Well, more newbie stuff from the likes of me... Does it even belong here ?
Coinbase is now telling me they are GDAX and will support direct fiat swap for ETH.
From where I sit, this is same topic as underway here.
How do we get GDAX to support direct fiat ramp for DASH ?
A founder of Coinbase/GDAX has just come out Very strong on ETH in this presentation :
It's a strong synapsis ! And sales pitch. Fred is a heck of a writer !
Question.... Is it all true/factual... ?
How do we get this fellow to work with us in the DASH community ?
Perhaps all this IS a cult of personality...
Fred says BTC has none, and limitations along with contention...
He speaks highly of Vitalik, in all ways... (which I don't necessarily see.)
I've watched Andreas, here and there, and he makes excellent presentations.
I have come to DASH from Amanda J, who would definitely fit the picture of 'cult of personality' !
Especially when she was able to back it up.
ED also inspires confidence when he speaks, IMO, much more than the V man.
How to make the judgement call ?
It's a dissappointment for me to be required to exchange my fiat for BTC before paying a fee, again, to enter DASH.
This very much needs to be rectified, at the most reasonable rate.
Will market cap control it all, in the end ? Fred does mention that...
If ETH is Bill's money, there's no way I, or possibly even we, can compete with that on anything resembling a level playing field.
I won't make apologies for newbie stuff... yet we should not have to shapeshift into or out of DASH to make use of it.
It's my hope that ED's vision includes all this.