When to buy a masternode?


New member
Hey everyone!

So I am new to the whole cryptocurrency scene, so I am hoping that you guys could answer a few questions.

I am personally considering to buy a whole masternode right now and I was wondering what the best time would be to jump in and buy one.

I also would like to know why ALL crypto currencies drop in value during winter (most noticable in December). Is there a specific reason for why that occurs? Does everyone sell their currencies to buy presents for their loved ones :p ?

Not to mention I hear a lot of good things about Evolution, but when will that be implemented? I can't really find a whole lot more about it. It could be, because of the fact that I know nothing, like our favorite stark does! Seriously though is there some timetable for it?

Thanks in advance everyone!
Hi, welcome!

I do not comment when is right time to buy masternode (1000 Dash), that is everyones own decision,
but i think because of the Evolution release (beta in few months and first release in the end of this year) price will go up,
that is my opinion, but you have to do your own research and decision based on that.

Evo info: https://www.dash.org/evolution/
Wiki: https://dashpay.atlassian.net/wiki/
There is no real trends in crypto, it is too young and there is a lot of new money coming in (double total market cap in 18 days) so, I would say that the sooner you buy the better. Even if there is a correction, just wait it out. As long as you are investing for the long term and not looking for short term returns I think and hope that Dash is a safe option.
Dash is older, has a clear aim and already has many features not offered by other cryptos.
Never trust people in a forum to make decisions for you. I'm a big believer and have dedicated countless hours to the project in the last few years. I believe Dash will eventually be huge, but nobody can tell you for sure. Investing such a sum, has to be a very personal decision. You need to be sure that you are not gonna need that money in the short term and that you believe in the project. And then go in. As for the specific timing, nobody can know. Past doesn't explain the future and this is very volatile. I would recommend to buy fractions of you desired amount daily, so you average the ups and downs of that period. And don't try to find December trends in the graphs, if it were that easy we would all be rich :)

The development roadmap is being redone atm, so there are no certain dates. Some kind of Evolution beta should happen by the end of the year. For more information than that, we need to wait for the new roadmap. And development times are liquid, so even with a roadmap be aware that things can go wrong and happen late.