I could be wrong but I seriously doubt he'll get funding on a personal project...
Have you seen this crowd?
They down voted the testers for god-sake
Can't even get 1 month payout for testing?
I agree, did you see how they quashed funding for DashWhale?
The testers proposal wasn't well-defined as to who are "testers" and how that gets determined. It was a good idea, but not a well-written or well thought-out proposal. I voted against it
because it was a bad proposal, not because of who proposed it. (How do you definitively define "testers"? What prevents
anyone from raising their hand and saying they deserve to be re-imbursed? How to prove yes/no for each situation?)
Note: I didn't "down-vote the testers", I downvoted the ill-conceived proposal. Come up with a better way of identifying which testers qualify and should be re-imbursed.
I voted
for Raganius' tennis advertising because I thought it was good for Dash as a whole -- Evan didn't propose that one either.
The Dashwhale proposal was confusing as hell and I thought it was horrible, so I voted against it.
Could it be that maybe the reason MN owners vote is based on the validity of the proposal and not the person itself?
It might also be that Evan comes up with very well-reasoned and well-written and well-thought-out proposals. It's the reason Dash has come to the point it has already — he thinks things through pretty well. Take incentivised hosting of nodes, for example. Why did no other crypto come up with that first? Amazing solution, solves a trajedy of the commons problem. It stands to reason that the person who come up with that idea could also maybe be able to come up with intelligent use of the Dash MN budget system.
There haven't been a large number of proposals from others that I'm aware of, and of the ones I have read, I don't judge them a great use of funds. So it might just be that certain people come up with better proposals than others. Causation is not correlation.
It's a pretty huge assumption when you lump most MN owners together with statements like:
Unfortunately a significant number of masternode owners COMPLETELY misunderstand the purpose of the budgeting system and routinely vote down anything that is not directly asked for by Evan.
The purpose is to build the ecosystem in a decentralized way, not wait until Evan asks for money for a project and then rubber stamp it. It's actually quite infuriating to be given a tool for decentralized governance and yet look to a centralized "authority" for his blessing before voting.
So you're surprised then that when given a choice, most people - most of the time - will choose to abdicate their own power of choice?
Just look around, man - this part of human nature is precisely the reason we are all here having these kinds of discussions. Projects like Dash are the natural consequence of the sort of abuses that become possible once enough people renounce their own power of choice.
I vote for Evan's proposals because they're a sensible use of the budget system. I thought the Dash whale proposal was horrible, so I voted against. Same w/"the testers".
People who understand Dash and fintech in general have to possess at least certain level of technical knowledge in order to download the wallets and hold digital currency. Even more so with MN owners. It's pretty ridiculous then to assume that MN owners are just sheep who follow their Great Leader without thinking things through.
"Renouncing their power of choice" by voting against proposals they don't like? Please. It's just the opposite.