Our new money will serve to help bring more balance between the rich and the poor, because the rich will not directly control it. It will not be subject to censorship by centralized authorities, telling us what we can and can’t buy with our new money.
Just like the fictional silliness of "bring balance to the Force;" this is very much undesirable. You always want it unballanced on the side of good.
To put it another way, be thankful for inequality. Without it, we would have already experienced the heat death of the universe.
The only other way to achieve equality is with extreme authoritarian violence. In which there is still the inherent inequality of the enforcers having a monopoly on violence.
You either want authoritarian violence, or you don't. "Equality" is the fake benevolence Trojan Horse used to justify it.
From each according to his ability, to each according to his wokeness...
Equality is not, never has been, and never will be; a good thing.
It's also an unachievable pipe dream of idiot snowflakes. That is, until the heat death of the universe... Do you really want that to get here sooner?
Our money of the future will also be more accessible. It will not discriminate in who will be able to use it and enjoy modern online banking and commerce methods.
DASH has already chosen to discriminate against all who are not extremist left-fringe woketards.
@TaoOfSatoshi Your message is at odds with your ideology, again... The cognitive dissonance is blaring like klaxons...
Our new money will be secure, protected by military grade encryption right on your phone or computer.
What does that mean?
Is that like "Aircraft Grade Aluminum?" It sounds impressive to an idiot, but there's no such thing as a "grade" of encryption or Aluminum.
I'm pretty sure we can do better than military grade anything... Whatever that means... The only thinking that I know of that comes in military grade, is stupidity. And that's not necessarily related tot he military. As time trudges ever onward, I find myself surrounded by weapons grade stupid more and more...
Divulging personal information will not be required for us to use our new money, protecting us from centralized database breaches.
Except for your DashPay username, of course; which is cross-referenced to ever known piece of information there is about you, things you don't even know about you, including your most recent retina scan and DNA sample... PrivateSend is Dead. Long live PrivateSend!
In short, our new money will have the potential to increase quality of life, and make the world a better place.
Does that translate roughly to "tyranical communist utopia" perchance?
G-23 Paxilon Hydrochlorate
He explained something that I believe very much applies to Dash and how we are getting our message out there.
If you actually believe this is happening with DASH, you've got one hell of a steel-belted radial echo chamber going on...
I just kinda faded out after that, man... Your reality disconnect is getting worse...
You're right that "why" matters." But, you missed the boat. It doesn't matter anymore. Even if you're right about everything, nobody is going to hear your message now. Even if they do, they won't believe it. they'll just roll their eyes and write you off as just another sh!tco!n shill.
Why is best demonstrated than explained. Why is something you do not something you say. I tried to convey this notion several years ago, but all I got was deer-in-the-headlights and backstabbing.
You needed to strike while the iron was hot. Now the iron is cold, and your aim is so bad you only hit your thumb. Again.
Do you know what people get who pretend themselves benevolent while trying to make the world a better place by force (and pretending it won't come to that while being the ones planning to do that)?
They get what they deserve.
DASH created the insanity that shot it in the face. You don't exist anymore.