Which masternodes voted and what exactly voted on various proposals (v2)

We are already using sqlite3, this is our rdbms. But in order to have a web API, it requires both sqlite3 and a webserver. So why adding the webserver overhead and security hole?
I think connecting via rpc is faster and more secure than connecting through nginx or anyother webserver. Isnt it?

If you're using sqlite3 then there is no background service, most of the load is when inserting new rows. As for security holes, I don't know. If you're allowing random node commands, albeit secured, then it might be argued that a wrapped https call is more secure as you get to control which commands can or can not be called and from which IP. But honestly, you could be right.
I dont know. @xkcd may answer this. But I assume https://apogee.dynu.net has no big traffic.

Not commenting on traffic, but of course we suggest everyone in the Dash community and beyond to access the reports and services on mnowatch.org to learn as much as possible about Dash and the Dash DAO. Demo is right about the hosting of two servers being cheaper than 1 big one and also, we can provide the right amount of resources to each, the dashd did waste a bunch of cycles we would have preferred to allocate to hosting pages and generating the content. The solution we have now is working for us.
Apogee News: Mnowatch/Apogee admins have (until now) classified 84 individuals who control 1779 masternodes!!!

Among them, 68 individuals who vote in the budget by using 888 mno votes ! (crowdnode is included to the calculation with 31 votes)

If someone realizes that his individuality is wrongly displayed in mnowatch, please inform (you dont have to reveal your individuality, just inform us that there is an error)
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Wow, dash really becoming centralized now. This needs top priority over Dash Platform, the network can not function correctly without decentralization. And no, I do not listen to people whom say Crowdnode are "honest people". We didn't build a network for human trust, we built it for coded uncheatable trust.

Fact: There are more people looking for no-work-passive-income than there are do-work-operate-a-masternode-income. When the NWPI group have the largest voting power with the least skin in the game, then we may as well call this Proof of Stake.

We need to drop all collateral requirements ASAP and put more effort into enforcing paid Proof of Service. Hopefully we can also add the Proof of Useful Work to the equation.
The official discussion thread of mnowatch.org is now:

Here you can talk for unofficial-offtopic discussions related to mnowatch.
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