Where to buy Dash in Canada?

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if you're in Montreal area i know someone trusted , how you want to buy , bank transfer ? interac email transfer ?
if you want to buy via bank or email interac let me know , he usually buys/sells BTC only, ill pm you my friends info , he's trusted , ill take responsibility for him.
https://dashnearby.com is fully operational now guys email registration issue has been resolved, we have an escrow system and buck loads of new features on the way that I'm sure the Crypto community will love ;)
happy trading and long live crypto!
Salut, i'm in Quebec city and i'm interested
combien tu veux ? si ce n'est pas beaucoup je pourrais t'aider , sinon va sur coinsquare.io
je peux prendre jusqu'a 1000$cad par email/Interac

il y a aussi Dashous.com
tu peux en trouver a Montreal il y a des ATMs avec Dash ou il y a un teller sur St Zotique/St Denis qui achete/vends Dash .
si tu est interesse je suis toujours sur Dash Nation sur Discord !
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