Would you like the dash coins to be distributed rightly between generations ? (version 3)

Would you like the dash coins to be distributed rightly between generations? (poll version 3)

  • Total voters


Well-known member
This is the third attempt of trying to post (and revive) this poll.
I hope this time the admins will let this permament poll to exist.
Freedom of speech is a core value.
Even the daemons are allowed to speak.

<vote history of the dead poll>
Would you like the dash coins to be distributed rightly between generations?
yes 9 vote(s) 18.0%
no 33 vote(s) 66.0%
other 4 vote(s) 8.0%
other then other 3 vote(s) 6.0%
yam 1 vote(s) 2.0%
</vote history>
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Beautiful. Thank you demo!
This is your third infraction in a row completely ignoring moderators and the rules of this community. You've qualified for a permanent ban.
@fernando @tungfa Guys, you have the honors.
IMO @demo is a harmless, though at times irritating, long time member of this community who adds value by adding a little bit of chaos to discourse. I see @demo as a right of passage for new members - if you can't figure out what the f-ck he is talking about (most of the time I can't), you have to learn to ignore him.

It's kind of a character test.
So how often would this redistribution occur?
I mean in a few years when the most dash wealth are in. A few peoples hands will we redistribute again?
IMO @demo is a harmless, though at times irritating, long time member of this community who adds value by adding a little bit of chaos to discourse. I see @demo as a right of passage for new members - if you can't figure out what the f-ck he is talking about (most of the time I can't), you have to learn to ignore him.

It's kind of a character test.

I don't think that's really the point though. Are we going to have common sense forum rules and enforce them, or not? Everybody else accepts the fact that if a topic stops having activity in it then it means people are done talking about it, and thread bumping should be done sparingly and only when there is a good reason. Not following that forum etiquette is considered spamming and rude. If everyone did with their threads what demo does with his it would be a disaster. If it is not stopped I hope other people will start doing it too until a common sense rule starts being enforced...
You are absolutely right, but IMO @demo should be a special exception to common sense rules. It demonstrates human thoughtfulness rather than blind obedience to rules.
Tbh, although @demo can be annoying at times, I also find he's quite funny sometimes!

I don't think we should ban him because, bless him, no matter how much he complains, he actually feels like he's at home here. I know it's hard to imagine, but at some point in the future he will move on and do other things.

And one more thing, and I could definitely be wrong, but I sometimes think there's a small possibility that @demo might actually be a woman. It doesn't change anything, except to say, it wouldn't surprise me.
Permabans aren't the only option. There are also temp bans, thread locks and deletions. I don't really care how it gets done as long as moderators can agree on some reasonable boundaries and then enforce them
he actually feels like he's at home here.

Is that why he runs off to direct competitors posting ideas from our community members without their consent?


(Original post with forum link was deleted because it qualified as altcoin shilling)

IMO @demo is a harmless, though at times irritating, long time member of this community who adds value by adding a little bit of chaos to discourse. I see @demo as a right of passage for new members - if you can't figure out what the f-ck he is talking about (most of the time I can't), you have to learn to ignore him.

I can't remotely agree. He shines a bad light on this community with abrasive, highly negative doom and gloom narratives basically declaring Dash to be on the brink of desaster unless we implement his oh so brilliant ideas. It's annoying, it's time wasting, it's disruptive and most importantly it leads newbies to believe what he says bears any merit because he's virtually in every thread, promoting his stupid polls (even when it's completely offtopic!) and creates the impression of being a Dash thought leader. He isn't. He is a loud idiot with crazy ideas completey divorced from reality. We haven't removed him because this community is too tolerant for its own good. I maintain my position of asking for a permanent ban. This isn't the first time and I'm not the first person to ask by the way. Shortly after he joined back in 2016 there was a thread dedicated to his removal.
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I actually do like the idea of distributing "dash coins" in a manner that could be described as "rightly." Which is...

According to merit.

Which is exactly how it's being done. At this very moment, and every moment prior to this one. And, I hope, it will continue to be so.

If my son ever learns how to sack up and win, he, and thus, his generation, will receive it's "fair share" according to the value he provides. Distributed by those spending their DASH as they see fit.

So, I voted yes on an @demo poll. Lols!
without their consent?
Once it's in the public domain, it is no longer the possession, or under the control, of the person who put it in the public domain. No consent needed.

There are plenty of reasons to give @demo a boatload of shit. This isn't one of them. It's a dick move... But, pretending that public domain isn't what it is, is a dick move, too...

Why not choose from the buffet of real reasons he gives out on a regular basis? It makes you look bad when you go outside of that...
I can't remotely agree. He shines a bad light on this community with abrasive, highly negative doom and gloom narratives basically declaring Dash to be on the brink of desaster unless we implement his oh so brilliant ideas. It's annoying, it's time wasting, it's disruptive and most importantly it leads newbies to believe what he says bears any merit because he's virtually in every thread, promoting his stupid polls (even when it's completely offtopic!) and creates the impression of being a Dash thought leader. He isn't. He is a loud idiot with crazy ideas completey divorced from reality. We haven't removed him because this community is too tolerant for its own good. I maintain my position of asking for a permanent ban. This isn't the first time and I'm not the first person to ask by the way. Shortly after he joined back in 2016 there was a thread dedicated to his removal.
He has accomplished nothing negative. You perceive a far greater threat than actually exists.

But... Does any of it impact on development?

I've made several very valid, applicable, and measurable points on bad direction of the DASH project. Might that affect newbies not to ponzi?

Do we care?

Progress is still being made, is it not? Did demo, or any of the fools who listen to him, cause code to stop being written?

I get that you don't like him. I don't like him either.

I'm the least patient person I know... Yet, I don't care to see him banned.

He does an important job. He invents every hairbrained, silly idea that could possibly conceived, and makes it easy to debunk. Thanks to him, there is no such thing as FUD that can survive. Trolls have no angle that hasn't been hammered to death with a giant debunking.

Useful idiot? Perhaps one could say that the only reason for his life is to serve as a warning to others on how not to be?

Stop worrying. He's accomplishing nothing of concern.

His "vote the numbers" concept is a half-measure solution of a real budget system failure. His limited ability to understand it, and limited creativity in deriving a solution, lead him to a dumb conclusion. But, it proves that even his dumb ass can see that there is a problem, and it remains un-addressed.

The only thing keeping the budget together anymore is the huge price of submitting turd proposals, thuis, preventing a vote on bad ideas from every happening and making MNOs look like a bunch of clueless suckers, like it did to itself back when DASH was cheap. MNOs didn't learn the lesson. They sure as hell won't ever admit I've been right about this for 2 years simply because they hate me... They just aren't getting the opportunity to make asses of themselves.

He's not worthless, but his value is not intentional. See, I can use tact...
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I bet @demo is wetting his/her pants at the excitement generated by being the centre of attention for the topic 'du jour'

Demo, if I send you some dash (it wont be much) will you please promise to divide it into millions of pieces and distribute it 'rightly' to the masses for me?

Please provide a detailed plan for how you will do this.

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dash already distributed to people who was seeking for currency that

is out of elite's hand. I believe the goal is to trade it with

one another without government or other authority snooping and take the profit out of other's labor.

Although I believe in freedom of speech so I hope this article stays.
Demo, if I send you some dash (it wont be much) will you please promise to divide it into millions of pieces and distribute it 'rightly' to the masses for me?

Please provide a detailed plan for how you will do this.


Send me some Dash , and I will organize a proof of individuality meeting. Then I will divide your dash to the people who attended the meeting. This is my plan.

<vote history>
Would you like the dash coins to be distributed rightly between generations? (poll version 3)
*yes 2 vote(s) 22.2%
no 4 vote(s) 44.4%
other 0 vote(s) 0.0%
No! And dont post the vote history anymore! 3 vote(s) 33.3%

</vote history>
I think we need some kind of self executing smart contract to facilitate your assurance that you will successfully organize such a meeting. You will understand the absolute necessity for this to be done a trustless manner I assume?
I think we need some kind of self executing smart contract to facilitate your assurance that you will successfully organize such a meeting. You will understand the absolute necessity for this to be done a trustless manner I assume?
Shall we use eth for smart contract?