Just a thought, have you consider school and universities Dash adoption in your lectures?Hello @andrade92 , thanks for your support!
Just a thought, have you consider school and universities Dash adoption in your lectures?Hello @andrade92 , thanks for your support!
Just a thought, have you consider school and universities Dash adoption in your lectures?
Hello DASH Youth Venezuela!
Excellent proposal. Young people are an important target for DASH Community, they will be the future generation and will help Dash expanding not only in Venezuela but also throughout the world.
Keep going with this amazing work!
In the Crypto movement, you only have two target Youth thus high school and college students or Older generation.
I love the target, Building the youth means building Dash future as they serve for the future.
Go get it done!
Dash-hub Africa
this proposal is very good! many young people in venezuela are looking for how to start a business in the country and dash can provide an incredible opportunity to achieve their goals.
As COO and founder of the AraTechnology team, I offer our help for any event you are going to do!
Ronald Arreaza
Awesome stuff guys! You know this already but you have total support from Dash Help Venezuela.
And anything I could personally help you with as well, you can count on me, lets make a difference !
Dash Help Venezuela
Me parece excelente su propuesta. Tengo muchos compañeros de clase interesados en aprender sobre criptomonedas, blockchain y en especial sobre Dash.
Me gustaría verlos pronto visitando La Casa que Vence la Sombra, nuestra insigne UCV.
¡Congratulations for this good proposal! It is a amazing project. Venezuela and Latin America needs this kind of proposal: education about blockchain and cryptocurrencies need to be the first action. It will be good if you can continue in the future with more educational programs all around Venezuela in other schools and universities, open Youtube channel and some virtual classroom in order to create an extensive educational program, like a dash school in Venezuela with a lot of sources to educate a lot of people about blockchain, cryptocurrencies and special Dash. You can think to create a educational programs to educate a new genaration of people in Latin America interested in this economic revolution. If you need help contact me, It will be a pleasure work with you and support this fantastic project. ¡Good luck and best wishes!
Hello Eugenia!!Hello, everyone!
Congrats @Santos Bermúdez Ruiz and team on your beautiful pre-proposal...
This team knows what they want and how to achieve it, and they have a good understanding of DASH functioning and how to communicate it to the younger people.
I am quite excited about this proposal, and they should have all the support they need from the DASH Venezuela team:
I hope all MNOs read this pre-proposal and give them your suggestions and comments.
Saludos a todos![]()
Hi Carlos!!I liked the way you present your initiative, it is fresh and creative. In addition, it is full of important content. I agree with the idea that young people are an important public to achieve the massive adoption of DASH in Venezuela and around the world. You have all my support and the team of DASH Guayana in whatever you need. Greetings.