11.2 - Dash Release

But if it's any consolation... Anyone that's been in this business for awhile will tell you that they have fallen victim to a scam or two along the way. There's just too many untrustworthy and dishonest people in this industry.
Hey...everything is online and working fine right now! ;)
I'm pleased to see you haven't demanded welfare from "the community." I got burned a few times in the beginning of BTC. Giving up your responsibilities to someone else to handle for you always comes at a price... I'm still burning dinos cuz Elon won't publish a service manual and keeps promoting "the car will think for you, let big brother take care of it."

I almost made an i2p drk online wallet. But, with so much hate, the fact that I'm probably the most trustworthy person in crypto wouldn't really matter... Ad Hominem investors always win, lols.
That script was for unencrypted wallet only unfortunately...
Encryption can cut both ways if you don't think about it... I never encrypt my active wallet. I understand why it's possible, and by itself, it's better than nothing. But, if one takes other common-sense security measures, having the door open for data recovery is more appealing... Been there, done that.

I plays into the previous post... Don't hand off your security responsibilities to others. It'll bite you. It's not a matter of if, but when.
The outage due to enforcement is showing an impact on the exchanges... Not a good thing to have negative press so early in a rebranded currency. I hope the devs figure this one out quick and can do some damage control by providing a good summary of the issues and assurance the problem is resolved. A nearly 6 hour outage for a coin with a $22 million dollar market cap is not good PR.
I mostly agree with you... Though I still hold that $22 Mil cap is peanuts,
I was working on setting up a masternode just before the outage. After the blockchain started up again I sent a transaction with instantx to the masternode wallet. It got stuck. A second after it sent it said offline on the side of the transaction. I tried the -rescan and it never rebroadcast the transaction. Don't know if this has something to do with blockchain issue today.

I was able to get it going by getrawtransaction <transaction id> and sendrawtransaction <raw transaction>. Whew! 2 things I learned.
1. Don't include the -000 on the end of the transaction ID.
2. The windows wallet can output the full raw transaction, but can't send it due to an input character limit. Luckily the Linux version does not have a limit.
The transaction had 56,212 characters.
Is there anyway we can allow additional characters in the debug console in the windows wallet?
What about programming the masternode themselves to constantly monitor the system for potential issues? I think there needs to be real time automated system checking of all facets of the coin and system... And we have 2000 masternodes that could provide redundant system monitoring.... Thoughts? It would be cool if an issue arises... They can self repair the system too., maybe? We are going to need some fault tolerance built in.
How about we allow the masternodes to vote on ignoring the reference node and a few other things that may come up? Then if the blockchain gets stuck again, a temporary change for x hours with x% approval could be implemented.
How about we allow the masternodes to vote on ignoring the reference node and a few other things that may come up? Then if the blockchain gets stuck again, a temporary change for x hours with x% approval could be implemented.
That's actually an interesting idea for using the voting system although it's simply a yes or no vote right now with no context as to what the votes are for. Not sure how you would specify what you are voting on, but interesting nonetheless.
That's actually an interesting idea for using the voting system although it's simply a yes or no vote right now with no context as to what the votes are for. Not sure how you would specify what you are voting on, but interesting nonetheless.
If it is storing 3 letters just call it IRN for ignore reference node or ARN for activate reference note.
Last night during the freeze I noticed that the masternode winnerslist was up to 246500 while the blockchain itself was stuck at 246490. Now it seems the blockchain is recent but the winnerslist is still 10 blocks ahead. Is this normal?

./dashd masternode winners
"246655" : "XhW3qSWia8nmtjR2Pp99gTCpARo5sbkRnU",
"246656" : "XxSQss43m2QPNcWZTRvQ4b1AGhL3RzMvTA",
"246657" : "XfGYaY9kayrkiV5eof2sG8Pwe1B8wuuKNA",
"246658" : "XrT6H8c1mgBDBhCjTkkNFexsKKFEMfeKSr",
"246659" : "XmB38rP2fd5em2qE5FCb3ZpwRVMJhuN86n",
"246660" : "XebTEXFVS7AjgCdDPrEEFRmXuQpcjVQhZ2",
"246661" : "XkuazzrFTobuHPficBR93Ae3TJiNhLjChw",
"246662" : "XwdXSnjtgXrtFrhgqAmRDtbV3rgdbyDGvP",
"246663" : "Xr9AsfGGJGyaPCv8zcgUzvAwAPdR8WRQeX",
"246664" : "XugXwv1LUGnwvtgpqM2TfcGyj6s4U8UhND",
"246665" : "XpgVBthiwJPdCXyPND9iXAbfbQNoEZ35BQ",
"246666" : "XwrMM7oFHKzP4vRTJvCGuss5zEEPo8or6M",
"246667" : "XdRn4jZJiKnHxVrkUgkWLzY3izF6cvVGR8",
"246668" : "XxvjCo2d6eUQ2Je5sBdUUUADyGWone6VQR",
"246669" : "XcpV61FTZdFoLQoLSHHQ4VMRMo1RiYumBc",
"246670" : "XyRzfcdK94NmvYsRPQisNdjzpmuDstqooW",
"246671" : "XqLLgCt52pvtncmdqiFmsVgSLWREwYqhNq",
"246672" : "Xn2LY3xDTdgbkUqQy3crVg2zaz3g31ozCc",
"246673" : "XiYd88F159s4J6KmSnuhavCKQDsWMceDkt",
"246674" : "Xh6j1XJsQ8QD348XRkrTqDwWZZuRWJq1KV",
"246675" : "Xia6XNExvdnANdhQGafE5poTdVNP6sQwZ5",
"246676" : "",

and blockchain:

./dashd getinfo
"version" : 110217,
"protocolversion" : 70075,
"walletversion" : 61000,
"balance" : 0.00000000,
"darksend_balance" : 0.00000000,
"blocks" : 246665,


2015-04-04 07:48:29 mnw - winning vote - Vin CTxIn(COutPoint(dba04704cda5194b98caeddee59a3fcd421c9b43085197213b601da93a1faed8, 0), scriptSig=) Addr XjsxYkKTqDcJbYtc6m448gG49ckpNGTRus Height 246681 bestHeight 246671

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Let's acknowledge a few things:

1. Evan has full central power over DASH. He is even able to stop the whole network using the reference node and the spork. That does not feel good, but if we want to move with high development pace (and we all want that), it's required. So as long as this code is not been removed (and i suppose it will be there for 1 year at least), if we put money into DASH, we put money on Evan. He is highly motivated by a) the altruistic idea to create a new private payment system for the whole world b) a big bag of his own DASH. That's why i fully trust him.

2. We are low on core developers. We have Evan and Udjin actually doing C code for DASH (see github commits). Since 2 core developers left, both have to work their butt of, to get things done (development & forum communication). That's not a nice situation slowing us down. The course has been correctly set with masternode donations to pay additional developers. So we will get out of the dirt here soon, freeing up time for Evan and Udjin.

3. Without masternode blinding, we are not fully anonymous. If we claim to provide anonymous transactions, we have to be sure that darksend transactions are anonymous now (they are) and also (more important) in the future. With masternode blinding, we can acknowledge, they will be anonymous also in the future (when some companies will setup software to analyze DRK blockchain). Current darksend transactions might be traced in the future. So if we want to do fully anonymous transactions, it might be a good idea to start mixing after masternode blinding has been put live.

4. 5 hours downtime of the whole DASH payment network is unacceptable. Evan is the only one to resolve these kind of issues. So he should setup a monitoring script sending him push notifications, if network is stuck with one block. If thats too much work, he should provide his mobile to 2-3 community members he trust in, to ring him up in the night. Things will get better, when there are more core developers. But for now, it's the only "ugly" solution to to limit the bad impact of these kind of issues in the future.

Let's push our DASH baby forward guys!
2. We are low on core developers. We have Evan and Udjin actually doing C code for DASH (see github commits). Since 2 core developers left, both have to work their butt of, to get things done (development & forum communication). That's not a nice situation slowing us down. The course has been correctly set with masternode donations to pay additional developers. So we will get out of the dirt here soon, freeing up time for Evan and Udjin.

Out of curiosity: Who was the second one that left? I only know of vertoe
Let's acknowledge a few things:
2. We are low on core developers. We have Evan and Udjin actually doing C code for DASH (see github commits). Since 2 core developers left, both have to work their butt of, to get things done (development & forum communication). That's not a nice situation slowing us down. The course has been correctly set with masternode donations to pay additional developers. So we will get out of the dirt here soon, freeing up time for Evan and Udjin.

Whilst I 100% agree with your posting it's worth to be mentioned that:

a) 2 full time developers is more than almost every crypto-currency ever had
b) we have 3 because I consider flare as a regular core developer as well. Even when he doesn't show up in the Github statistics as much as Evan and Udjin do, this guy does a ton of VERY valuable stuff. And, as you guys over in the US of A would say, he knows his shit :grin:
Whilst I 100% agree with your posting it's worth to be mentioned that:

a) 2 full time developers is more than almost every crypto-currency ever had
b) we have 3 because I consider flare as a regular core developer as well. Even when he doesn't show up in the Github statistics as much as Evan and Udjin do, this guy does a ton of VERY valuable stuff. And, as you guys over in the US of A would say, he knows his shit :grin:
Yes please, i am still on board. I've been a bit silent the past weeks, but i'll get back in full effect soon!
After updating to 0.11.2.xx its almost 6 days without payment. Should i get worried? All green on dashninja.

Delete all files except dash.conf?


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