IMHO, DASH (or Bitcoin) has no intrinsic value, its price is a pure speculation and subject to market forces.What forces can cause dash to go up or down in value?
No matter what anyone says, it's the market. Plain and simple.
Take a Picasso to the middle of the African desert to a nomad tribe and try to sell it. They'll probably offer you a portion of their dinner in exchange for the wood in the frame to make a fire with it.
Do any of you guys know whats happening to the dash price right now? It has fallen quite significantly in the past few days (more than 10%). I tried to find some news about the possible cause bout found nothing. Any ideas?
Do any of you guys know whats happening to the dash price right now? It has fallen quite significantly in the past few days (more than 10%). I tried to find some news about the possible cause bout found nothing. Any ideas?
Recently, when I said the price was falling (and explained why), I was met with denial. I am not at all surprised the price is tanking, it's been drifting downwards the past two months (see coinmarketcap).
My explanation is simple; the Legal proposals and the work with Coinfirm. It turns out, dash's "governance" system is better described as a grants system, because it doesn't stop the core team doing stuff that nobody voted for... they'll just do exactly what they please regardless.
Members of the core team conspired with Coinfirm and equally, at the same time, refuse to strengthen dash's privacy. They don't want to implement, for example, Shadowcash technology; they'll argue that PrivateSend is better when there is hard evidence to show it isn't. Companies like Coinfirm are increasingly eroding privacy on the block chain and they are having two-way relationships with companies like ShapeShift, Vodafone and so on (these are verifiable facts). Additionally, the core team have done nothing to help protect MNOs... end users get the privacy but MNOs are exposed to the risks / liabilities.
People can see these imbalance and realising they have little to lose by going back to bitcoin.
sorry but - that is total nonsense !
proposals (the core wanted/needed) were voted down before and will be again !
this whole conspiracy theory you are riding there does not make sense at all.
the last 2 month in dash and crypto there was a lot going on , BTC above 630, 'z' coins/cash launching this month all over , there were a ton of ICO's going on .....
this is just the markets and has nothing to do with Dash direct
(this is obviously my personal opinion - as much as your personal conspiracy theory)
the charts really depend on your zoom !
we rise from 4$ - 13% over the last 8-10 month ! check the charts and u see were all 'on track'
A lot has been said already but i just want to add my voice since this comment would be the most recent in 2017.
I have been studying the value of Dash for a while now and it's not looking good.
while we can argue that the value of BTC has caused the value of Dash to drop, i still think that doesnt have to be the case.
if you take Etheruem as an example, it has been on the rise for a while now and BTC is also on the rise. There are other currencies that have been rising steadily for the past month, so why should Dash be dropping.
I personally believe that Dash has a better chance of surviving the crypto-bubble and making it in the long term because of its governance system. but for now i think something is wrong somewhere and it has to be fixed, and quick.
well now dash is almost below $50.300% in 4 weeks? how is this not good?