whats the all-time record wait for a MN payment?


HI Guys, title says it all really. I'm curious how long (assuming no technical issues of any kind of course) someone has had to wait to get a payment - yes I know its random and yes, I do have my own ulterior motives for asking!

"Block rewards
Last selected 4609 blocks ago. Next selection in about -802 blocks."

Surely someone has beaten that in the past or do I win the prize??
Definitely not a winner (yet :D). I personally know of a node that had to wait for as long as 11 days. But I guess there are some who doesn't report and just wait patiently so max period between payments could be potentially even a bit longer (though probability of this is reeeally low).
11 days must be vanishingly unlikely odds, at least as I understand the payout arrangement? Thanks UdjinM6 that really puts my question in context anyway
My masternode on a raspberry pi 2 did not get paid for 11 days more than once now ... so now I am going to move it to vultr :(
It kept "dropping off the payment list" several times a day for several minutes and I dont know why.