When will DASH shut down?

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Well-known member
DASH is continuing to plummet in relevancy. Down to 22 now.

When will the DASH experiment finally shut down? Will there be any warning? Will it be like so many factories that the employees show up to work one day and the doors are locked? No warning, no notice?

"We're taking flak because we're over the target."

Yeah, you've been loitering over the target soaking up ammo for years now. Your plane is goin' down! Why didn't you drop the bomb when you could? It's still on board and you haven't even armed the fuse! The whole thing is going to crash and burn and there won't even be a cool explosion...

The last thing you should ever do is cut back on paying people... You cut every other expense you can, but you never stop paying people for their work. Yet, you still live extravagantly and expect the workers to work for free... You could bring your infrastructure in-house, oh, wait, you overpay for rent on the house, too... You don't even own the house! You could have dealt with all of this in the last welfare (budget) cycle, much less every budget cycle before it, but you didn't... You've ignored all the feedback loops claiming that you've already won, or that reality doesn't apply to you... The ultimate feedback loop is upon you. You don't get to ignore it.

The fact that leftist ideology runs DASH (into the ground) could never be more obvious. You do exactly the wrong thing in every situation, and even when things are running smoothly, you create a problem... You're constantly twitching about which leftist ideological virtue-signal you should promote next. Reality never comes into play... And no mater how bad it gets, you just double-down again, and retreat deeper and deeper into your catacombs of echo chambers...

I don't think it's possible to mismanage a project worse than DASH has been...
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So, if you fall off a cliff, you aren't in trouble simply because you haven't hit the ground ... yet.

You aren't relevant anymore. Your irrelevancy has been ramping for years as you hide in your Echo Chamber perpetually coding... You refer to Echo Chamber "analysis" to back your assertion that there's nothing wrong with falling off a cliff...

Of course I'm considered a troll. I reject the prescription of the Echo Chamber. If only I'd drink the prescribed Kool Aide, then I'd understand...

You refuse to admit that this place is the digital version of Jonestown...

You're the one who, in alignment with your narrative, brought up price analysis. You want a distraction. You want to push my point into a false frame and false meaning of your own design.

At no point did you address my point, or rebut it. You just invented a "price analysis" strawman/tangent. You did not address or rebut my point, but you did try to fraudulently redefine it in a disparaging manner, and distract any onlooker from it...

The problem is relevance. You're irrelevant. You're becoming more irrelevant at rate which is accelerating. Rapidly.

The fact that you can't pay your bills is related, but tangential. Irrelevance is why you can't pay the bills. The price only matters because you attached your Welfare system to the Market Cap. You did that. But you want to marginalize what I have to say based on it? You're the one who did it. If giving a damn about the price is a bad thing, why did YOU make it fundamental to the funding of the project?

You ignored many opportunities and warnings over the years.

You're in a nose dive, so you grasp at straws, point out completely irrelevant "metrics" which aren't even metrics, and put it all under the umbrella of "price analysis" in an effort to make this into "oh, this guy is worried about the price" which isn't true or relevant to the point.

So I bring it back to the original point, which you tried to blur, mis-characterize, disparage and distract from; What is DASH doing to become relevant? What will DASH do to pay the bills? How will DASH re-incentivize the backbone of it's network, the MasterNodes, now that pretty much anything is a better place to put your money?

P.S. Why put so much effort into deception tactics? What are you so desperate to hide?

I guess I seem like an outlandish buffoon in your delusional echo chamber...
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Oh, yes, I'm a dumb troll for calling you out...

You have no response or you would have made one. How dare I ask questions for which you have no answer. How dare I call out your deception tactics. How dare I shine a light on problems you refuse to acknowledge, much less solve... Call me names with the single click of a button. That makes it all better...

I'm even willing to consider that you're so clueless and inexperienced in everything forever, that you aren't refusing to address these problems, but that you genuinely don't know the problems exist, and that may be why you aren't addressing them and have no ready response. You're oblivious.

You use deception tactics as a substitute for a response, then when I call it out, you go to the name calling... Still not a single whiff of an actual response, rebuttal, or even a naked claim that I'm wrong. Not even a denial. Does it get any more exemplary of the leftist narrative than that?

Honk! Honk!
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I guess you did not make it to the conclusion part of the article :

Unlike other coins from the class of 2014, which have largely fallen by the wayside, DASH has likely survived due to both the Master Node and treasury components. Master Nodes discourage a vast majority of the circulating supply to ever see the open market, and the treasury has continued to fund DASH related development and marketing to sustain the coin over the past four-plus years.

Is it not ironic that the Dash Masternodes and Dash Treasury that you so often criticize are most likely the reason this project will never shut down ? Combined of course with increased on-chain activity, increased mining hash rate, increased number of integrations and ongoing project development.

Must be pretty frustrating to watch by those people that deep down inside, at this point in time, really do want to see Dash fail as a crypto project.

I believe Dash will continue as a crypto project for a very long time. I believe Dash will survive this bear market and will thrive in the years to come. I just hope you move on to other crypto projects, because when you start making threads like these (about when Dash will shut down), people will start to wonder why you are still on this forum or with Dash. Some may even wonder if you are still invested in Dash or if you simply cashed out during the bull market and are now using this forum to troll.

There is a fine line between online criticizing and online trolling, between criticizing Dash Core Group and criticizing the very existance of a crypto project. Personally i think you crossed both lines awhile back.
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Dash is not 22th. It is currently 9th.

Besides the real position of each cryptocurrency is not revealed by its rank, but by the dominance chart.

The dominance chart reveals that refering to the rank had a meaning back in june 2017 (or in Jan 2018)
Nowdays refering to the rank is meaningless.
There is no rank, there is only BTC and the others.
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Dash is not 22th. It is currently 9th.

Besides the real position of each cryptocurrency is not revealed by its rank, but by the dominance chart.

The dominance chart reveals that refering to the rank had a meaning back in june 2017 (or in Jan 2018)
Nowdays refering to the rank is meaningless.
There is no rank, there is only BTC and the others.
Can't believe I'm agreeing with Demo... Sad but true. DASH is irrelevant.
I could shutdown soon. The community is not as active. There are no new news about Dash. It looks like a dead coin to me. Dash coin price should not be this low with only 9.5m Dash. What's really going on here?
@camosoul is a longtime member of the community who has reliably provided accountability/grief to DCG since 2014. Dash will be alive and thriving as long as he is still griping about the libtard takeover of DCG. If he goes silent, then you will know Dash is dead. That or ATF nabbed him.
ATF nabbed him.
For what? Oh, right, they make it up as they go now, including flat-out bald-faced lies like the Bump Stock Ban...

I really have just about lost my mind at this point... There's no hope. No reason to even try, back-stabbed by everyone I ever knew devoting themselves to Bolshevism...

There's nothing left to live for, tell me why I shouldn't just go on a shooting spree like everyone else persecuted and beaten down for being good and decent? Why not? Communists have destroyed my life, my so-called fiends, so-called countrymen, co-called family all joined in with the Stasi 2.0 in East Germany 2.0. I even moved halfway around the planet trying to escape them, and they followed me here and force me into entrapment scenarios just to survive. This is the lengths they have to go to to set me up... There's no way out now and I know it. Only Satanic Communists have hope. I used to laugh at Alex Jones' stuff... Now I realize he was right. There's nowhere left for a decent man to run. I'm dead no matter what. Why not take those down with me who have tortured me like this for so many decades? Basic Human Rights like Free Speech and Privacy don't exist anymore, well, not for me... I'm just a white man (who refuses to apologize for being born). I'm not a person. Just another nameless nobody to laugh at when he's gone... They'll just keep making more laws. Hold my head under the water until I drown, then say the water did it... There's no push-back against any of the regulatory fraud and corruption. You just accept it as if it's normal. Regulation has become utterly insane. "Describe the flavor of the number purple or we steal all your shit and throw you in prison/kill you."

I know that absolutely everything I do to survive is being twisted into a weapon against me. I know that my support for Basic Human Rights and The Republic is why I'm targeted. I know that I stand alone. I know that it is hopeless and I will be mocked for it. I'm not special. Read a book. History has done this to billions. I'm just another irrelevant soul.

Because I'm a decent person, I've deliberately put myself into a position where I can't defend myself. I can't do anything. I just sit here and wait for the inevitable. I know my execution is scheduled. I know everything and everyone I ever believed in has betrayed me. I know that no mater what I do, "The Official Report" will neglect the instigating factors. When have "The Official Report" ever been anything but lies? Anything but the truth. Nothing but lies and slander, like so many before me, and so many more to come... There's only one thing left, but if they follow through, then they lose the fun of torturing me more... They just keep pushing...

You've pushed me to the breaking point, and I refuse to be the evil you are trying to force me to be. So, you push more... I know it won't amount to a fart in the wind, but I refuse to bend to evil. I wear this insanity as a badge of honor. I do my bast to make it obvious everywhere I go. I'm proud to have made it this long and not bent the knee to evil. I'm certainly not perfect, never claimed to be; but I will not knowingly serve evil, no matter how many laws or regulations that evil creates in it's efforts to compel me. If this is the end of the road, so be it. Only evil has a future. I will not obey. I will not comply. Come what may.

Only evil has a future. Only the unforgivable moral coward collaborators have happiness.

But, seriously, where's DASH going, other than down the toilet?

You've got no plans for any features or use case that actually matters. MasterNodes no longer get a incentive worth the trouble, while more and more requirements are heaped on them (those requirements being expected, but the funds being pulled out from under them was not expected). It's functionally illegal to run MasterNodes, anyway. Speaking of: Where's DASH going with this? DASH has no plan, that makes any sense. You just keep pushing on as if the ground hasn't fallen out from under you... DASH is a dead project. Even if it weren't, regulatory fraud has eliminated all of DASH's use cases.

If it's not dead, why is it 25th; down from 4th? Why is the budget too small to pay the bills even if DCG takes 100% of it? Why are welfare-funded "budget" initiatives shutting down left and right?
If it's not all falling apart; why are we watching it as it's falling apart?

It's like the Black Knight from Monty Python and the Holy Grail. Do you think denial and gaslighting is going to make your arms and legs grow back?

What are you going to do? Pretend some more?
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I believe Dash will continue as a crypto project for a very long time. I believe Dash will survive this bear market and will thrive in the years to come.
Bear market? DASH has fallen several hundred percent more than the rest of the market.

I just hope you move on to other crypto projects, because when you start making threads like these (about when Dash will shut down), people will start to wonder why you are still on this forum or with Dash. Some may even wonder if you are still invested in Dash or if you simply cashed out during the bull market and are now using this forum to troll.

You've openly supported the laws that forbid me from getting rid of DASH... You know that there's no such thing as an exit from DASH. Much like there's no such thing as an exit from the USA... I can't be done.

There is a fine line between online criticizing and online trolling, between criticizing Dash Core Group and criticizing the very existance of a crypto project. Personally i think you crossed both lines awhile back.
Denial of reality does not change reality.

DASH isn't doing anything. Even if you were, those who stand to benefit from stagnation and the elimination of innovation have collaborated with Government unchecked to assure regulation that protects their position and functionally forbids any innovation.

Thrive in years to come? No matter how slick you make the user interface, actual use in commerce as money, like CryptoCurrency was meant to be, is functionally criminalized y the fraudulent application of Capital Gains. No matter how easy, secure, cheap, fast, and convenient it is, nobody is going to use it with the threat of government persecution hanging over their heads. Only Tulip scams are allowed to exist, because Government knows Tulip scams wither and die. Fast.

If DASH is going to thrive in years to come, please explain how. Share your optimism with me. I'm not joking/trolling. I want to know. Corrupt Government Fraud has stuck me with DASH whether I want it or not. Remember, in 2014, then the IRS degenerates went from "As long as you use it as money, we don't really care." to "Gee, this crypto thing didn't die on its own. What fraud and market interference can we cause to kill it? Right, we can take payoffs from the Tulip coins to enforce 'regulations' that benefit the Tulips and make sure no good ideas have any reason to bother." Then came the idiocy of AML/KYC privacy violations. Yeah, they did that right after I decided to do this DASH thing. I was never interested in Crypto as an investment vehicle, but now I'm persecuted as if I were just another get-rich-quick douche. Now I'm told I'm a criminal because I exist, and deserve to be in prison unless I can prove where my money is coming from. It's not coming from anywhere! I have it! There is no "Source of Funds." It's just sitting here... I'd like to be running MNs with it, while there's still just barely a reason to bother, but by convoluted layers of lies, misrepresentations, and outright fraud, it's functionally illegal. I can't prove my innocence by presenting a source that doesn't exist... Then I'm accused of not paying income tax on money that isn't income. If I SPEND money, it's fraudulently misrepresented as INCOME and I'm supposed to pretend I made a profit, and then pay a tax on it, even though it's all pretend and none of it actually happened! Then I found out (the hard way) that you're a bunch of commies just like the government, and you think it's fun to torture people who reject neo-Bolshevism... Tell me why I should be happy about that. Tell me what I have to look forward to. I really do want to know. It shouldn't be hard to enlighten me. I'm operating at maybe 2% mental capacity after all I've been put through. The traps they set up for me, I know are there and I have no choice to step in. Why do you think DASH has a bright future? Do tell. I'd like to know. It might make me slightly less insane...

Please tell me what's so great about DASH that millions of people are going to gleefully put themselves through this sh!t to use it?
I don't want to be here and I was a DASH fanboy from day one... Why would those of lesser motivation give a damn when I no longer do? Why would nyone care about how slick your interface is with such threats from an obviously malicious fraud being perpetrated against them by one of the most vicious government entities known to man? Are you hoping they're just ignorant and don't realize what the US Government is doing to people simply for using DASH? The lies they're willing to tell? the slander they're willing to invent to convince the public to turn a blind eye?

I ask it again: why would anyone subject themselves to this persecution, just to have access to DASH? Why is DASH worth it? What is so damned great about DASH that anyone would willing endure this?

Since it's nothing but a ponzi/tulip game now, whether I wanted that or not... Because government has mandated it be such, and nothing else can be allowed to exist. I'll deal with the facts and accept that's what it is. Why do you think DASH will have value in the future? Thrive, you said. I'd love to suddenly be so rich that I can give the USA (and you people, too, to a much lesser degree) the finger and never look back. Share with me why you think this is going to happen. It's my only dream and hope! You say DASH will thrive. Convince me! It would be the greatest thing that ever happened. We both want it, albeit for very different reasons, but I'm not seeing it. Not even close.

I'd love for it to be true, so I can disappear from your life, and leave you and the USA behind for good. I hate the Communist States of America, and I hate you. I don't want to be in bed with any of the people I'm currently stuck with. I want a divorce! Please, tell me when it's going to happen! How many years have you been telling me it's going to happen and you never do anything... I want out. Of DASH. Of the USA. Of pretty much everything relating to the current state of humanity. When do I finally get to be rid of you horrible, disgusting people?! Nothing but lies, sophistry, deception, perversion, emptiness, threatening me, stealing from me, telling me I deserve it simply because I'm white and male, more lies... I will never forgive my so-called "fellow Americans" for turning the greatest country ever, into a worthless degenerate communist sh!thole. And you're the cheerleaders... You love it! Just do what you say you're going to do so I can leave. If I never see another human being again, it'll be too soon.
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Bear market? DASH has fallen several hundred percent more than the rest of the market.

Really ? Fallen several hundred percent more then the rest of the market ? You mean this market ?


How is anyone to take you seriously, when you make a statement like that ? Please stop blaming everything on Dash, open your eyes and look at the bigger picture at what is currently happening in the crypto space.
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How can anyone take you seriously when you deny that DASH used to be in 4th place, and is now in 25th?

Is it blind fanboy?
Do you really think asserting a falsehood as a truth will work?
Are you delusional?
If you gaslight me into your echo chamber, will that make your assertions come true?

I don't get it. I really don't. If DASH had fallen in equal proportion, it would still be in 4th place with a piece of the pie that hadn't shrunk. But that's not reality. We're looking right at it, and you say it isn't true. Then you go off on a tangent saying that it isn't a valid metric, because it's a metric that shows you something you want to deny... If it weren't showing bad, why would you need to use deception to try to justify it?

No other crypto has fallen further and faster than DASH since the spike in late 2017. By a wide margin. DASH is the definition of crash and burn. No other crypto has managed such a dramatic failure. Even obvious hot garbage like BSV and BCH has held it's percentage better than DASH. But, I guess I could concede that is no surprise since they're being propped up by corrupt government regulators manipulating the market while claiming to be saviors...

There is no question that DASH has crashed and burned. DASH is completely irrelevant. Nobody cares. It's like a mostly empty shopping mall where there's one store selling old 1980s movie merchandise...

The question is, are you going to do anything with the ashes? You went out of your way to destroy your own project. What now?

With governments openly conspiring with Tulipcoins to crush any use case for DASH's features, what do you expect to happen? Why are you not even calling this corruption out? Why bother with your DashPay nonsense wen it's functionally illegal to use it, and the persecution one will experience for it is so severe? Even if DASH was "download our app and get a metric ton of .9999 Gold" it's not useful when the only way to take delivery is to be crushed to death by it... Who is going to adopt DASH en mass when they know in advance that government will destroy their lives for touching it?

What are you going to do? Keep on denying reality some more? Because that's been such a winning plan up to this point?

Hating me and calling me a troll won't fix this.

PrivateSend and InstantSend are both irrelevant. DashPay will be Dead on Arrival.

Tulip scams only. It's the LAW! Corrupt government scum are taking massive bribes to assure innovation is irrelevant and keep the Tulip scams that are paying them off as the only viable options. Tulip trading is all that's allowed. No privacy. No use as a proper commerce mechanism. What are you going to do about it?
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How can anyone take you seriously when you deny that DASH used to be in 4th place, and is now in 25th?

Is it blind fanboy?
Do you really think asserting a falsehood as a truth will work?
Are you delusional?
If you gaslight me into your echo chamber, will that make your assertions come true?

I don't get it. I really don't. If DASH had fallen in equal proportion, it would still be in 4th place with a piece of the pie that hadn't shrunk. But that's not reality. We're looking right at it, and you say it isn't true. Then you go off on a tangent saying that it isn't a valid metric, because it's a metric that shows you something you want to deny... If it weren't showing bad, why would you need to use deception to try to justify it?

No other crypto has fallen further and faster than DASH since the spike in late 2017. By a wide margin. DASH is the definition of crash and burn. No other crypto has managed such a dramatic failure. Even obvious hot garbage like BSV and BCH has held it's percentage better than DASH. But, I guess I could concede that is no surprise since they're being propped up by corrupt government regulators manipulating the market while claiming to be saviors...

There is no question that DASH has crashed and burned. DASH is completely irrelevant. Nobody cares. It's like a mostly empty shopping mall where there's one store selling old 1980s movie merchandise...

The question is, are you going to do anything with the ashes? You went out of your way to destroy your own project. What now?

With governments openly conspiring with Tulipcoins to crush any use case for DASH's features, what do you expect to happen? Why are you not even calling this corruption out? Why bother with your DashPay nonsense wen it's functionally illegal to use it, and the persecution one will experience for it is so severe? Even if DASH was "download our app and get a metric ton of .9999 Gold" it's not useful when the only way to take delivery is to be crushed to death by it... Who is going to adopt DASH en mass when they know in advance that government will destroy their lives for touching it?

What are you going to do? Keep on denying reality some more? Because that's been such a winning plan up to this point?

Hating me and calling me a troll won't fix this.

PrivateSend and InstantSend are both irrelevant. DashPay will be Dead on Arrival.

Tulip scams only. It's the LAW! Corrupt government scum are taking massive bribes to assure innovation is irrelevant and keep the Tulip scams that are paying them off as the only viable options. Tulip trading is all that's allowed. No privacy. No use as a proper commerce mechanism. What are you going to do about it?

Dash is pretty beat up these days, no doubt about it, the entire alt sector is a dumpster fire for that matter. DCG and Ryan Taylor did get one big thing for the network that other "privacy" coins are going to have trouble obtaining as the market moves to KYC/AML compliance, and that was the FATF compliance letter, Dash is now listed as an FATF compliant crypto and that will give us a chance at surviving this crypto winter.
Bear market? DASH has fallen several hundred percent more than the rest of the market.

I showed you statistics yesterday that Dash is 97,41% down from ATH (the percentage is a little bit lower today).
I also showed you most altcoins are between 85% and 98% down from ATH.

Link : https://www.dash.org/forum/threads/when-will-dash-shut-down.48820/#post-219198

We are not talking about coinmarketcap ranks here, we are just talking about your statement that
'Dash has fallen several hundred percent more then the rest of the market'.

If you have proof that Dash has indeed fallen several hundred percent more then the rest of the market, then lets see it.
Show us some statistics or some proof that support your statement. I'm dying to see your proof.

If you can't produce that proof, then i just have to assume you made that figure up.
Which then leads to the question what else you made up ?
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Hang in there @camosoul

Even though few can hear it, your voice is important.

The truth of the matter is we have no idea what will happen to Dash. It is also true that Dash is not dead, yet. It’s still “just a flesh wound.”

You should start messing around with Evonet. Put your head in the code where it makes sense.
Even though few can hear it, your voice is important.
No, it isn't. I am not even a fart in the wind. Any voice that speaks truth is marked for death. I already don't exist.
You should start messing around with Evonet. Put your head in the code where it makes sense.
Lols, #LearnToCode is borderline futile even for people with an intact brain. All documentation and "tutorials" are written from the perspective of someone who just wants to brag and show off. It's impossible to learn from that crap.

Me: "What is '1?'"
Douchebag Coders: "The best way to understand 1, is to know that 1 + 1 = 2. [giggling because they know how obnoxious this is]"
Me: "OK, but I still don't know what 1 is, because I've never even heard of '+' or '=' or '2.' There's no context. I have no idea what's going on. I can't learn a lower order concept from a higher order concept for which the lower order concept is a pre-requisite. Fundamentally, no human being is capable of learning in such a fashion. It doesn't make sense. It doesn't matter how smart or dumb I am, that will never happen. It has never happened. It fundamentally can't happen, like slamming a revolving door, or tasting the number purple."
Me: "Yeah... OK. Imma go get some boobies in my face, thanks anyway..."
Me: [camosoul has left the chat]

Also: AML/KYC is a crime against humanity, soon to become a war crime because those who enforce it are instigating genocide. At least in the United States, AML/KYC is clearly forbidden by the 4th Amendment. Anyone with the ability to read can see this. AML/KYC is the enabler and source of all fraud and identity theft. It promotes the idea that my identity is detachable from my physical being, and can be held as a possession of The State. If I have no fake, external identity, none of these evils can be perpetrated against me. There is nothing pragmatic or "gown up" about bending the knee to this evil. The future where such extreme evil is allowed to exist, where no one even tries to fight it, is a future which, one way or another, I will not live in. Even if such a dystopian hellscape is achievable, it will collapse under it's own weight.

To expand on the 4th Amendment concept: The entire Bill of Rights was written to define those Rights of The People which are supreme to The State's Interest. I'll say it another way. There is no such thing as a "compelling state interest" which can supersede this. That's the whole damn point of it! It states that which is inviolate. There is no place where an exception to this is granted. Nowhere is there a clause that says "If you insert the word 'compelling' in front of the words 'state interest,' poof, Guv can do what-the-fuck-ever it wants." It's very easy to read and understand. It is also very easy to understand that government is operating in a manner contrary to this. It doesn't matter what convoluted word salad excuses are presented as "explanation." It is plain and obvious that the government is operating beyond the scope of its powers.

As I've had to do with a few cops on other Constitutional issues... "Look, a-hole; No amount of explanation is going to change the fact that The Constitution says X, and you are denying X while doing Y instead. That makes you wrong. Period. No amount of convoluted smoke and mirrors, word salad, jibber jabber is going to change that. Don't bother trying to 'explain how it works' to me. I am not stupid. I am very much aware that 'how it works' is contrary to the highest law of the land (not to mention, the fundamentals of civilized human coexistence). That's the problem! The particular details of how it is contrary do not matter and change nothing. It is contrary. That's the only point that matters. That's the effing problem! The very fact that you're trying to 'explain to me' how your contradiction is somehow acceptable, is proof that it is contrary! HELLO?! Anybody home? If you were following that law, there'd be no contradiction of the law to explain! This has nothing to do with some BS invocation of The Wild West. The Fundamental Human Rights described by The Bill of Rights are not some unruly madness in need of revocation for our own good. Quite the opposite."

Also, the so-called "wild west" was one of the most peaceful and idyllic times in all of human history, not just US history. There was far less crime and violence in that particular time and place than at any other time and place you can point to. Which is precisely why it is falsely portrayed as the opposite... It was not pure, no. Nothing is perfect, but that particular place and time was about as close to it as you can hope forgiven what human beings are (I noticed that I missed a space between 'for' and 'given,' but it was too poetic to correct it). It was better than pretty much everything else, ever. It is easy to point to certain things and say "See, look, a bad thing!" precisely because such events were so few and far between. Far worse happens dozens of times every day in every major city on this planet today, and it doesn't even make the news... Government is the cause, not the solution. Evil regulators invoke the "wild west" BS every time they want to strip away Human Rights. Guns. Free Speech. Possession and control of your own damn money. Doesn't matter what the topic is, they do the same damn dirty sh!t every time... PAY ATTENTION!

The only way to defeat The US Constitution, is to ignore it. And that's exactly what is being done...

Lols, I'm loathe to invoke the name twice, but it's appropriate... If anything, Alex Jones is grossly understating the problem. Seriously, we've reached the point where Alex Jones not only makes sense, but he doesn't go far enough... This is beyond Clown World... We have begun Maximum Overhonk....
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