X11 ASIC Baikal Mini Miner Spec

@mrearthbound Have you ever successfully received any orders from eastshore.xyz? Or know anyone who has? I am waiting for their x11 miners to be available and just wanan know if they are legit. There are so many scammers out there; will appreciate any info. Thank you.

I haven't. What I did find of value in eastshore.xyz was a tutorial to troubleshoot the Giant miner. BTW, I never did get my miner from asicminermarket. After my payment, they went radio silent. Fortunately, I paid through PayPal and got a full reimburstment. Another user said he did order from asicminermarket and did get his Giant within ~ 1 week.

I've purchased from @JasonHan . I can vouch for him, as I bought a Giant from him and it's working perfectly. However, there is a big price difference with respect to Baikal. Apparently, Baikal is discontinuing them.

I agree. It's hard to find a legit seller these days. I'd definitely stay away from Alibaba and AliExpress, due to others' experiences.
I haven't. What I did find of value in eastshore.xyz was a tutorial to troubleshoot the Giant miner. BTW, I never did get my miner from asicminermarket. After my payment, they went radio silent. Fortunately, I paid through PayPal and got a full reimburstment. Another user said he did order from asicminermarket and did get his Giant within ~ 1 week.

I've purchased from @JasonHan . I can vouch for him, as I bought a Giant from him and it's working perfectly. However, there is a big price difference with respect to Baikal. Apparently, Baikal is discontinuing them.

I agree. It's hard to find a legit seller these days. I'd definitely stay away from Alibaba and AliExpress, due to others' experiences.
Thank you so much for the information. I really appreciate it. Yeah so many scammers. Sorry about your experience with asicminermarket. I was actually planning to make a purchase from them in the future but i think i will pass. Thanks.

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I haven't. What I did find of value in eastshore.xyz was a tutorial to troubleshoot the Giant miner. BTW, I never did get my miner from asicminermarket. After my payment, they went radio silent. Fortunately, I paid through PayPal and got a full reimburstment. Another user said he did order from asicminermarket and did get his Giant within ~ 1 week.

I've purchased from @JasonHan . I can vouch for him, as I bought a Giant from him and it's working perfectly. However, there is a big price difference with respect to Baikal. Apparently, Baikal is discontinuing them.

I agree. It's hard to find a legit seller these days. I'd definitely stay away from Alibaba and AliExpress, due to others' experiences.
Giants are sold out =( We're getting maybe 4 tops next wednesday or something I think.. Let me know if anyone is interested!
what about aliexpress sellers ?
is it so bad to buy from them ?

Ali have a very god customer protection service with 100% return, if order was not send in time and penalty for seller.
Nevertheless, I see that all asics is out of stock now. Somtime u can snag 1-2pcs of DR2 or DR3 for good price, but no more.
This miner shitty, and the sale group are fraud, purchased a Baikal miner from the original site, and now the baikal wont work, the BLUE light wont stop flashing looking for internet or IP, it only worked for about a week or two before this started happening . i have contact the Baikal team via email, they said contact us on skype, i did but no response, and then i went back to contact them again via email she wrote back they are sorry for not responding, cos of huge list of custoemer they have to take care , since then when i try to write the email back, it bounce back , and say this"
Address not found
Your message wasn't delivered to [email protected] because the address couldn't be found. Check for typos or unnecessary spaces and try again."
Csnt even figure out a way to fix it my self... my cash gown down the drain... because when dealing with this folks.
The company is a shitty one whit no proper means or process of buying things from , scammer ripping people off tring to deal with them...
Do you have a Quad or a single?

Try to do the following:
1.power off all the boards
2.remove the power connector
3.remove the sd card ( location: the SD card is already included in your miner, you'll find it in that small board ( where the ethernet cable enters ) beneath the main big red board )
3.1 if you have a Quad try removing all the cables that connect the boards and insert them back in.you should have also a spare cable of this type, try and replace the cables from the board that blinks blue
4.insert the sd card back
5.insert the power cable and power it on.

If the above does not work try and connect another power supply.In my case a 12 V 4 A power supply from an external HDD did a good job.
Let me know how it works out as I have a few more thoughts on what you could do.
All this didnt work... tried it all....
The skype real ID of the sales person was baikalminer with the blue bikal logo with live:bikalteam skype name. that's whom i got mine from... read previous posting from people who has successfully purchased Baikal miners. and see the correct info.
STAY AWAY, I assume you are one of those scammers.

How to add right skype please check below link:
Yes i am, cant figure out a way to fix this issue .

I have a couple of the 'mini' miners and ran into the same problem you did. The fix for me was to replace the MicroSD chip in the OrangePi. To do this I had to download the OrangePi flash utility from Baikal's website, along with the flash image itself. "OrangePI-PC_8G_V2.2_1021.img" was a bit under 8 GB in size, just FYI.

I had to invest in a two-pack of SanDisk 8GB SDHC cards (they were cheap, so why not get two?) and after flashing the card with my laptop, I powered down the miner and replaced their card with mine. It's a bit tricky, so I used tweezers to make sure the chip seated properly. After powering everything back up, the miner worked fine, although I did have to reconfigure all of the pool information.
I have a couple of the 'mini' miners and ran into the same problem you did. The fix for me was to replace the MicroSD chip in the OrangePi. To do this I had to download the OrangePi flash utility from Baikal's website, along with the flash image itself. "OrangePI-PC_8G_V2.2_1021.img" was a bit under 8 GB in size, just FYI.

I had to invest in a two-pack of SanDisk 8GB SDHC cards (they were cheap, so why not get two?) and after flashing the card with my laptop, I powered down the miner and replaced their card with mine. It's a bit tricky, so I used tweezers to make sure the chip seated properly. After powering everything back up, the miner worked fine, although I did have to reconfigure all of the pool information.
The newest orange pi version is V3.3 now.
find from here:
I have a couple of the 'mini' miners and ran into the same problem you did. The fix for me was to replace the MicroSD chip in the OrangePi. To do this I had to download the OrangePi flash utility from Baikal's website, along with the flash image itself. "OrangePI-PC_8G_V2.2_1021.img" was a bit under 8 GB in size, just FYI.

I had to invest in a two-pack of SanDisk 8GB SDHC cards (they were cheap, so why not get two?) and after flashing the card with my laptop, I powered down the miner and replaced their card with mine. It's a bit tricky, so I used tweezers to make sure the chip seated properly. After powering everything back up, the miner worked fine, although I did have to reconfigure all of the pool information.
Same issue happened with my mini miner two months ago. Blue LED was not becoming solid. I discussed with Baikalminer on Skype and reinstall image in microSD card after formatting it. And problem get solved. As per my knowledge this problem happens in old Baikal miners because of probably they used low grade SD cards in old designs. In cubes no such report found yet. Heating may also be the reason for SD card corruption in old designs. Newer designs are generating less heat.

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What would be a fair price for a used one of these? With all the new miners coming out I don't want to overpay but I'm finally seeing these for sale on Ebay again and I've been wanting to get my hands on one just wondering if it's too late and I should go for one of the newer ones coming out?
Be extra careful on buying from second hand dealers. Especially if they're outside from the crypto community and / or don't accept escrow. There have been tons of users here in the forums who have been scammed by sellers in eBay, AliBaba, AliExpress, even Amazon users.

That being said, I think paying 50-75% the price of a new one is fair. But the market will figure that out for itself. Just take the price of what people are selling used ones for as a reference and work with that.
I have purchased a brand new Baikal Giant X10 after setting up the pool with nicehash it is now showing up down... Miner: 111 Connection Refused...

Need some advise... And I need to get my ROI soon.
I have purchased a brand new Baikal Giant X10 after setting up the pool with nicehash it is now showing up down... Miner: 111 Connection Refused...

Need some advise... And I need to get my ROI soon.

Have you tried re-imaging your SD card? See PDF below. It's for the Mini, but all baikal have similar processes.

Some screenshots from your error would be beneficial, as well.


  • BaikalMiner Mini Mining Alogorithm Upgrade Guide.pdf
    678 KB · Views: 470