What is TOR - should I use it + Guide

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November 8, 2014 4 Comments Vasisht Thunga Anonymous, tor

What is Tor ?

Tor is a free software program that you load onto your computer (like a browser) that hides your IP address every time you send or request data on the Internet. The process is layered with heavy-duty encryption, which means your data is layered with privacy protection.

Then there’s the route your data takes as it travels to its destination: Tor will bounce your Internet requests and data through a vast and extensive network of relays (servers) around the world. That data path is never the same, because Tor uses up to 5,000 Tor relays to send your data request. Think of it as a huge network of “hidden” servers that will keep your online identity (meaning your IP address) and your location invisible.

Tor has extreme value because it can work with your website browser, remote log-in applications and even with instant-messaging software. Tor is registered as a nonprofit company, so they run mainly on donations and reliance on the hope that people will become a relay to their network.

Uses of Tor

By using Tor, websites will no longer be able to track the physical location of your IP address or what you have been looking at online…and neither will any interested organizations that may want to monitor someone’s Internet activity—meaning law enforcement or government security agencies. Tor is like a proxy on steroids.

How it Works ?




Here is a video link of Tor :- How Tor Works – A ComputeCycle Deep Dive

Were I can get Tor

Download Link :- Torproject.org

Supports :- Windows 8, 7, Vista, and XP

Does Tor makes our browsing slow ?

Tor is slower than a regular Internet connection. However, the Tor developers have been doing a lot of hard work to make the Tor network faster. And it is faster today than ever before. One of the best things that can be done to speed up the Tor network is to create more relays. If you would like to contribute to making the Tor network faster, you can check out our Tor Challenge

Is Tor secure?

Security and anonymity go hand in hand on the Internet. As an online anonymizer, Tor was designed to be secure.

However, documents leaked by former National Security Agency (NSA) contractor Edward Snowden show that the NSA has tried to crack, infiltrate or weaken any encryption that the agency does not itself control.

In light of this news, nearly all independent encryption and online communication services have become suspect, including Tor.

How To Install Tor?

Here is the installation link :- Tor browser

PLEASE Handle with care !
Hey I just wanted to ask this. I've read on multiple forums that Tor is a backdoor to the FBI. Is this true?

Apparently they caught up with the owner/creator of Tor and he's working with them.


November 8, 2014 4 Comments Vasisht Thunga Anonymous, tor

What is Tor ?

Tor is a free software program that you load onto your computer (like a browser) that hides your IP address every time you send or request data on the Internet. The process is layered with heavy-duty encryption, which means your data is layered with privacy protection.

Then there’s the route your data takes as it travels to its destination: Tor will bounce your Internet requests and data through a vast and extensive network of relays (servers) around the world. That data path is never the same, because Tor uses up to 5,000 Tor relays to send your data request. Think of it as a huge network of “hidden” servers that will keep your online identity (meaning your IP address) and your location invisible.

Tor has extreme value because it can work with your website browser, remote log-in applications and even with instant-messaging software. Tor is registered as a nonprofit company, so they run mainly on donations and reliance on the hope that people will become a relay to their network.

Uses of Tor

By using Tor, websites will no longer be able to track the physical location of your IP address or what you have been looking at online…and neither will any interested organizations that may want to monitor someone’s Internet activity—meaning law enforcement or government security agencies. Tor is like a proxy on steroids.

How it Works ?




Here is a video link of Tor :- How Tor Works – A ComputeCycle Deep Dive

Were I can get Tor

Download Link :- Torproject.org

Supports :- Windows 8, 7, Vista, and XP

Does Tor makes our browsing slow ?

Tor is slower than a regular Internet connection. However, the Tor developers have been doing a lot of hard work to make the Tor network faster. And it is faster today than ever before. One of the best things that can be done to speed up the Tor network is to create more relays. If you would like to contribute to making the Tor network faster, you can check out our Tor Challenge

Is Tor secure?

Security and anonymity go hand in hand on the Internet. As an online anonymizer, Tor was designed to be secure.

However, documents leaked by former National Security Agency (NSA) contractor Edward Snowden show that the NSA has tried to crack, infiltrate or weaken any encryption that the agency does not itself control.

In light of this news, nearly all independent encryption and online communication services have become suspect, including Tor.

How To Install Tor?

Here is the installation link :- Tor browser

PLEASE Handle with care !
The terms Tor and Onion. Are they the same thing or is Onion the doing word of Tor?
The terms Tor and Onion. Are they the same thing or is Onion the doing word of Tor?
I'm probably wrong but from what I've read up so far it seems like any site ending with dot onion is an underground site. I haven't been on any but apparently the web addresses are a load of letters and numbers follow by the dot onion domain. I would put the actual "dot" but I don't want you know who (those scamming, tracing cunts that start with a 'G') scouring the internet with their bots and using this thread on any of their search results any time soon or ever. Anyway, yea these domains can only be accessed by the Tor browser apparently but, a question if anyone knows the answer - Are there any alternative browsers to Tor that allow the same access and/or protection online and if so what are they?

Hey I just wanted to ask this. I've read on multiple forums that Tor is a backdoor to the FBI. Is this true?

Apparently they caught up with the owner/creator of Tor and he's working with them.

If you actually believe that then I have a bridge for sale CHEAP! I've read your posts and you seem to be VERY uninformed about the nature of TOR. First of all, it wasn't created by an individual. Second, just because a site ends in .onion doesn't mean it's "underground". The term "underground" infers that something illegal is going on. There are .onion sites that are set up that allow abused spouses to discuss their problems without fear of reprisal. Is that illegal? Several of us have set up .onion nodes to allow the Dash-QT client to connect outside of the "clearnet". That's not illegal either.

Before you give anyone else the impression that TOR is bad or illegal I ask you to go to https://torproject.org and read ALL the information available. Then come back here and give us your impression. I bet it will be significantly different than the FUD your alluding to now.
be carefull with TOR

many exit nodes are sniffing traffic over different protocols
for a HTTP SSL are often used MITM attack

if you see browser alert using TOR that SSL sertificate unexpectedly was changed more likely it is MITM attack


  • mitm-flow_0.gif
    35.7 KB · Views: 215
If you actually believe that then I have a bridge for sale CHEAP! I've read your posts and you seem to be VERY uninformed about the nature of TOR. First of all, it wasn't created by an individual. Second, just because a site ends in .onion doesn't mean it's "underground". The term "underground" infers that something illegal is going on. There are .onion sites that are set up that allow abused spouses to discuss their problems without fear of reprisal. Is that illegal? Several of us have set up .onion nodes to allow the Dash-QT client to connect outside of the "clearnet". That's not illegal either.

Before you give anyone else the impression that TOR is bad or illegal I ask you to go to https://torproject.org and read ALL the information available. Then come back here and give us your impression. I bet it will be significantly different than the FUD your alluding to now.
Whoa! I didn't mean to offend anyone so I apologise if it's been taken that way.

I've been looking around on forums etc and decided to post on here the information that I've read hoping that this would happen where someone like yourself would correct me. I've also posted questions asking if the information that I read was true and you've been good enough to answer.....In a negative way but you still answered which I'm grateful for.

Forum posts that I have read mainly implied that most .onion sites are "underground". I prefer to use that word as the shitty search engine that we all know of is less likely to flag this post up in their search results when someone types in the word "ill...".

Anyway yea I don't care about the underground stuff as everyone does there own thing and that's just how things go. I just wanted to get the correct information and you're helping me with that. If we didn't get things wrong or ask questions then how would any of us ever learn?

The thing that I really wanted to know about Tor is whether or not it's safe to access underground stuff as like I said, I read on other forums that the browser is a backdoor to the FBI and to me that would instantly mean that privacy to a certain extent is automatically thrown out of the window.

I'll say it again though, if I have offended anyone then that was not the intention.

Whoa! I didn't mean to offend anyone so I apologise if it's been taken that way.


NP. I'm not offended in the least. I just prefer to go to the original sources of information (whitepapers, technical write-ups, etc.) so I can formulate my own opinions rather than formulate an opinion based on other people's opinions. Again I implore you to go to the source, read the docs, and then voice the opinion YOU have rather than parrot the opinions of others. Remember: If you were pooping free gold coins for everyone to have there will be someone that will complain that you're making a mess and tell everyone else that you're making a mess and annoying others. :)
NP. I'm not offended in the least. I just prefer to go to the original sources of information (whitepapers, technical write-ups, etc.) so I can formulate my own opinions rather than formulate an opinion based on other people's opinions. Again I implore you to go to the source, read the docs, and then voice the opinion YOU have rather than parrot the opinions of others. Remember: If you were pooping free gold coins for everyone to have there will be someone that will complain that you're making a mess and tell everyone else that you're making a mess and annoying others. :)
Lmao! I love the 'gold coins' :D I'm glad I didn't offend you because that's the last thing I would want to do on here :)

I'm definitely going to read through it all :D

I've been looking at so much lately that to be honest I think I'm borderline paranoid at the moment haha!

I've gotten carried away with everything! I've bought BTC to then buy two VPNs, I've adjusted the browser in the most ridiculous way possible using NoScript, TrackMeNot, Ghostery, AdBlock Plus, HTTPS-Everywhere, BetterPrivacy, I've changed my search engine, downloaded Tor, will be setting up a Virtual Machine this weekend on a separate external hard drive, and I'm now thinking of buying a new phone with cash, a SIM card with cash, a new laptop with cash all so there's nothing linking back to me. I don't do anything dodgy just that I've gotten so into the whole security and privacy thing that it's all I think about when I wake up and go to sleep.

I've also downloaded RedPhone, TextSecure, GPG4WIN, setup multiple new emails using a provider that doesn't require a mobile number etc, and I know this is all basic stuff that anyone should do but I'm constantly trying to find more ways to protect my privacy so much to the point that I'm hardly spending any time with my family.

If there's anything else that you think I should do then please let me know as I'm learning as I go here :) I'm curious though about the .onion sites if I'm honest as anyone would be but I want to protect myself in case I click on the wrong ones.
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