When will IX be fixed?

I believe @camosoul is the champion of this issue.

My understanding, which may be wrong, is that IX works just fine when initiated by the sender, but it cannot be initiated/required by the recipient.

So, if a merchant wants a transaction to be instant, there is nothing s/he can do, except ask the customer to make it an instant transaction.
Yes @solo7861, it is broken... it works as @jimbursch described. It is the single most important piece of functionality needed for a cryptocurrency to go mainstream and compete with credit cards... Much more important than evolution interest accounts, that's why you just saw Ripple jump 150%.

It's always been a race in the crypto space on which crypto would be able to transact in large volumes instantly so that it would be picked up by merchants and integrated into api's. Looks like Ripple just may have won! You'll see ... soon companies like bitpay will start to integrate Ripple.
And there it goes. Left IX rotting on the vine for 2 years...
There have been no issues reported as of yet.
When someone says "No way! That's insane!" And then you hear the exact same thing from every single person you pitch it too... Hundreds. Thousands. Every single one of them saying that exact same thing... You should probably listen. But, no... DASH's leadership knows better... Just ask them. They don't pay attention to anything in the real business world. They only care about getting worshiped by the clueless MNO yes men. They say that money talks... And when MNOs command a budget that doesn't amount to more than I find in the cracks of my sofa cushions, what will it be saying then?

You can stick your head in the sand and say "no issues reported." But there has been one glaring issue reported over and over and over again... It's simply being ignored.

There are more important votes than the MNOs; real grown-ups in the real world. And they're voting with their feet. They're not going to come here and tell DASH what it's doing wrong, because what DASH is doing wrong is so utterly absurd that even a child should be able to figure it out. Real grown-ups do not have time to babysit such silliness. But, you'll never get that message through the heads of the DASH leadership. They absolutely refuse to listen.

It reminds me of Detroit automakers telling customers what they want instead of listening to the customer...

Even if my crusade to wake people up were not labeled as trolling, and someone actually did pay attention, it's too late.

My message has been consistent for years, regardless of price or echo-chamber opinions.

There's only one thing left to say now: Toljaso.

But, to answer the OP's headline question: Probably never. You absolutely cannot get it through the leaderships' or the MNO's heads that there is a very real problem. I've been trying for 2 years. They think they know better. They think they've already won and that they can dictate the marketplace to the marketplace. They completely ignore the fact that every single person exposed to DASH and IX have the same complaint.

When it comes the the vendor perspective, DASH is no better than any other crypto. IX could have changed that. But, it was never properly implemented, and just like the double-spend on bitclones, DASH's leadership insists that it's a feature, not a bug... They see no reason to fix it because you'll never convince them that there is a problem.

Evan's wax wings are melting, and even as he plummets back to Earth, he still denies it...
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Is it possible to make all transactions IX transactions? Seems reasonable to expect that if DASH wants to scale to VISA levels.
Are there any technical hurdles that make this unfeasible at the moment?
Evolution sounds great and all but I agree with @camosoul that IX is THE killer feature that would change things NOW.
Is it possible to make all transactions IX transactions? Seems reasonable to expect that if DASH wants to scale to VISA levels.
This has alredy been discussed, and as long as we are tied to conventional blockchain technology, even with IX, and especially in it's current form... Blockchain is just the place the memory pool is flushed. No different from a write cache on a hard drive. Can't exceed blockrate/blockspace on a consistent basis or you end up with the same problem as anything else that has a blockchain. A secured memory pool can't flush to ledger any faster than an unsecured memory pool.
Evolution sounds great and all but I agree with @camosoul that IX is THE killer feature that would change things NOW.
I've been telling them that something has to be done in the interim for 2 years. They're not going to suddenly start listening now, and even if they did, it needed to be done 18 months ago...

You'll never get @eduffield, @babygiraffe, or @Minotaur to address the matter. They just plain will not listen and brush it off like it doesn't even apply... Because, for them, it doesn't. They have their little fantasy all worked out, and reality will not get in the way. They shut out the community around the same time that this issue was raised. They tell you waht they're doing in reports and the like, but they don't listen to anyone, and a conversation, forget it... They speak only to each other. Keep the echo chamber sealed up tight.

Didn't you see their little office party on campus? Oooh, look, we got the suckernodes to pay for offices in snowflake land! No grown-ups allowed! What the actual fuck do you need offices for? And on a college campus, no less... What color is the sky on their planet?

They absolutely will not break from their imagined vision of the world and face reality. They think they've already won and have no idea the position they're in, or how they got there, even though I've been telling them for 2 years...

All they can do is call "troll" on anyone pointing at the writing on the wall. The yes men all have me on ignore, as do the parties mentioned. Any feedback from the real world is shut out.
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The problem is, this community is filled with consumers and very few real business owners that process large volumes of transactions... so they are clueless from that perspective. They only get excited about things that help them personally like savings accounts and debit cards, but make no difference to the real end goal of a crypto... business adoption. You should be listening to me and @camosoul and make this the number 1 priority.

As a business owner which processes large volumes of transactions, I can promise you this is what has prevented us from integrating cryptos. On the same note, if IX were to become a standard, there would also need to be a simple way to process refunds without having to contact each person individually to collect a wallet address. Imagine you are a ticketing company which has processed several thousand transactions for an event... and that event has been canceled. Would be near impossible to issue refunds without an integrated system.
@dashly @jimbursch @camosoul @magicmushroom, I have to look into this a little further, but from what I read on the evolution whitepaper, all transactions in evolution will be IX by default.

I would also highly recommend you guys read the whitepaper before commenting any further.


In essence I also believe this is still not broken, for something to have been classed as broken, it would have to be working first before breaking and that's not the case in this context.

Please read the paper,.. page 17 section 9..
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