We are not aiming at dark markets. With tor it will be clear that this was our goal, which is not true.
I do not agree,
only because we would be having a presence in the Onion
does not mean we are aiming for DarkMarkets !
I think a good presence on TOR would give us much higher credibility in the "Anonymity Community".
(what we do NOT have at all in the moment)
There are many more things going on down there than just darkmarkes , drugs and sex !
Wistlbowers, Journalist, anonymous email, legit open markets, .....)
Anybody involved in Privacy or Anonymity has some affiliations with TOR.
DRK always stayed as far away from TOR as possible, and i think that really send a mix message
to our followers,newcomers and the crypto community.
I am not saying to move "everything" into the Onion
but we have to get our Tech 'affiliated and working' with TOR !
show a presence, check it out and we take it from there.
we have to look at the bigger picture
isn't this about "Privacy in Finances"
well anybody who knows anything in this direction would ask
"Why are they not on / or affiliated with TOR"
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