I would like to write more about the Name Darkcoin in Chinese view.
Guys, maybe you don't know. The Name of Darkcoin (暗黑幣 or 暗黑币 in simplify chinese) actually cause some disadvantage about promoting the Coin in the Chinese market.
Here are some reason:
1. Another Cryptocurrency which called Blackcoin (黑幣 or 黑币 in simplify chinese) is just 1 charter different form our coin. And this may make people confuse.
2.If you guys play Diable 3 which is a very old game. The game is translate into (暗黑破壞神 or暗黑破坏神 in simplify chinese). And thus people also called the in game currency as暗黑币 or暗黑金币. You can just google "暗黑币买卖" or "暗黑币交易" (means buy and sell Darkcoin for us). See what you found. It is not difficult to see some site for trading the in game currency in your result list. If you search "暗黑币购买' (means buying Darkcoin for us). You will get the result of buying the in game currency of Diablo 3.
3. In chinese culture, 黑 always connect with something not very good. E.g. 黑店(Unscrupulous shop) , 黑帮 (Gangs), 黑货 (Smuggled goods), 黑钱 (income illegally obtained). etc. Of course there is some good words. But in general, is not a good word. (At lease in chinese culture).
I am glad that we have a chance to discuss the name now , not a few years later. Cos the recently rally of Darkcoin already draw some attention from Chinese people.
Here is some news
Although I know this will create some trouble for a coin which is currently no.3 of the market value in the Cryptocurrency to rebrand. But anyway it is worth to discuss this issue.
Maybe you don't know that Bitcoin have 2 Chinese name. One is位元币 another one is比特币. But you usually hear people say the name 比特币 instead of another. You can compare the pronounce in google translate see which is better.
p.s. make sure we come up with a new Chinese name If we are intend to change the name. Cos I cannot think a new and good Chinese name for marketing right now. Maybe we need to hire some expert marketing people to do this job.