WePayDRK - algorithm-switching multipool


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WePayBTC algorithm-switching multipool is proud to announce the launch of WePayDRK multipool with Darkcoin payouts.

WePayBTC algorithm-switching multipool is proud to announce the launch of WePayDRK multipool with Darkcoin payouts.

  • We offer predictable payouts in Darkcoin. Our pool works with "Pay Per Speed" scheme (similar to "Pay Per Share", but adopted for multialgorithm pools). So you know how much you're going to earn today before even starting to mine.
  • Our mining software automatically switches not only to the most profitable coin, but also to the most profitable algorithm. Five algorithms (X11, X13, X15, Nist5, Qubit) are supported currently. The additional flexibility of switching algorithm on the fly gives miners extra profit.
  • Our mining software is manually tweaked for the best performance possible. You no longer need to tweak various parameters and install different versions of AMD drivers. Everything works straight out of the box and it works fast!
  • We have five geographically distributed stratum pools (San Francisco, New York, Singapore, Amsterdam and London) for lowest latency and extra stability.
  • This is a sister site of WePayBTC (Bitcoin payouts)
  • We have a dedicated support portal
  • We perform payouts 3 times per day
  • We support all AMD videocards! See the full list of supported hardware on our website. Notice: NVidia and CPU miners are not supported.

Some rough estimates on payouts (stock frequencies, no overclocking) for 25 December 2014:
0.1571 DRK in 24 hours for AMD R9 290
0.1303 DRK in 24 hours for AMD R9 280X / 7970
0.0943 DRK in 24 hours for AMD 7950

Join us!

Thank you,

OK, In standard sgminer I used to have hashrate average and 5s hashrate..... here I receive % - can you explain me what it exactly mens now? I got 68% on my 280x

This is my config
timeout /t 15

sgminer.exe -o am -u drk.address -p x -g 2 -I 17

and I`m getting HW only.....any ideas?
edit: I`ve erased -g 2 parameth and so far so good, no HM and no Accepted but it is better than before :)
Changed Intensity to 20 and hashing with 72% now
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OK, In standard sgminer I used to have hashrate average and 5s hashrate..... here I receive % - can you explain me what it exactly mens now? I got 68% on my 280x

This is my config
timeout /t 15

sgminer.exe -o am -u drk.address -p x -g 2 -I 17

and I`m getting HW only.....any ideas?
edit: I`ve erased -g 2 parameth and so far so good, no HM and no Accepted but it is better than before :)
Changed Intensity to 20 and hashing with 72% now


Thank you for your comment regarding "-g 2". It's probably a bug and needs investigation.

As for the % vs MHs... Basically the pool mines different algorithms and they show very different MHs values. We want to show you consistent result and provide consistent payouts. So the decision was made to display mining speed in % of a reference videocard, which is R9 290.

Your R9 280X with 72% speed should give you 0.113112 DRK per day.
