What other altcoins are DRKcoiners into?


New member
DRK seems to have a pretty savvy following, so I'm pretty sure few people here are getting caught up in too many of the fad coins (like Auroracoin). Wondering what this crowd is buying or mining besides DRK?
Litecoin, bitcoin, Quarkcoin, Dogecoin and DRK

I was into sexcoin for a while, I made a little money and decided to get out of crypto. Then I found Darkcoin and was blown away by it's uniqueness and it sucked me back in.

So I'm only in DRK at the moment.
I have Bitcoin, Litecoin, and Darkcoin. I'm starting to lose faith in litecoin though, so I might just sell it.
Darkcoin, Bitcoin, Litecoin, Myriad, Doge

I've been selling off Doge and buying DRK. All Litecoin will be sold when price rises again.
I consider BTC a reserve currency, DRK the only alt with any additional utility on the roadmap.... all else are crap. I'm helping the group behind Grumpy as it was profitable to mine for a little while and i'm still sitting on a bunch after the bottom fell out.
I consider BTC a reserve currency, DRK the only alt with any additional utility on the roadmap.... all else are crap. I'm helping the group behind Grumpy as it was profitable to mine for a little while and i'm still sitting on a bunch after the bottom fell out.
What is/was grumpy?

I consider Bitcoin my altcoin, lol I mine it because days before I found darkcoin, I decided to try mining, and the only coin I understood, sorta, was bit, so I bought an antminer U1, lol. Now, when we find a block, I buy dark with my proceeds, :p
Only in DRK. Nothing else captures my imagination in the way DRK has.

Also, I back TanteStefana's comments! For me it really grates how the crypto-community has already decided that BTC is (or should be) the de facto standard and that anything else is an altcoin. But this phenomenon has really been driven by mainstream media. BTC gets so much free attention from the corporate media, even though everything is on a public ledger. It's like there is an end-to-end corporate machine out there, promoting BTC. Who are these people, to demand that we regard BTC as the currency?

I think Anonymint from the other forum is very astute. BTC could very well be a front for Visa itself, even the World Bank. But the mask won't necessarily be taken off until 2020 or 2030, when it's too late. It's been heavily promoted as anti-establishment, in the same way the British ruling class promoted the Beatles and the Rolling Stones as rebellious in the 1960s lol. In that case (the cult of youth, and society of the spectacle), we can clearly see that EMI (military electronics) and the Tavistock Institute for Human Relations/Royal College of Psychiatrists were an influencing factor, along with Frankfurt School intellectuals.

To be blunt, I'm sure a similar mindgame is being played out here with BTC. Anything truly disruptive would struggle to get such extensive coverage on the BBC and CNN. As far as I'm concerned, BTC should be regarded as an altcoin. It's DRK that is the most promising development so far in the crypto arena. DRK is really what digital currency is supposed to be about, from an ideological/political/cultural point of view. Evan is sticking to the core principles.

The three confirmations is another positive for me. That also makes Litecoin redundant, so DRK trashes two NWO coins at the first attempt...
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DRK seems to have a pretty savvy following, so I'm pretty sure few people here are getting caught up in too many of the fad coins (like Auroracoin). Wondering what this crowd is buying or mining besides DRK?
Tried Lite and Doge but wasn't impressed by either. Without anonymity, you have nothing. I know I'm preaching to the choir here. Don't see how Doge can keep things going, just by being 'meme' based lmao. Ridiculous how much attention it attracted.
Wondering what this crowd is buying or mining besides DRK?

I used Worldcoin to test how quick it was. And yeah, it was speedy. Unfortunately you've got the orphans problem. It looks like the developers didn't think or didn't care about that. They went for a quick fix. And it's not enough on its own to justify using it IMO.

Gridcoin sounds unique. In 2014 it is weird to be obsessed with R&D as the ultimate saviour, though. Or the idea that scientific progress will save the world hahahahah. I doubt it. Again, the devs didn't think that one through properly. The military has all the tech they could want and they'll just use it to kill. It's not helping humanity to advance particularly, as far as I can tell.

About Loki's post. Yeah, that guy Anonymint (is that the son of the Exxon attorney? Lives in Thailand or Bali or somewhere like that?) is worth following. I noticed that. I've enjoyed his posts on there. Am looking forward to seeing his ideas on how crypto should be made fully anonymous. Just hope he hurries up about it! He and Evan are the top two knowledgeable posters on Bitcointalk as far as I'm concerned. Thinkers and doers.
Only in DRK. Nothing else captures my imagination in the way DRK has.
Also, I back TanteStefana's comments! For me it really grates how the crypto-community has already decided that BTC is (or should be) the de facto standard and that anything else is an altcoin. But this phenomenon has really been driven by mainstream media. BTC gets so much free attention from the corporate media, even though everything is on a public ledger. It's like there is an end-to-end corporate machine out there, promoting BTC. Who are these people, to demand that we regard BTC as the currency?

Yeah I think it's way too early to say that any cryptocurrency is the standard. That would be like saying Webcrawler won internet search in the 90s. Plus I remain unconvinced that a single currency is necessarily the right fit for every user anyway. I think there is still great opportunity for things like Darkcoin to fit niches.
I think I'm a bit less conspiratorial - BTC is the first, and so it is the best-accepted. Then, investors wanted to dump money into it, and then influence the direction it goes.

"Greed is good"
-Gordon Gekko
But small confession:
I mined about 2M Coinye coins when it first came out (before it collapsed). I don't know why... all the hubub just seemed hilarious.