What are the differences between Dash, ZCash & others like Monero?


New member
So I know the reason Dash holds alot of promise is due to it being fungible but I am curious witht he other fungibility options and such, what makes Dash better than the others? What makes Dash a long term investment compared to the others (other than ZCash not being out yet) and why is Dash going to outlast them?

Is Dash technologically superior? Or how does this elevator pitch go? I know its been asked before...

Ayways, just looking for some answers/opinions and sucg, thankx!
Why can't I post links yet? I also found this:

you need X amount of posts to be able to post links

I will move this under alternative currencies ;)
DASH is secure, cost efficient, utilitarian, anonymous, self funding, and Master Node governed with a respectable and growing market cap and active community.
you need X amount of posts to be able to post links

I will move this under alternative currencies ;)

Okay But I was hoping someone would explain the differences of Dash and the rest but if you say so good sir admin sir! I agree then!

biggest difference is the DAO style governance system of dash - voting over masternodes - 10 % of Blockchain payments (45% miners / 45% masternodes) go into funding the project / the masternodes vote on what these 10% are spend on (coding , marketing , outsourcing , ....)

monero has no funding - or they have a gaming page with which they find the project or something - partly hidden Blockchain (good for anonymity / bad as you have no control what is actually happening on Blockchain)

is a compan receiving 10% of the block reward straight up - so they can pay themself huge salaries or do whatever they want with these funds and community has no impact on their decisions (+ there are some legal issues / tax issues if you as a company run an anonymous currency = asking for trouble)

sorry this is pretty much all I can tell u in a nutshell
biggest difference is the DAO style governance system of dash - voting over masternodes - 10 % of Blockchain payments (45% miners / 45% masternodes) go into funding the project / the masternodes vote on what these 10% are spend on (coding , marketing , outsourcing , ....)

monero has no funding - or they have a gaming page with which they find the project or something - partly hidden Blockchain (good for anonymity / bad as you have no control what is actually happening on Blockchain)

is a compan receiving 10% of the block reward straight up - so they can pay themself huge salaries or do whatever they want with these funds and community has no impact on their decisions (+ there are some legal issues / tax issues if you as a company run an anonymous currency = asking for trouble)

sorry this is pretty much all I can tell u in a nutshell

Hmm Ok. I'll keep reading up for some mor einfo.

Let me start by going over the fundamental differences between these coins.

Coin is created with keys or programmable parameters that setup the way privacy is used. These are to be created during setup and then burned. You need to trust these are burned - otherwise all transactions are exposed. Transactions are mixed as they are sent in a through the programmed parameters. Transactions are only shown if the user allows. Release date is Sept 2016. Coin was funded with 715K upfront by investors. The first 4 years drain 20% of the block reward for development and 10% of that pays back investors. Otherwise a POW mining coin with Equihash with 4 year block halving. 21 million coins.
Faults: Key Burn Trust, Transactions can't be traced to original blocks - no way to guaranty rarity and value. Block halving
Benefits: Hidden Transactions, an interesting funding model.

Coins mined with POW cryptonight. Unlimited coins: Higher emission until 2022 and drops to 157680 annually. All transactions are hidden by default. Transactions are mixed when they are sent. The sender of a transaction can provide a view key to prove where the coins came from. There is no way to trace back to original mined coins. Funding from dice website. They have a centralized web wallet. No GUI wallet. Command line wallet available.
Faults: Hidden blockchain with no way to prove how many coins in existence to guaranty rarity and value. Inflationary coin - no cap on coins produced.
Benefits: Hidden transactions

Coins mined with X11 Algo, 19 million coins, with block rewards going to 45% miners, 45% masternodes, and up to 10% to budget proposals. Masternodes are incentivized full nodes that handle InstantSend and PrivateSend transactions and PrivateSend mixing. Blockchain is open and viewable. Mixing denominates coins to similar values making each address indistinguishable from another. This allows for fungibility. It also can enable PrivateSending of funds as an option. InstantSend can lock a transaction in about 1.3 seconds. (this makes Dash the optimal coin for point of sale)
Faults: Mixing coins is done in advance and takes 2+ hours. New version to be released in weeks will speed this up.
Benefits: InstantSend (Point of Sale), PrivateSend(Mixing=Fungible/Sending=Privacy), Sustainable budget for long term development, Funding to keep full nodes(masternodes) active, block reward drops a more smooth 7.142857% every year vs 50% cut. Transactions can be traced back to mined block so coin quantity can be proven and value kept.

Gold is physical so you don't need to prove that is duplicated. You need to prove an electronic coin has not been duplicated or infinitely mined to prove its rarity and value. Most of the other privacy systems can't prove this and fail as a store of value. The big benefit of Bitcoin when it was released was the ability to show how many coins are available in a trust-less way and therefore prove its value.
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Let me start by going over the fundamental differences between these coins.

Coin is created with keys or programmable parameters that setup the way privacy is used. These are to be created during setup and then burned. You need to trust these are burned - otherwise all transactions are exposed. Transactions are mixed as they are sent in a through the programmed parameters. Transactions are only shown if the user allows. Release date is Sept 2016. Coin was funded with 715K upfront by investors. The first 4 years drain 20% of the block reward for development and 10% of that pays back investors. Otherwise a POW mining coin with Equihash with 4 year block halving. 21 million coins.
Faults: Key Burn Trust, Transactions can't be traced to original blocks - no way to guaranty rarity and value. Block halving
Benefits: Hidden Transactions, an interesting funding model.

Coins mined with POW cryptonight. Unlimited coins: Higher emission until 2022 and drops to 157680 annually. All transactions are hidden by default. Transactions are mixed when they are sent. The sender of a transaction can provide a view key to prove where the coins came from. There is no way to trace back to original mined coins. Funding from dice website. They have a centralized web wallet. No GUI wallet. Command line wallet available.
Faults: Hidden blockchain with no way to prove how many coins in existence to guaranty rarity and value. Inflationary coin - no cap on coins produced.
Benefits: Hidden transactions

Coins mined with X11 Algo, 19 million coins, with block rewards going to 45% miners, 45% masternodes, and up to 10% to budget proposals. Masternodes are incentivized full nodes that handle InstantSend and PrivateSend transactions and PrivateSend mixing. Blockchain is open and viewable. Mixing denominates coins to similar values making each address indistinguishable from another. This allows for fungibility. It also can enable PrivateSending of funds as an option. InstantSend can lock a transaction in about 1.3 seconds. (this makes Dash the optimal coin for point of sale)
Faults: Mixing coins is done in advance and takes 2+ hours. New version to be released in weeks will speed this up.
Benefits: InstantSend (Point of Sale), PrivateSend(Mixing=Fungible/Sending=Privacy), Sustainable budget for long term development, Funding to keep full nodes(masternodes) active, block reward drops a more smooth 7.142857% every year vs 50% cut. Transactions can be traced back to mined block so coin quantity can be proven and value kept.

Gold is physical so you don't need to prove that is duplicated. You need to prove an electronic coin has not been duplicated or infinitely mined to prove its rarity and value. Most of the other privacy systems can't prove this and fail as a store of value. The big benefit of Bitcoin when it was released was the ability to show how many coins are available in a trust-less way and therefore prove its value.

Thank you sir that is a very helpful explanation! Good stuff!

Let me start by going over the fundamental differences between these coins.
Gold is physical so you don't need to prove that is duplicated. You need to prove an electronic coin has not been duplicated or infinitely mined to prove its rarity and value. Most of the other privacy systems can't prove this and fail as a store of value. The big benefit of Bitcoin when it was released was the ability to show how many coins are available in a trust-less way and therefore prove its value.
Gold bars and rounds have been, and still are, being counterfeited with false cores and thick plating. Even an X-Ray Resonance Machines can't detect them. The only way to know is to cut it into pieces, or melt it down. For rounds with collectible value, authenticity is unverifiable. No way to ever really know...

Even Gold can't be trusted anymore.

Transparent-chain cryptocurrencies are the only thing you can be sure of now. The only cryptocurrency with a transparent chain and privacy, is DASH.

InstantSend also makes DASH the only vendor-friendly cryptocurrency. Unfortunately, nothing has been done with it since it was created...

As can be seen even in this example, competition is raising money and moving to fill the vacuum that DASH has failed to fill, even though it has the ideal features to do it.... If a "close enough" coin gains a foothold, being slightly better won't make a difference and DASH will have squandered it's own perfect scenario.

Running a node to facilitate InstantSend recognition is being treated like pre-mature overkill by the developers who only see it their way... The vendor relationships and support need to be forged LAST YEAR, even though Evolution is not here.

The "user experience" is being grossly mis-managed in a very single-minded self-absorbed way. Vendors are users, too! But since the self-absorption of crypto in general centers around neo-soviet do-nothings, this continues to be neglected even though InstantSend was created to fill this very crack in the process....

DASH has created the needed features that the rest of crypto has neglected. But then, follows suit and continues to neglect just because that's what everybody else does... They fail to execute by saying "Evolution will handle it better, so why do this now?"

Why get a job at minimum wage when you can wait until you're 40 and make a lot more in your "career?" Duh, because if you don't start, there won't be a career, and you will be living on welfare when you're 40...

The technical analysis that @Solarminer provided is true, but it doesn't tell the whole story. DASH has severe problems when it comes to failing to execute on it's feature set. The core team just doesn't comprehend the situation, or know how to handle it. @babygiraffe and @Minotaur seem to get it, and the first move is finally being made... But, I fear it may be too little, too late.
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