What is coins in read only mode?


New member
First, I congratulate you, for the big work you make to have a good communauty and I 'm sure all dash users work hard to make it convenable.

On thing, I just want to know why my coins are in read only mode and how to change it?

How to unlock read only mode?

Last time, somebody give to me a link to setup guide, and it's perfect, I understand better how it's work.

But can't find an answer about read only mode and how to disable it!

Can you explain me?
What do you mean by read-only mode?

If you mean the wallet is locked (indicated by a lock icon in the lower right side of the Dash Core wallet), you can either unlock it by selecting `Settings->Unlock Wallet` from the menu or you will be asked to unlock it when sending a transaction.

If you mean there is a Watch-only balance, that means the private keys associated with that balance are not in your wallet so you cannot spend them. This would generally only happen if you had imported a public key into your wallet.

If it is neither of these, perhaps a screenshot of the issue would be helpful.
thank's for your replies.

In fact, I've just imoprtaddress show up in masternode tab=>benificiary address!
Now I can show up, wich transactions are sending/receive by all of my mastenode configured in masternode.conf! So that why they are in read only mode

in dash ninja website, I can show up my node in green, and work with 100% at each label infos. (all appears in green)
And sometimes it appears a payment since 7 days or 4 days etc..., but they arent update in dash core in normal balance.

On another thread on this forum, a user explain that the payment incoming each 25000 block later.
Is it right? in case I make a mistake, how many validate block must I still wainting for to get back my dashcoins?

If is it right, I count for 2500 blocks validating, will take up approx 17 days!

Can you confim?

A last question, I download sucessfully the last dashcore, It reindex txuo at start runing.
But a this time I must to resync entirely my wallet!

Is there any command line to reindex TXio entries? CAuse I've enable control coin feature, and in send coins=>imput nothing appears!

When my wallet is fully syncing, can you give me a command line to reindex txuio (showed up in send=>imput=>when control coins is enable)

Cause I've seeing thaht when they are upate, I can ulonck unspend transactions to get back coins.
I'm right?

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yes I've enable coin control with no doubts!

But in send transactions =>input there is no TXUO (nothing appears) I'll' try to do that is wrinting in the guide=>but nothing!!
My masternode are succesfully setup !

In dash ninja all appears in green and last payments are since 3 days or 1 week, but nothing appears in dash core!
So why?
I must still waiting for each 120 block later, it approx 7 days? Is it right?
I don't really understand what you are saying, did you get paid or not? Can you see the payments in a block explorer? Or are you still waiting to be paid? Read here for information on why it is not possible to predict when you get paid: https://dashpay.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/DOC/pages/8880184/Payment+Logic

Can you send the addresses of the nodes you are talking about, or screenshots showing what you expect to see?
Sorry I'm french, I don't speak very well.

So in first this is balance screenshot!

You can see on this screen that coins are in read only mode!
But I've added privkey for my each receiving address=>no coins in balance, and had too adding benificiary address of my masternodes (that's why they are in read only mode)

I've trying to decrypt wallet with my passphrase =>nothing too!

So in secund time, the screen shot of a part off my nodes=>

So You can have a part of my masternode IP, and I give you another screenshot of dash ninja website with one of my node in searching.

You can see for this masternode all appears in green Masternode enabled and port check ok.
Last payment is 5d2h40m1s

Somes users said that I must wait 100/120 block later for payment, so like time block is various, I calculate aprox time beetween 5 days or 7 days!
Is that right?

What do you mean to add privkeywallet, I've already adding privkey of my receiving address=>nothing.

Is that the privkey of the entire wallet? if it is? Which command line?

And finaly is there a script or a program to make masternode.conf easely? Cause is fastidious and at this time I've manualy added 250 Masternodes of over 1 000 masternode created by dashcore.

A last thing!

In the sending coins tab, when I go to imput to see txuio, there is nothing=>give you a proof=>


edit: If you help me to get back my coins, I'll give you somes with no doubts!!
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Must I've type in console mode this command=> getaccountaddress 0 ????

Another user explain this create an address for the wallet? (no an simply receiving address)

If is it the case, How to remeeded an transaction masternode?

cause When I search payment on the explorer dash=>
It appears somes transactions not remeeded.

So how to remeeded right an masternode payement?

Maybe I'm doing right road? Or not? :mad:

I'm furious cause I want to help comunauty, and continue to set up masternodes.
I want to continue setup all of my masternodes! To help communauty in Europe!

But I want a script to setup my over 1k masternode enable.
I don't have west of time to enter line by line all of my masternodes.
So is there a any scripts?

I'm serious trader and computer worker since over 15 years old in mainting hardware, hotline provider manager, LAN WLan admistrator.
I study in Europe, and I believe in dash, a good comunauty and developpers..
I'm enjoy to know another user like you!

Can you answer of my question in black?

Thank's for reply!

edit: For helpers a promised reward issue!
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Screenshot from 2018-03-22 01-15-26.png

Edit: nevermind, I just noticed that that table is empty for you. Have you actually bought any Dash or did you only add random masternodes to your masternode.conf?
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In debug log file, it appearsn a lot masternode transaction accepted winner with txcount
Sometimes, it appears an error, but another times they are accepted and a block is created!

And butget proposal are ok and somtimes check remove items, adding votes..

All rigth, I configure my own masternode.conf with My own priv key! (masternode privkey "address" command line is ok in console mode)

My screenshot masternode is my own masternode in section tab

Masternode list command return me a list of 1k masternode.

My problem is I'm sure i've a lot of dashcoin, and in debug.log they are a lot of masternodes transaction accpeted! but nothing coins is update in my balance!
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@thephez do you think this might be a "watch-only" address? Has the user imported only the pubkey and not the privkey, so he can see activity on the addresses but can't spend it?

@beliomir how did you start these masternodes? where is the 1000 dash collateral held? because your wallet says this balance is "Lecture seule", it means you are monitoring these addresses but you do not control them.... to control an address you must import the privkey for the address (which is used for spending) and not the masternode privkey (which is used for sending start/stop/vote commands to the masternode).

I think the problem here is confusion between the two different types of privkey. @beliomir I am happy to get on a call with you to help investigate what went wrong...
OK, I was able to recreate this as follows:

I picked a random address with balance from the blockchain and used "importaddress <address>". The balance then appeared as "Watch-only". To get the balance to appear under "Spendable", you need to import the private key for that address using "importprivkey <privkey>".

@beliomir this is what you need to do:
  1. To watch an address, use importaddress <address>
  2. To spend an address, use importprivkey <privkey>
  3. Note that the privkey to spend an address and the privkey for a masternode on that address are not the same
Does this help?
@thephez do you think this might be a "watch-only" address? Has the user imported only the pubkey and not the privkey, so he can see activity on the addresses but can't spend it?

Looks like you figured this out before I saw it. Yes, those are "watch-only" addresses. The little eye icon beside transactions in the Recent Transactions list (or in the second column on the Transactions tab - which normally is blank) also indicates this. So basically the wallet is indicating it has the public key for the addresses, but not the private key.

Normally, you would simply get an address from the wallet you are using and this would be a non-issue because the wallet will have both private/public keys.
@beliomir this is what you need to do:
  1. To watch an address, use importaddress <address>
  2. To spend an address, use importprivkey <privkey>
  3. Note that the privkey to spend an address and the privkey for a masternode on that address are not the same

Or just use the wallet(s) that created those addresses. Recommended practice is to use a hardware wallet for masternodes though, right @strophy?
ok strohy!

In console mode when I write getprivkey for an address =>this return an error message (address priv key is not know)

In section tab My masternode (my own) I've a list of masternode. in console mode when I write masternode list=>return a list of masternode.

I Can get success my masternodes privkey
But not the priv key for address benificiary!

benificiary address for masternode is setup automaticaly? is it right?

Somes questions:
Is there any command line to update txuo index?

Or is it possible that an hacker have setup his own beneficiary address?

On another post you say that with the entire blockchain (boot strap dat file), I can solve it!
Cause when I resync, is too long time to update and somes transactions are missing!

Can you confirm?
The masternode privkey and the address privkey are not the same. You must control the address privkey to move the 1000 Dash and any masternode payments you receive. How did you set these masternodes up, what commands or guides did you follow? Where are your masternodes hosted?

For your questions:
1) You can go to Tools > Wallet Repair > Rescan blockchain files to update the transaction index. This probably won't change anything for you.

2) It's not possible for a hacker to do this without controlling the privkey to the address. It seems you don't control the privkey either though, so I'm not sure what is really happening here...

3) You could try to delete all files except wallet.dat and resync, but first you need to think about how you successfully set up and started this many masternodes without having the address privkey...
last time I'll try to salvage wallet in command line like dashcore -salvagewallet

It's seems to repair private key for address (I understand good it isn't the same as masternode privkey)

But turn me back an error message like => can't enable key for wallet because mixing is'nt enable. Try this with a wallet passphrase (something like this in french)

What is the command line to unlock wallet at start (in command line)?????

Can I'll try dashcore -salvagewallet -walletpassphrase ****** 6000?

Is there the good command line to write at starting QT?
You can see here for documentation of command line variables and RPC commands: https://docs.dash.org/en/latest/wallets/dashcore/cmd-rpc.html

But a masternode does not need and should not run a wallet, the coins should be stored safely in Dash Core on another computer, or preferably on a hardware wallet like Trezor. I've asked several times now:
  1. How did you start these masternodes?
  2. Which guide did you follow?
  3. Where are they hosted?
I'had to go in console mode, and write masternode list=>return me a long list.
Copy/paste in masternode.conf and adding privkey for masternode and they appears in tab "my mastenodes"
All are enabled and contol coins is on in options.

I follow the official setup guide for masternodes and more explains.

Yes My nodes are hosted on Nodevps and it's been working good!
Today I receipt 2 payment 1.6 Dash.
On Dash ninja website I can See my proposal budget for last supeblock. And it's the same as written in console mode.
I can see too my masternodes.All are green

something that I do and verify:

I upgrade to last version wallet with -upgradewallet option in command line.

To repair my keys wallet, I can in command line (like msdos)
runing like=> dashcore -salvage wallet

Retun me an error like "can't add keys fo wallet, because you must unlock wallet with passprase and mixing is not enable."

It's seems that I can do that in repair wallet menu, in the QT.
But option is in grey and can't click on to run.

So I'll try in command windows (like msdos) runnig core like (cause you give link with all commands)

dashcore.lnk -walletpassphrase ***** 60000 -salvagewallet -enableinstantsend -enableprivatesend -spentindex -addressindex -txindex


When I looking for on a block explorer the txid transaction.

It seems like one is validate and another is "Not remmeeded"

What's mean Not remmeeded?
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