Where is Charlie Shrem's DashPayCard?

The video is 1:11:05, is there a short summary of the update?
TL;DR - it looks like at this point the Dash branded card will not happen. A big part of the reason may be that mastercard or one of Payza's banking partners is blocking Payza from proceeding or even from providing an official update, which might explain the silence from Payza. Charlie Shrem, who is not Payza, for some reason has not indicated that he is running into unforeseen roadblocks. Since it is already possible to fund a Payza card with Dash (just not a Dash-branded one), the possibility remains that some benefits may be passed on to people who fund their cards with Dash, but this remains to be seen. Charlie Shrem has not yet communicated whether the funds he received from the treasury have already been spent or how much of it has been spent, and he has not communicated any plans for any un-spent funds.
Thanks for the summary TroyDash.

Charlie Shrem has not yet communicated whether the funds he received from the treasury have already been spent or how much of it has been spent, and he has not communicated any plans for any un-spent funds.

How are we not shaming him into giving us an answer? It's our money and we are not asking for much, we should go after him without mercy until an update is given.

Thanks for the summary TroyDash.

How are we not shaming him into giving us an answer? It's our money and we are not asking for much, we should go after him without mercy until an update is given.


A fair question. I'm curious what other MNOs think about what we should do about Charlie. I can understand if he is uncomfortable with coming back to the Dash community with bad news that he was unable to accomplish what he said or thought he was going to be able to do, especially if he already spent money towards something that ended up hitting a brick wall that was outside of his control and outside of Payza's control. But coming forward with an explanation is just plain the right thing to do, and failing to do so is a problem in my view.
This is the most idiotic excuse I've ever seen. Shrem can't communicate because there are too many difference options for him to communicate? WTF?

We need live in a perfect world with totally centralized one-to-many communications before Shrem can find a way to break his months of silence?

Wow you really are bending over backwards to rationalize and excuse the fiasco this project has become.

The real question is WHY the Dash community seems to love getting cucked by scammers, over and over and over again, with nothing but repetitive whimpers of "maybe we should consider fixing the glaringly dysfunctional funding system" that are always quickly forgotten.

Great question! The answer lies in the broken, toxic culture of Dash, which is too insular, oversensitive, and defensive to engage in rational, self-critical auto-examination.

The Dash community knows they fund scams but so long as the price goes up they do not care. DashHoles are greedy and only want more fiat, not to build a better Bitcoin with real DGBB.

The Dash community is like a fundamentalist cult where the charismatic priest starts raping the underage members. Everyone knows it's happening but won't speak out against the Cult Core Group because that would expose the entire community to outside criticism and ridicule (not to mention legal consequences).

The price of Dash will have to fall below $100 before the community comes together and demands a fix (where is multisig?) to the problems of funding unaccountable take-the-money-and-run scam projects.

So dramatic!
Or, the Dash DAO is continually evolving and it is a process that doesn't happen overnight. You are painting this as if zero progress has been made in terms of the network starting to protect itself from scams and adding accountability and higher quality vetting to projects that we fund, which is absolutely untrue. Unfortunately the truth does not make for as exciting a narrative for your "news".
(where is multisig?) to the problems of funding unaccountable take-the-money-and-run scam projects.

Has this been debated before? Is multisig a good solution for the proposals?

Correct me if I'm wrong:
- today: I put a proposal and if approved the network sends all the funds to my wallet.
- multisig: same as today but needs 2/3 signatures to withdraw the money sent to the wallet, and this 2nd person would be the escrow.
Currently multisig addresses are not valid for treasury proposals.

If this can be changed then it would make it easier to do a simple form of on-chain escrow.

2/3 multisig isn't a guarantee that proposals will be delivered as there still remains the possibility of coercion, collaboration or complexity.

We can imagine the hypothetical situation in this case: even if the funds were escrowed Mr Shrem might well have secured a contract that would have guaranteed the creation of the card, thus enabling the release of funds from escrow to fund that contract. Payza would then have chosen to break that contract rather than set their whole business in fire, MasterCard (or whoever) forces everyone involved to sign NDAs and we have the a very similar result.

Multisig might be useful but it's not a panacea.
Not exactly on-topic but I've had emails from 2 card providers (Wirex, Tenx) in the last couple of days notifying changes in limits for unverified users, limits reduced from around 2000 euro to 200. A pain but imo it may be a sign that the rules for crypto debit cards are becoming better established and things could be more straight forward for issuers before too long, we can but hope.
The lesson Mr. Shrem has taught the MNO community was an expensive one. Even so, it was a good lesson to learn. As a proposal owner, I keep Mr. Shrem's lack of attention in mind whenever I create updates on my project for review by the community. I also create as many updates as I can, in video format, and post them to YouTube for public review because I think it is the right thing to do. It is part of the work that needs to be done. I hope others will do the same.
This is pretty disappointing. I know Charlie, I'll see if I can't reach out and prod him to give some kind of response to the community. It's the least he can do.