What happened to dash? Be sick?

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What happened to dash? Be sick? Dash ranking has fallen below 50, which means that it is insignificant in the crypto circle. The other coin I know,Decred was born by imitating dash. The highest price was $60 in 2017. This year, it has exceeded the previous high, and the price will soon surpass dash. A year ago, one dash could be exchanged for six decred. Now the price of dash is sad. What is the reason?


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Here is my reason in short. Lots of people had dash on binance and over a few years binance drained the value on dash by running hundreds of nodes but not paying all user that were holding dash. You had to press a button take an extra step to lock it for a period, which moat users did not do. All while binamce was short selling and using dash mn rewards from hundreds of nodes of customers funds to pump up bnb product. Once community became more aware and started moving dash off binance the price went from 75 to 475. So believe it or not that's my two cents, dwceed copied dash but did not get drained by biance of value. Now there is serious investigation in binamce, the truth will come out. But it has hurt dash for time, but time will heal all wounds.
If we reduce the number of mortgage coins in the masternode, can we break the monopoly of binance and let more people support dash
If we reduce the number of mortgage coins in the masternode, can we break the monopoly of binance and let more people support dash

To do this you must be allowed to vote the numbers.
But the stupid masternodes and the DCG hate the "voting the numbers" idea.
The numbers in Dash are hardcoded, and decided randomly by an ignorant DCG, which is the responsible for Dash's downfall.
Not to mention the real responsible of course, the stupid MNOs who still support and vote in favor of the same old persons in DCG.
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I'm sorry to say, but I'd been warning about this for the past couple of years. There is a hardcore of MNOs, stubborn to the bitter end and they refuse to own the problem.

Until recently, dash development, marketing and governance has been too concentrated on DCG, whom take 60% of the treasury every single month. As an outsider, if you're not one of the lucky ones close enough to DCG, what incentives are there to build or promote for dash?

The irony that the dash and monero communities would fight each other and look where they are now. Yes, dash would rejoice to be rank #27 again. But I'll tell you how they beat our ass, they have something valid and passionate to fight for. Privacy. An emotional endeavor that drives an entire like-minded community. What cause, what emotions drive your average dash user? - nothing as powerful as personal privacy.

For the record I don't own monero.

But then we had this utterly bizarre situation that the crypto community would rave about dash's privacy, and the press would promote our bad boy image... and what did DCG say? - "no no no, we're not a privacy coin, stop giving us press coverage!". And this went on for years, always rejecting the very thing that got people gossiping. Well guess what Mr Dash, you succeeded, people no longer believe you're the bad boy of crypto, you're just a bitcoin clone without a cause, a narrative, no story to tell.

I'm being a bit harsh because dash does have a story, but it hasn't been chased. Dash was the first fully working DAO. We can discount the eth DAO because, as you know, it blew up. But these days, every single time someone talks or writes about DAOs, dash is almost never mentioned. The history books have been re-written. But then again, how effective is the dash DAO if no one new comes to it? A hardcore of MNOs determined to price out almost everyone, and DCG constantly telling us that governance isn't a high enough priority. DCG doesn't see the importance of governance when they are consistently funded every month without challenge.

And let's not forget, how can dash be a ubiquitous form of payment when it has failed to integrate with all the projects above it?

Things are changing lately. We have the Dash Incubator, we have stDASH, and soon renDASH. But is it too little, too late? I'm not sure.
Dash's greatest problem, which is also its greatest advantage, is the treasury. The Dash treasury attracts all manner of money-grubbing mediocrities, lying sociopaths, con artists posing as entrepreneurs, and of course, we now have the new savior Andy Freer turning the place upside-down right as we're about to launch Evo. The DAO is liable to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.
Omg, the whole crypto shitshow in a single thread! It's got the price obsession, conspiracy, subterfuge and star of the show, the folks who do all the work getting flamed by self-entitled parasites! There's a screenplay right there, "Crypto, the movie!" and in just 5 posts!
I'm sorry to say, but I'd been warning about this for the past couple of years. There is a hardcore of MNOs, stubborn to the bitter end and they refuse to own the problem.

Until recently, dash development, marketing and governance has been too concentrated on DCG, whom take 60% of the treasury every single month. As an outsider, if you're not one of the lucky ones close enough to DCG, what incentives are there to build or promote for dash?

The irony that the dash and monero communities would fight each other and look where they are now. Yes, dash would rejoice to be rank #27 again. But I'll tell you how they beat our ass, they have something valid and passionate to fight for. Privacy. An emotional endeavor that drives an entire like-minded community. What cause, what emotions drive your average dash user? - nothing as powerful as personal privacy.

For the record I don't own monero.

But then we had this utterly bizarre situation that the crypto community would rave about dash's privacy, and the press would promote our bad boy image... and what did DCG say? - "no no no, we're not a privacy coin, stop giving us press coverage!". And this went on for years, always rejecting the very thing that got people gossiping. Well guess what Mr Dash, you succeeded, people no longer believe you're the bad boy of crypto, you're just a bitcoin clone without a cause, a narrative, no story to tell.

I'm being a bit harsh because dash does have a story, but it hasn't been chased. Dash was the first fully working DAO. We can discount the eth DAO because, as you know, it blew up. But these days, every single time someone talks or writes about DAOs, dash is almost never mentioned. The history books have been re-written. But then again, how effective is the dash DAO if no one new comes to it? A hardcore of MNOs determined to price out almost everyone, and DCG constantly telling us that governance isn't a high enough priority. DCG doesn't see the importance of governance when they are consistently funded every month without challenge.

And let's not forget, how can dash be a ubiquitous form of payment when it has failed to integrate with all the projects above it?

Things are changing lately. We have the Dash Incubator, we have stDASH, and soon renDASH. But is it too little, too late? I'm not sure.

I don't get it. Why are people so obsessed with privacy?
I don't get it. Why are people so obsessed with privacy?

The need for privacy is not always obvious when you're living in a reasonably functioning society. But, unfortunately, there are people among us who are tyrants. Look, for example, when protestors in Hong Kong could not use their Octopus card for transport because it identified who they were, enabling the tracking and / or the control of movement. In this example, cash was king.

From a technical point of view, monero is not that exciting. Beam and Zcash are far more interesting. But the greater picture of privacy is very powerful and emotive. It's more than inspiration, it drives activism. This is what they did, they didn't just promote the tech, they activated on privacy issues.

This is why I say, dash needs to tell it's story from a higher place.
The need for privacy is not always obvious when you're living in a reasonably functioning society. But, unfortunately, there are people among us who are tyrants. Look, for example, when protestors in Hong Kong could not use their Octopus card for transport because it identified who they were, enabling the tracking and / or the control of movement. In this example, cash was king.

From a technical point of view, monero is not that exciting. Beam and Zcash are far more interesting. But the greater picture of privacy is very powerful and emotive. It's more than inspiration, it drives activism. This is what they did, they didn't just promote the tech, they activated on privacy issues.

This is why I say, dash needs to tell it's story from a higher place.

Interesting, but don't you think is better to have an edge rather than try to do everything? I may be wrong but I see a future where people have a basket of currencies with their own use cases, rather than one currency for everything. All these coins would have to go through a hard battle in the market to win it's place as the best of it's kind. Maybe BTC is getting somewhere with it SOV gold 2.0 ¨social echo¨. Maybe Monero will be our privacy currency. Maybe Dash our digital cash for fast, secure and low fees and doge a coin to have fun, buy meme socks and donate to send a teddy bear to mars.
Interesting, but don't you think is better to have an edge rather than try to do everything? I may be wrong but I see a future where people have a basket of currencies with their own use cases, rather than one currency for everything. All these coins would have to go through a hard battle in the market to win it's place as the best of it's kind. Maybe BTC is getting somewhere with it SOV gold 2.0 ¨social echo¨. Maybe Monero will be our privacy currency. Maybe Dash our digital cash for fast, secure and low fees and doge a coin to have fun, buy meme socks and donate to send a teddy bear to mars.

Of course, multi-currency, but there are two very distinct groups; transparent and private. Chains like bitcoin and dash are transparent, we can easily verify the total supply. OTOH, privacy chains are unable to tally the total supply, yet they have a clear and distinct use case. So, imo, everyone should be holding some coins from both categories.

The main takeaway is that, own it's own, technical "edge" is not enough. Again, we need to tell our story from a higher place and be more emotionally driven. Engage our users that they feel a greater sense of purpose.
The main takeaway is that, own it's own, technical "edge" is not enough. Again, we need to tell our story from a higher place and be more emotionally driven. Engage our users that they feel a greater sense of purpose.

When Ryan Taylor talks about Venezuela suddenly everything becomes clear to me. If I where in that Country I would probably have a basket of cryptocurrencies which I believe have a strong SOV, a stable coin pledge to the us dollar and I would use Dash for transacting. Dash in this type of scenarios has the potential to save lives and economies. I think Ryan Taylor is doing a great job engaging users with the greater sense of purpose that you mentioned.

I'm here because of many reasons, but the one I mentioned is major part of it. I see a problem with privacy. If Dash want's to really become a serious currency used by the masses it needs to be regulated and I don't see how privacy fits in that equation. I'm pro transparency, if that means the world could become a safer place. I don't see the problem when the protocol is decentralized. Not only one entity could see all of the data, but everyone.
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When Ryan Taylor talks about Venezuela suddenly everything becomes clear to me. If I where in that Country I would probably have a basket of cryptocurrencies which I believe have a strong SOV, a stable coin pledge to the us dollar and I would use Dash for transacting. Dash in this type of scenarios has the potential to save lives and economies. I think Ryan Taylor is doing a great job engaging users with the greater sense of purpose that you mentioned.

I'm here because of many reasons, but the one I mentioned is major part of it. I see a problem with privacy. If Dash want's to really become a serious currency used by the masses it needs to be regulated and I don't see how privacy fits in that equation. I'm pro transparency, if that means the world could become a safer place. I don't see the problem when the protocol is decentralized. Not only one entity could see all of the data, but everyone.

Yes, I agree, the Venezuelan story is very compelling but I don't think that story is conveyed effectively enough. Right now, the videos from there are showing Church's Chickens with a fast effortless transaction... but that's not emotive. What they should do is take an empty room, a single chair and one Venezuelan that has lead a hard life. Let them talk of their life struggles, how their family was broken up as they looked for work in other countries etc. And then, just for a moment, very briefly talk about dash remittance and what it meant for them. In other words, don't make dash the main story, but move people's hearts. Then we can give all other cryptos a run for their money.

As for making the world a safer place, I'm all for that but it most certainly doesn't involve governments and regulators, quite the opposite. These are the people that tell others how bad they are for carrying a gun for self-defense yet posses nuclear bombs to annihilate the world many times over.
Its time to switch to this forum for communications. Reading through these threads has been painful. There are several ostracized dash holders controling the dialog here acting as trolls. As the official dash forum this place needs to be cleaned up...
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