Hi all - My name is Greg and I am the founder of WeSellDoges. WeSellDoges (WSD) is the first website of its kind to offer accessibility into altcoins with minimal verification via PayPal. Our automated system pays out coins within 10 seconds of purchase completion. Since launching in late April, we have sold nearly 1 Billion Dogecoins (>1% in existence) to >2600 individual customers in 68 countries. We do operate at a 12-15% margin to cover fees, expenses, and (most of all) risk. Most people find this nominal fee to be worth the convenience of being able to immediately obtain coins.
We are at a point where our system is stable and we're ready to start evaluating other coins. Darkcoin came across our table.
I've attached an interest Poll to this thread to gauge whether your community would be interested in our service, and if so, approximately how much you may consider spending with our service.
In order to make this a reality, we have one ask from the community - someone with UI/web design skills to help design the website to fit into the Darkcoin look and feel. We'll do all the back end integration/payout automation. This should be fairly easy for someone with expertise in that field by one of two ways: (1) Simply adopt Darkcoin look and feel to our current web design, or (2) modify the Darkcoin web design (with permission) to content fitting WeSellDark.
Do feel free to ask any questions - I'll be happy to answer.
We are at a point where our system is stable and we're ready to start evaluating other coins. Darkcoin came across our table.
I've attached an interest Poll to this thread to gauge whether your community would be interested in our service, and if so, approximately how much you may consider spending with our service.
In order to make this a reality, we have one ask from the community - someone with UI/web design skills to help design the website to fit into the Darkcoin look and feel. We'll do all the back end integration/payout automation. This should be fairly easy for someone with expertise in that field by one of two ways: (1) Simply adopt Darkcoin look and feel to our current web design, or (2) modify the Darkcoin web design (with permission) to content fitting WeSellDark.
Do feel free to ask any questions - I'll be happy to answer.