Allow me to introduce WorldAidCoin is a spendable currency that is aimed towards bringing relief in moments of disasters and
turmoil in the world. WorldAidCoin has a core team of 50 Guardians at any one time who are responsible for carrying out what
action the community decides. We are here to connect the rich with the poor and bypass the power mad governments. The key
points are as follows:
• 50% of all coins mined go to stop suffering and bring relief
• Created to limit suffering in the world and assist in natural disasters
• ASIC Resistant
• A core team of 50 Guardians to develop the coin and ready to be deployed around the world to help avoid corruption
though aid
WorldAidCoin is a spendable currency that is aimed towards bringing relief inmoments of dissasters and turmoil in the world.
WorldAidCoin has a core team of 50 Guardians at any one time who are responsible for carrying out what action the
community decides.
50% of all coins mined go to the WorldAidCoin fund and what happens to this fund is voted on by the community. Any
member has the potential to become a Guardian at some stage.
Transparency is at the heart of WorldAidCoin so every transaction we make from the funds the community has mined will
be public and documented ready for any kind of audit. We aim to bypass the evil corrupt politicians so it is not in our
interest to hide anything from our fellow brethren which is the community in its entirety.
Guardians are 50 people throughout the world that have been selected based on specific knowledge in areas that are key to
the success of WorldAidCoin. http://worldaidcointalk.org/index.php?topic=328.0 They are responsible for carrying out the
wishes from the community. After they have carried out a worthy task they will take a payment from the WorldAidCoin fund
and thus a new position for Guardian will be open. Any member of the community has the potential to fulfil this position.
They will be awarded a 10k Physical silver coin as shown below for their duties. The private key is hidden within a vault
inside the coin.

We are here to form a world based on our views of life and each individual’s importance and greatness.
Our mission is to unite humanity and the world to harmony, which has been ripped from us by the megalomaniacs that rule us.
We will help anonymously and with more dignity than the bravest warriors who fight for a power hungry leader. Poverty and
starvation in this world is not an accident has been created and it’s now time to free this from our great world.
WorldAidCoin is in its infancy and it’s a great time for opportunities if you join us. Our current campaigns follow:
1. Set up a voting system for the community
2. Establish ourselves in the Philippines and assist with disaster relief. But to start we want to donate a month’s fund to a
charity of the Communities choice so please vote here: http://worldaidcointalk.org/index.php?topic=329.0
3. Gain a comprehensive list of guardians and safe houses throughout the world.