can call or write to Eugenia Alcala through the contacts she brings to the community in her first comment.

I only see honesty, transparency and hard work to bring a new hope for Venezuela. Nothing more.

Any kind of negative comments need a serious proves. I suggested the members who have this comments demonstrate they are from DashCCS and discuss their discomfort with Eugenia Alcalá and her Dash team. This is a professional and mature attitude.

Have a nice day and best wishes for all the Dash community.
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Hi, @Leogriz my numbers wasn't wrong, I read very carefully the budget and the proposal approval, the total that she received was 146 dash for 2 events and if you divided in two as you say it gives 73 dash per month, the budget I posted represents 1 month because it was the same for the november and december event, you can verified it with a screenshot I will post of the proposal approval amount that is 146 divided in two payments, I'm also posting the link too.(I already said that the shirt was given to me at the first event and to my other work partners too).
with your explanation make this a lot darker, for me this means dashccs budgeted twice the money that was needed for the events and when someone ask for proves of your expenses you only give excuses. I want to mantain my anonymity for my security, so I'm not contacting anyone out of here, if you have everything ok is easy to prove it HER!

I take a screenshot of @Leogriz comment to not let it edit or erase the comment(you can see it down here) @tungfa @unchained

the link to check the total amount

Screenshot_2018-04-04-18-57-35 (1).png
I've just assumed there must be some 'fudging' of all proposals where proper verification will not be practical.
hola a todos, disculpen que escriba en español ya que no soy muy bueno redactando en ingles y puede que mi mensaje no sea entendido, pero tengo algunas dudas relacionado con lo que he leído, me parece que @luisfrat dio un argumento bastante solido, ya que se puede ver que ha recibido pagos mensuales cerca de la fecha de cada evento, así que por mi parte si demuestra que se se esta inflando el presupuesto en esa área. sin embargo me gustaría que @algodon.franelas colocara aquí cada presupuesto de cada evento ya que son difíciles de conseguir en el foro y que la empleada que tienes pueda demostrar por esta vía con facturas que si se pagaron dichos precios, ya que si me parecen un poco altos y con lo que pudimos ver antes me ponen bastante en duda, me pareció un poco evasiva tu respuesta, ya que nunca se hablo de que no se cumplieran los objetivos, el tema es de presupuestos y me parece que aclarar esto le agregaría mucho mas peso a lo que haces ya que evidenciarías que estas haciendo las cosas bien.
por otro lado tengo algunas dudas acerca del evento, ¿por que casi siempre van las mismas personas? ¿por que se prometieron 10 dolares y luego una recarga de 10 que no se cumplió? esto causo bastante disgusto en las personas en la cola, si era por la baja de los precios me parece que se debió haber dicho antes que serian 15 en total, ¿se perdió dinero?

Amigo te voy a responder en español y clarito y raspado como hablamos los venezolanos..... y cómo primero que todo deberías comunicarte con las oficinas de dash Ccs a pedir respuestas

Aquí (volvemos y lo repetimos ya que no lees inglés) nadie es jefe de nadie para q tú estés pidiendo sueldo! Si usted puede hacer las cosas mejor y más barato hechale bolas y hazlo.... pero no vengas a despretigiar el trabajo de un equipo (porq @algodon.franelas no es sólo ella ahí hay un poco de gente incluyendo a tus amigos) por dudas que tienes en el pago de 5$ de diferencia, sin nisiquiera entender un ajuste con bajadas de precios, que no das argumentos estructurados del problema, que no aportas soluciones, y que no manejas la ética de comunicarte con tu comunidad cara a cara y resolver tus dudas.

Así que te invito a que sumes y dejes de cagar lo que un poco de gente está haciendo por traer mejores oportunidades a profesionales que deciden construir aquí... te invito a que aportes tus ideas a cualquier comunidad o con cualquier proyecto que muestre tus números y obtenga un resultado comparable al de dash Ccs, que son los únicos números y verdaderos planteamientos al foro.
Allow me to post the google translate for rjjerez, because I think he makes a valuable contribution to the conversation:

Hello everyone My name is Richard Jerez I am an entrepreneur in Los Teques, Venezuela, with more than 15 years of experience. In these moments I organize to the community of dash Los teques. I follow very closely the events of dash caracas, as an entrepreneur and listener. With propriety, I can say that organizing events of such magnitude deserves strong applause. Since there are many variables together. Pretending to question such a noble project is really low and comes more from an internal collaborator. As we say here, the rags should be washed at home and not outdoors, because I do not treat that dissatisfaction internally, before installing it in a forum?

People think that in Venezuela the benefits of exchange control, when budgets are in dollars, but that was before, now services and products are charged more expensive than abroad, this is due to the problem of inflation, and does not know what is the currency exchanged Therefore, to meet an initial budget is quite complicated and in many cases even impossible, rather it is necessary to reconsider and adjust it.

There is no doubt that the objectives were achieved and that the funds were used well, asking for an invoice of what is spent is an insult, since we know that many services do not have support. Maybe it could affect the variation of the DASH price, since it was surely hired at a price in bolivars that at the time of payment had less availability. I think the most logical thing is to ignore and continue with this hard work. @ algodon.franelas we are with you!
I am looking at the comments in this thread; I think budget items cannot be evaluated as separate or particular items. Each item of the budget includes thousands of things that at first sight cannot be observed. Elements that sometimes cannot even be easily quantified.

The management is measured with the results, and all are visible.

Dash Maracay is an example of the effort made by Eugenia, ours community is being developed thanks to the support received by the entire Dash Venezuela team. Soon we will have our first big event, and everything aims to be an absolute success.

Eugenia is a creative person, who has designed an efficient marketing structure, under an innovative scheme that allows free access to information without discrimination.

Eugenia keeps going ... you have all our support
Gracias a @solarguy por la traducción. Ahora quiero responderle a @rjjerez

Primero que nada, quiero felicitarte por ser emprendedor y ser parte de la comunidad de Dash Los Teques y quiero aclarar que no estamos en contra de estos proyectos, apoyamos estos proyectos y queremos que sigan sucediendo. Sabemos que realizar un evento de tal magnitud no es una tarea fácil y que es necesaria de más de una persona para poder realizar este tipo de eventos, pero qué sucede? Hay ciertos detalles en los presupuestos, que se están pidiendo, que parecen no encajar y hemos dado evidencias de que hay fallas en los presupuestos.

Yo formo parte de Dash Caracas, por lo cual, todo lo que he leído de parte de @julia gonzalez , @alepiño y @luisfrat me parece totalmente acertado. ¿Por qué no se habla de esto directamente? Hay riesgos. Todos sabemos la crisis por la cual se está pasando en Venezuela y muchos de los involucrados necesitan de este trabajo actualmente, además últimamente han habido ciertos despidos de facilitadores que han ocurrido de manera injusta. Aparte, este es un espacio libre que fue creado para hablar, para comunicarse, presentar quejas y/o recomendaciones y que los masternodos también puedan formar parte y tomar acción, debido a que es gracias a ellos que se pueden llevar a cabo todos estos eventos, así que es necesario que ellos sepan lo que está ocurriendo.

Cuando ocurre este tipo de situaciones, es mejor hablar de números y dar evidencia de eso, eso es lo que se está haciendo, por ello es necesario que, como se habla de números, se presenten también facturas ya que conocemos que todos los servicios que han reclutado Dash Caracas, son servicios de trabajadores formales y cada uno de ellos entrega una factura y más en este tipo de eventos que, como usted dice, tienen tanta magnitud y todas las transacciones/pagos están registrados. Vivimos en una era digital en la cual todos los gastos,pagos,cobros se ven reflejados en un registro y sabiendo que cuentan con un contador, que fue mencionado anteriormente, esta persona esta consciente de que hay registros de todas las transacciones que se utilizan para poder calcular los balances.

La finalidad de todo esto es hallar la verdad, que se hagan los ajustes en el presupuesto para que todo el dinero, que los masternodos dan, sea utilizado y aprovechado de la mejor manera posible y de la forma más justa posible para que se continúen realizando estos eventos, ya que forman parte del desarrollo y le dan una oportunidad a nuestro país.


Thanks to @solarguy for the translation. Now I want to reply to @rjjerez

First of all, I want to congratulate you for being an entrepreneur and being part of the community of Dash Los Teques and I want to clarify that we are not against these projects, we support these projects and we want them to continue happening. We know that carrying out an event of such magnitude is not an easy task and that it's necessary more than one person to be able to carry out this type of event, but what's going on? There are certain details in the budgets, which are being asked for, that do not seem to fit and we have been giving evidence that there are flaws in the budgets.

I am part of Dash Caracas, for which, everything I have read from @julia gonzalez, @ alepiño and @luisfrat seems to me to be totally right. Why we don't talk about this directly? There are risks. We all know the crisis that is happening in Venezuela and many of the people involved (That are writing against Dash Ccs) need this work now, and lately there have been certain dismissals of facilitators that have happened unfairly. Besides, this is a free space that was created to talk, to communicate, present complaints and / or recommendations, solutions and so, that the masternodes can also take part and action, because it's thanks to them that all these events can be carried out , so it's necessary that they know what's happening.

When this type of situation occurs, it is better to talk about numbers and give evidence of that, that is what we have been doing and for this reason it's necessary that, as we are talking about numbers, invoices need to be also presented, since we know that all the services Dash Caracas have recruited are formal services and each one of them delivers an invoice (And more in this type of events that, as you say, have such magnitude). Also, we all know that the transactions / payments are registered. We live in a digital age in which all expenses, payments, collections, etc are reflected in a register and knowing that they have an accountant, who has been mentioned previously, this person is aware that there are records of all the transactions needed to calculate the balances.

The purpose of all this is to find the truth, to make the necessary adjustments in the budgets so that all the money, which the masternodes give, can be used in the best way and in the fairest way
possible to continue doing these events, since they are part of the development and they give our country an opportunity.

@tungfa @unchained
Amigo te voy a responder en español y clarito y raspado como hablamos los venezolanos..... y cómo primero que todo deberías comunicarte con las oficinas de dash Ccs a pedir respuestas

Aquí (volvemos y lo repetimos ya que no lees inglés) nadie es jefe de nadie para q tú estés pidiendo sueldo! Si usted puede hacer las cosas mejor y más barato hechale bolas y hazlo.... pero no vengas a despretigiar el trabajo de un equipo (porq @algodon.franelas no es sólo ella ahí hay un poco de gente incluyendo a tus amigos) por dudas que tienes en el pago de 5$ de diferencia, sin nisiquiera entender un ajuste con bajadas de precios, que no das argumentos estructurados del problema, que no aportas soluciones, y que no manejas la ética de comunicarte con tu comunidad cara a cara y resolver tus dudas.

Así que te invito a que sumes y dejes de cagar lo que un poco de gente está haciendo por traer mejores oportunidades a profesionales que deciden construir aquí... te invito a que aportes tus ideas a cualquier comunidad o con cualquier proyecto que muestre tus números y obtenga un resultado comparable al de dash Ccs, que son los únicos números y verdaderos planteamientos al foro.

Hola @pedro sandoval, en ningún momento dije que no entendiera ingles, solo que era muy malo redactando en ingles y que capaz mi mensaje no llegara, así que por eso escribí en español. Tu actitud agresiva hacia a mi da mucho que pensar, esto da una mala imagen de los involucrados en Dash Caracas, yo simplemente realice una serie de preguntas y acotaciones, ya que los argumentos de @luisfrat fueron buenos, poniendo en duda todo lo que pensaba de Dash Caracas y claramente le estas dando la razón tomando tu actitud pidiendo que todo se mantenga a puerta cerrada, no entiendo el misterio que hay con todo esto. En el caso de los presupuestos no los manejo, solo pude ver el que se coloco aquí, que a mi parecer si fue bastante excesivo, ya que estuve presente en ambos eventos de Dash Caracas y si pongo en duda el costo de todo lo que se maneja ahí.

No quería involucrarme directamente en esto, pero me diste las razones para ello, ya se porque estos jovenes están reclamando de abusos laborales y tienen miedo de presentar sus casos, parece que la srta. @julia gonzalez tiene razón.
revisando detalladamente pude ver lo siguiente con lo que recibí los días de los eventos el 17/11/2017 recibi 0.0238 y en el evento de diciembre 16/12/2017 me dieron 0.0122 y una recarga de 0.0123 dando un total ese dia de 0.0245, pueden comprobar que estas fechas que salen en el screenshot que mostrare si son los días de los eventos y puedo mandar mas pruebas de que estuve ahí si es necesario.

aquí realizare unos cálculos bien explicados para demostrar el excedente.

X=giveaways por persona noviembre=0.0238 Dash
Y=giveaways por persona diciembre=0.0122 Dash
Z=giveaways recarga por persona diciembre=0.0123 Dash
T=total evento diciembre(y+z)=0.0245 Dash
Q1=cantidad de participantes del evento de noviembre)=600 personas
Q2=cantidad de participantes del evento de diciembre)=600 personas
K=giveaways noviembre=19.33 Dash
L=giveaways diciembre=19.33 Dash
H=total giveaways dadas en noviembre=14.28 Dash
J=total giveaways dadas en diciembre=14.7 Dash
F=excedente de noviembre=5.05 Dash
V=excedente de diciembre=4.63 Dash
S=total excendente noviembre y diciembre=?

(x*Q1)=14.28 total giveaways noviembre(H)

(T*Q2)=14.7 total giveaway dieciembre(J)

(K-H)=5.05 excendente de noviembre(F)

(L-J)=4.63 excendente de diciembre(V)


S=9.68 Dash

como pueden ver, sobro dinero en otro lugar, así que sus argumentos no están siendo muy aclaratorios por esos es necesaria la demostración de todos los pagos y que se realizo con dicho excedente.

@JPGil disculpa la molestia, pero sera que podrías traducir este también, muchas gracias por hacerlo con el anterior!

@tungfa @unchained

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@alepiño amigo si se sintio ofendido pues lo lamento... la idea fue tratar de ser lo mas coloquial de un venezolano a otro.

Vuelvo y repito como ya te lo informe, si tu puedes hacer esos eventos que arrojen los mismos resultados, de la misma calidad y con un presupuesto menor te invito a que organices tu equipo de trabajo y pongas manos a la obra.... estamos a la orden ante cualquier ayuda que necesites.

de lo contrario calladito se ve mas bonito y colabora mas.
For our partner @pedro sandoval here is the translation of @alepiño 's message.

"Hi @pedro sandoval, I had never said that I didn't understand English, I said that I was very bad WRITING in English and that my message could not be understood, that's why I wrote in Spanish. Your aggressive attitude toward me gives a lot to think about, this gives a bad image of those involved in Dash Caracas. I just made a series of questions and comments, since the arguments of @luisfrat were really good, questioning everything I thought of Dash Caracas, and clearly you are giving the reason taking that attitude and demanding that everything should be kept behind closed doors. I don't understand the mystery that there is with all this. In the case of budgets, I do not manage them, I could only see the one that were placed here, which in my opinion were quite excessive, since I was present in both events and I still question the cost of everything that is handled there.

I didn't wanted to be directly involved in this, but you gave me the reasons for that, I now know why these young people are complaining about labor abuses and they are afraid to present their cases, it seems that Ms. @julia gonzalez is right.

Reviewing in detail what I could see here and following what I received the days of the events, the 11/17/2017 I received 0.0238 and in December 16/12/2017 they gave me 0.0122 and a recharge of 0.0123 that give us a total that day of 0.0245. You can check that these dates that appear in the screenshot that I will show, are the days of the events and I can send more proof that I was there if it's necessary.

Here I will perform some well-explained calculations to prove the surplus.

X=giveaways per person, November =0.0238 Dash
Y=giveaways per person, December =0.0122 Dash
Z=giveaways recharge per person December =0.0123 Dash
T=total event December(y+z)=0.0245 Dash
Q1= number of participants of the November event)=600 personas
Q2= number of participants of the December event)=600 personas
K=giveaways November=19.33 Dash
L=giveaways December =19.33 Dash
H=total giveaways given in November=14.28 Dash
J=total giveaways given in December =14.7 Dash
F=Surplus of November=5.05 Dash
V=Surplus of December=4.63 Dash
S=total surplus November and December=?

(x*Q1)=14.28 total giveaways November(H)

(T*Q2)=14.7 total giveaway December(J)

(K-H)=5.05 Surplus of November(F)

(L-J)=4.63 Surplus of December(V)


S=9.68 Dash

As you can see, there was money left over in another place, so their arguments are not being very clarifying, for these reasons it's necessary to show all the payments and what was done with that surplus. "

@tungfa @unchained
@JPGil @alepiño yo no trabajo con Dash CCS (eso si muestra sus verdaderas intenciones de perjudicar al equipo de trabajo asumiendo cosas)
I dont work whit DASH CSS (that realy shows you guys intentions of jeopardise the team work made by DASH CCS asuming things that are not true)

far form that, i got to know dash part thanks to that
Primero, usted tomó una actitud agresiva ante los comentarios anteriormente realizados, defendiendo la posición de Dash y dando una gran cantidad de argumentos que dan a pensar como si conociera toda la logística y el equipo de Dash muy bien, ahora vemos que está dando argumentos que no tienen base ya que no maneja la información como alguien que si está trabajando en Dash.

Segundo, yo si trabajo con Dash y lo que hice fue traducir el comentario de @alepiño (Persona que no escribe en inglés pero claramente si lee y que no trabaja en Dash como él mismo mencionó) que usted agredió sin justificación alguna. No buscamos agredir a nadie, ni que alguien se ponga a la defensiva, las evidencias hablan por sí solas y claramente también ponen en duda el uso del dinero que piden y queda sobrando de los presupuestos.

Para concluir, nosotros no queremos perjudicar a nadie, lo que se busca es dar evidencias concisas,aclarar y que los masternodos o el mismo equipo de dash, rectifiquen y tomen las respectivas acciones para lo que está sucediendo, de tal forma tanto el equipo de Dash, como los emprendedores y las personas que asisten a los eventos, se verán beneficiados de una mejor manera.

@pedro sandoval
@tungfa @unchained

First, you took an aggressive attitude to the comments made previously, defending Dash's position and giving a lot of arguments that make us think as if you knew all the logistics and the Dash team very well, now we see that you are giving arguments that They have no basis since they don't handle the information as someone who is working in Dash.

Second, I work with Dash and what I did was translate the comment of @alepiño (Person who does not write in English but clearly he reads , and does not work in Dash as he himself mentioned) that you assaulted without any justification. We do not seek to assault anyone, or make someone get on a defensive attitude, the evidence speaks for itself and clearly also make us question the use of money they ask for and the left over from the budgets.

To conclude, we do not want to harm anyone, what we are trying to do is to provide concise evidence, clarify and that the masternodes, or the same Dash team, rectify and take the respective actions for what is happening, so in that way the team of Dash, the entrepreneurs and the people attending to the events, will get benefits in a better way.
I'm a little impressed with the subject, our team we worked a few months ago, inspired by the great work that Eugenia Alcalá does with her team and we delivered 100% without receiving anything in return, motivated by an exciting task that represents for us the construction of a Dash Nation.
See that you will receive a petty attack without taking into account that you have been frontal and honest, Eugenia shows her face to the responsibility, the people of her staff have a face and is accused of committing anonymity, it is a deliberately destructive act.
Days of dedication, the work we do during weeks and events of this magnitude, in addition all the meetings and the preparatory meetings of these events in the main event among other commitments with the task, the results that can be quantified ten complain. Eugenia @algodon.franelas and that team that are 100% dedicated one month for this event that is seen in a day.
Go the support of a community that grows thanks to that dream that you inject us @algodon.franelas .
My name is Alexis Lugo. I am the IT Coordinator since the beggining of Dash Caracas and now Dash Venezuela.

Every event that we make has his own technical issues, every event we grow about 30-45% attendees so the technical deploy is very difficult and differnt in each case.

We are working with to provide, not just a simply internet conection, but a complete wifi Infrastructure to ensure a real good experience. Concern to the connections of the attendees to wifi, is totally warranty, the access to the team is completly warranty to each and everyone of the members including the innovation team (juniors).

If you need yo see any info or stadistic about that please write me to [email protected] and i Will help you in anything you need.

Now, concern to the rest of this thread, i see a loop since a few day, because only asking about proof of something that is totally public, here in the forum, in Dash Central, in Discord, etc... Dash Venezuela is a transparent organization that offers many ways to growth into the blockchain ecosystem , showing a world of opportunities to many people not only for the team, but to everyone how wants to know how to to improve their economy. I speak for my self, because throw Dash I met a lot of people who just want to improve and help others. I work in several amazing Dash Project: All About Dash, CryptoLifeX, Dash Español, Criptoneros, Dash translators, and all thanks to that through Dash Venezuela I met this great community that only seeks to improve every day ...

I invite you to come and talk with us directly, nothing will happen to you, as to write in this forum that your identity is hidden "because you are afraid for your safety". We are nothing of what you think, and as a proof we have the entire community that supports us for the transparency that we have always carried.

Jahlexis Lugo
Coordinador Atención Técnica


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Hi all again, @pedro sandoval what @JPGil said is really true we aren't here to fight and to impose our point of view, we want everyone to see, that there are some inconsistencies in the budgets, with this we want everyone to take their conclusions and correct explanation of Dash Ccs, cause are the only ones that can clarfiy this.
I not see the big problem of publicly showing how the money was spent, because Dash Caracas is not a private entity that needs to hide their accounts from the competition, Dash Caracas is actually a channel to propagate Dash as we know "the best cryptocurrency", opening their accounts to everyone would be a possitive effect because similar projects could be compared and become more efficient, on the other hand it is more attractive for an investor to know that trasury money is well used, wich gives them greater assurance that Dash can win value.

I'm going to try to explain again the budget inconsistencies that i found and @alepiño , because it seems all get mixed, I used a budget from november and december to make it easier to spot, because in that months internet connection wasn't provided by a satellital provider and Dash prices wasn't falling too(it reached its highest prices in history in those 2 months), I posted my payments from november and december taked in a screenshot in wich you can crearly see she paid to me and my staff partners half of what she budgeted(I mentioned that I received the T shirt at the first event same as my partners, wich is the same used in all the events), I calculated this with the Dash price she estimated at the budget, if you calculate it with the Dash price of the date of november event looks worse(over the 400$) and worser with the price of the december event date(over 1000$). I didn't look at the giveaways because I didn't assist as a listener, but @alepiño shows the amounts of the giveaways with a screenshot of his wallet and make a calculation with the amount of participants to let us know the excedents in the budgets that doesn't seems to be used for making something bigger or better.

@JGCMiner @unchained @tungfa
Hi all again, @pedro sandoval what @JPGil said is really true we aren't here to fight and to impose our point of view, we want everyone to see, that there are some inconsistencies in the budgets, with this we want everyone to take their conclusions and correct explanation of Dash Ccs, cause are the only ones that can clarfiy this.
I not see the big problem of publicly showing how the money was spent, because Dash Caracas is not a private entity that needs to hide their accounts from the competition, Dash Caracas is actually a channel to propagate Dash as we know "the best cryptocurrency", opening their accounts to everyone would be a possitive effect because similar projects could be compared and become more efficient, on the other hand it is more attractive for an investor to know that trasury money is well used, wich gives them greater assurance that Dash can win value.

I'm going to try to explain again the budget inconsistencies that i found and @alepiño , because it seems all get mixed, I used a budget from november and december to make it easier to spot, because in that months internet connection wasn't provided by a satellital provider and Dash prices wasn't falling too(it reached its highest prices in history in those 2 months), I posted my payments from november and december taked in a screenshot in wich you can crearly see she paid to me and my staff partners half of what she budgeted(I mentioned that I received the T shirt at the first event same as my partners, wich is the same used in all the events), I calculated this with the Dash price she estimated at the budget, if you calculate it with the Dash price of the date of november event looks worse(over the 400$) and worser with the price of the december event date(over 1000$). I didn't look at the giveaways because I didn't assist as a listener, but @alepiño shows the amounts of the giveaways with a screenshot of his wallet and make a calculation with the amount of participants to let us know the excedents in the budgets that doesn't seems to be used for making something bigger or better.

@JGCMiner @unchained @tungfa

I would recommend you to make a detailed report of the irregularities you have noticed. I believe this space is for hearing each other and solve our differences we cannot bury the things we don't like. people should not forget the essence of crypto (FREEDOM) and freedom of speech is a very important one. Personally I've met Eugenia and I like how she get the things done. Dash Proposal Budgets shouldn't be stiffs due volatility. Stiffs should be the targets we propose unless said otherwise. What I've seen is that @algodon.franelas fulfill her promises.
Estamos aqui para aportar como equipo y comunidad global de DASH y dash venezuela vengo a presentarme oficialmente para trabajar en el equipo de dash, sabemos que los presupuestos en Venezuela funcionan en otras realidades y la idea es fortalecer al equipo global y que la moneda crezca, tenemos proyectos para llegar a cientos de miles de personas y tenemos los equipos para hacerlo, queremos apoyarlos y que nos apoyen para hacer de Venezuela el primer pais en usar dash por completo y expandirlo a américa entera.

Tenemos una empresa y aliados de la universidad, podemos colaborar para crecer, aquí está mi presentación, soy de VENEZUELA

We are here to provide the team and the global community of DASH and dash venezuela I come to officially introduce myself to work in the dash team, we know that the budgets in Venezuela work in other realities and the idea is to strengthen the global team and that the currency grow , We have projects to reach hundreds of kilometers of people and we have teams to do it, we want to support them and help us to Venezuela. The first book to use dash completely and expand it to America.
We have a company and allies of the university, we can collaborate to grow, here is my presentation, I'm from VENEZUELA