X11 Possible Nonce Vulnerability...


New member
verters com slash blockcheck

tl;dr - it seems that 90% or more of blocks have a nonce value divisible by 256. Can this be confirmed? If so, it essentially means that only mining nonce values divisible by 256 will yield a far greater chance of finding blocks.
verters com slash blockcheck

tl;dr - it seems that 90% or more of blocks have a nonce value divisible by 256. Can this be confirmed? If so, it essentially means that only mining nonce values divisible by 256 will yield a far greater chance of finding blocks.

No idea if that's true, however I've a script running right now which checks this.

Will probably run the complete night to parse the complete blockchain, but I'll report back tomorrow.

Gotta catch some sleep now :smile:
did a check for the last 50K blocks
~2% for Darkcoin

EDIT: for anyone interested, here is fixed code (using correct port/library)

// this code uses EasyBitcoin a PHP Wrapper API for the JSON RPC interface
$coin = new Bitcoin('darkcoind','password','localhost','9998');
$blockCount = $coin->getblockcount();
$blockHistory = array();
$i = 0;

for($blockID=$blockCount; $blockID>$blockCount-50000; $blockID--) {
    // get block hash
    $blockHash = $coin->getblockhash($blockID);

    // get block
    $block = $coin->getblock($blockHash);
    $blockHistory[$blockID] = $block["nonce"];

file_put_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . "/nonce2.json",json_encode($blockHistory));

$nonceDB = json_decode(file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . "/nonce2.json"),true);
$groups3 = array();

foreach($nonceDB as $height => $nonce) {
    $val = $nonce % 256;
    if (!isset($groups3[$val])) $groups3[$val] = 0;



you'll need this also
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aceat64/EasyBitcoin-PHP/master/easybitcoin.php
and curl lib for php
sudo apt-get install php5-curl
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So the nonces are more divisible by 256... but not by much relative to the entire batch. However, there is still a slight pattern there.
So the nonces are more divisible by 256... but not by much relative to the entire batch. However, there is still a slight pattern there.

I did the same test for the last 10000 Bitcoin blocks, and here nonces divisible by 256 are also leading, but with 0.47% way closer to the theoretically expected value. Darkcoin has 2.748%.
How it can be a problem? We all will be using nonce divisible by 256 and chances for all will be equall again. ;)
How it can be a problem? We all will be using nonce divisible by 256 and chances for all will be equall again. ;)
Yeah, but only if someone notices the community about that pattern.... oh wait! *recompiles his miners*
Yeah, but only if someone notices the community about that pattern.... oh wait! *recompiles his miners*

Also thought about this...but you'd have to solo-mine.

The pools just count the number of your shares, not their quality, so most of the (already small) advantage will go away.
Yeah, but only if someone notices the community about that pattern.... oh wait! *recompiles his miners*

Also thought about this...but you'd have to solo-mine.

The pools just count the number of your shares, not their quality, so most of the (already small) advantage will go away.
I agree with this but it would be interesting to see mh/s comparison of two versions though - will be there any boost in share calculation?
//Still thinking of CPU/GPU internal hardware optimizations nonce like this could hit...//
I agree with this but it would be interesting to see mh/s comparison of two versions though - will be there any boost in share calculation?
//Still thinking of CPU/GPU internal hardware optimizations nonce like this could hit...//

For the shits and giggles I just build a miner which only uses "nonce mod 256 = 0" nonces, the pool seems to accept them, but I can't see a change in the hash-rate at the pool (and that's what counts).

I'll let it run over night and see what happens...
ran the numbers. not seeing it.

Low diff or high diff, the numbers don't show an exploitable skew.
for all 186118 blocks, if nonce mod 'power of 2' == 0, increment value below:
2: 102581,
4: 60053,
8: 39145,
16: 27066,
32: 20272,
64: 13299,
128: 8389,
256: 5120,
512: 2616,
1024: 1382,
2048: 767,
4096: 450,
8192: 294,
16384: 237,
32768: 221,
65536: 214,
131072: 99,
262144: 57,
524288: 25,
1048576: 13,
2097152: 6,
4194304: 4,
8388608: 3,
16777216: 2,
33554432: 2

the code I used: (qnd)

(echo "[" ; for blocks in `seq 1 \`darkcoind getblockcount\`` ; do echo -n '{' ; darkcoind getblock $(darkcoind getblockhash $blocks) | egrep 'height|difficulty|nonce' | tr "\n" " " | sed -e 's/, $//g' ;  echo '},' ; done ; echo "]" ) | tee nonce_values.json

then I edited nonce_values.json to remove the last trailing comma, then ran this.


import json
from pprint import pprint

modulii = dict()
mod_values = list(map((lambda x: 2**x), range(1,32)))

def parse_nonce(nonce):
    results = []
    for mod in mod_values:
        if nonce < mod:
        remainder = nonce % mod
        if remainder == 0:
            modulii[mod] = modulii.get(mod, 0) + 1
    return results

with open('nonce_values.json') as f:
    j= json.load(f)

count = 0
for nonce in j:
    count += 1


(results array has the full mod/remainder breakdown if anybody's interested in further analysis.)

Happy hacking! :)

EDIT: updated the source extraction for easier adding of difficulty exclusions
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