WTB Darkcoin

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New member
Looking to purchase DRK. I obviously have zero reputation points on this site, but willing to structure the purchase with risk on my side and extensive identity verification. Start small, build trust. Please PM if interested.

Have to start somewhere.

Open to just about any options based on the supplier's requirements. Paypal would be nice and simple, but everyone is freaked out by the 45 day complaint window (it would still be nice to use though if possible). Money order, direct bank transfer if you have an account that I can get bank of America to send to (less fun). Happen to own a business (store of some kind), I'll buy them like a product and you can just ring my card up. I'd like to start simple, build some trust and reputation so this goes easier in the future. I can certainly provide ample identity information. If anyone is willing to start with 1 DRK, let's give Paypal a go. We can swap some identity information and then do a test purchase. As I'm the new guy, I'm willing to be on the risky side of the transaction. That's what it takes sometimes.

Aaron if you have Bank of America, why don't you just buy some Bitcoin through Coinbase and then trade it on Mintpal for Darkcoin? That way there is no risk to any parties involved including yourself.
Would honestly rather not enter all of my banking info in sites that seem to get compromised regularly. But I am also pursuing that option. I have 4 different efforts underway to buy DRK. Trying to see which one(s) pan out best.
Use localbitcoins.org if you dont trust banks or exchanges. THen do the DRK/BTC thingy.
I, too, am new to DRKTalk... but I have a small hoard of DRK and I will be willing to periodically sell small ($100-$200) amounts for MoneyPak...

I have my DRK scattered around in some different savings addresses. One of them (Xf2QLUSwS8QWyxEfyazCNw8RWPZLqZrBXs) can be seen here:

At the time of this post it holds 57.02 DRK. That may change around a little bit today, but I try to always keep 50.00+ DRK per savings addy. But wait a minute... how do we know I'm not full of it and don't really own this address?

Signed Message:
I am the DRKLord of DRKTalk and BTCTalk


So yeah, that at least proves I do have some significant investments in DRK and I'm not full of it. :p


The DRK Lord
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