Hello Dash Community!
Turnover in marketing and communications at DCG continues to be high, so this post is intended to mark a shift in approach to communications DCG towards increased transparency, accountability and participation with the community. Since marketing strategy is still being determined by the network, we want to communicate externally about Dash and its development as engagingly as possible. To that end, I am pleased to introduce Marina Siradegyan to the community as our new Communications Officer at DCG. I will work closely with Marina to help develop a content calendar to ensure regular external communication on DCG activities to the community on all our platforms. I’m also encouraging her to work with DMH to source content from the community, and she has a lot of great ideas for content and brings many years of crypto-native communications experience with her.
Keep an eye out for Marina on all Dash platforms (no pun intended) and help welcome her to the community!
Turnover in marketing and communications at DCG continues to be high, so this post is intended to mark a shift in approach to communications DCG towards increased transparency, accountability and participation with the community. Since marketing strategy is still being determined by the network, we want to communicate externally about Dash and its development as engagingly as possible. To that end, I am pleased to introduce Marina Siradegyan to the community as our new Communications Officer at DCG. I will work closely with Marina to help develop a content calendar to ensure regular external communication on DCG activities to the community on all our platforms. I’m also encouraging her to work with DMH to source content from the community, and she has a lot of great ideas for content and brings many years of crypto-native communications experience with her.
Keep an eye out for Marina on all Dash platforms (no pun intended) and help welcome her to the community!