I receive dash coins. I can find the transaction record from Dash Blockchain Explorer, but I can't find I receive the dash coins from my wallet. The balance of my wallet is not changed. Could someone tell me what's going wrong and how to fix it? Thank you very much.
What is the version of your wallet? Is it v0.13 or later?
The version of my wallet is before of v.13 (v0.12.2.1).
Is it the problem of version? How to update it?
Thank you, JGCMiner.
Yes. There was the activation of DIP3 which caused a (non-contentious) hardfork a month or so ago.
You can download the latest wallet at Dash.org. It should be v0.13.3. Try to start up the wallet. If it starts normally wait for it to sync per usual.
If the NEW wallet doesn’t start or has an error see below:
Since you are updating after DIP3 activation the new wallet may not sync correctly the first time. If this is the case, go to your dash data directory (Windows default location ⇨ %appdata%\DashCore) and delete the “evodb” AND “chainstate” folders. JUST those two things. DON’T touch any .dat files. Also, make sure the wallet is completely closed before deleting anything.
That will trigger a block reprocessing (note: this will take 6 - 12 hours unless you have a very fast computer with a SSD storage drive).
After it is finished the wallet should start and sync normally.
Thank you for the detailed answer. Really appreciate it.
Will the new wallet cover the old files (like wallet.dat) and privacy key and cause unrecoverable consequence?
How to start up the new wallet and become the same with the old one, not a complete new one? Is the point "password" set before?
If it is, how to use the password to make the new wallet just the same with the old one? Does it just pop up a window to enter the password in the process? Or should I copy the password file from somewhere to somewhere?
Should I do something in advance? Or is it just ok to download a new wallet and start it up?
Sorry for my long questions!
The new version is compatible with your current wallet.dat. As a precaution, you should make a backup of the wallet file within the old version (v12) of the wallet (File ⇨ Backup Wallet). Just in case. You won’t need this backup unless something goes wrong.
As for the password, you can consider the password as part of your existing wallet.dat file. Given the same wallet.dat file, your password will be the same and your private keys unchanged and safe with the new version (v13). You don’t need to do anything special. All of this will happen automatically.
So in summary three steps:
1. Backup wallet on v0.12.2.1
2. Download (ONLY from dash.org), install, and start up v0.13.3
— Password and private keys will be unchanged
3. If there is an error with v0.13.3 then following the instructions in my last post.
In the very rare case something goes wrong you will have the backup.
After completing the migration, you should store the backup somewhere safe.
Remember, if someone someone gets the backup wallet.dat they can access your funds.
Thank you very much. Your answers are very helpful. Especially deleting “evodb” AND “chainstate” folders does work when I started installing the new wallet and met a problem in the process of verifying 1% block data. (There was a Dash core - error window popping up saying "there's a fatal error inside, please go to debug.log for more details").
I have renewed the wallet successfully. There are two things that I don't understand:
1. The balances on wallet and Dash blockchain explorer are different.
2. The figures of receiving Dash are the same between wallet and Dash blockchain explorer. But the figures of sending are different. The last sending even can't be found out on Dash blockchain explorer. Is it normal or my new wallet still got problems?
No you should be fine. Just wait until the all the block data is rescanned. Basically, it is reprocessing (not downloading so it is somewhat faster) the entire blockchain.
After that is complete, it should match the block explorer exactly.