It did not work. I'm able to install manually the driver in the correct version stated in the updating pdf (STTub30 but the miner continues appearing as non identified, With the STM Device in DFU Mode name but with exclamation tip. When I start zadig and load it from device list it appears as having the driver installed but taking a closer look I see that in the USB ID field instead a double HEX ID number i have 0000 0002. Will go to a friend's electronic shop to check if the 4 pin cable it's ok...
There is no any review about Qubit/Qubark. Everyone mines X11 - Dash.
Baikal builds up so much hashrate by their ASIC, running a DASH masternode may be more cost-effective.
A DASH fans.
How much is a masternode? hashes? where do you get it? You keep using words, but no numbersMasternode has its own value when the hashpower is enough to keep dash blockchain more safe.
How much is a masternode? hashes? where do you get it? You keep using words, but no numbers
To run a masternode you need 1000 Dash to be held in the masternode's wallet, which must remain there. The masternodes provide private-send and instant-send functions on the Dash network and they have the right to vote on proposals. In return they are paid a their share of 45% of the block reward as blocks are mined. So miners get 45%, masternodes get 45% and 10% goes to the Dash treasury fund which pays developers and funds the proposals that masternodes vote on. It is also possible to buy shares in a masternode if you can't afford 1000 Dash.
You could run a masternode at home on a machine that is always internet connected, or have one hosted on a VPS.
I have heard that masternodes in recent years have received 10-20% return on their 1000 Dash stake. If you were lucky enough to start a masternode when the Dash price was around $5 you would now be making a big profit because the price has risen a lot over the last 3-6 months. I think the person above was saying that rather than spend many thousands on an ASIC miner which will probably only get ROI after mining for more than a year - if you run a masternode for the same amount of time you will get the masternode reward plus you still own the 1000 Dash that is held in the masternode wallet.
That's very interesting, and thank you for the insight.
It is fair to assume that not many of us have 1000 DASH worth in fiat currency let alone in DASH coins themselves so it is for this reason that we choose to invest in some Baikal miners (for example) as this is the most affordable route for us. And yes, while the ROI on a Mini Baikal is short of a year the initial investment and the total coins mined in a year make it a very affordable and viable option.
Perhaps once I get 1000 DASH I will opt to "run a masternode". Until then, happy mining to all here![]()
Am still yet to get a response from them "baikalminer official website " after payment - hopeful they all ship out, and once I receive it and its working fine then I can stop worrying.Us resident - Just paid for one, still waiting on the sales rep to get back to me on the shipment date and tracking information , hopefully I can get to test one and see how it goes . staytuned