We Want To Add Darkcoin Support to Our Multi-Coin Wallet



Hey Darkcoin forum. We recently released a multi-coin Electrum-based wallet called Encompass. It can potentially work with any coin that has an Electrum fork. It's all very modular, so adding new coins isn't very hard. Even better, the same master seed generates keys for every coin, both those implemented now and any implemented in the future. We want to add Darkcoin support to Encompass.

Does Darkcoin have a working Electrum fork? I haven't been able to find much on it, though I saw in a thread here that it's "to be released." If there is a working wallet with an active server, I can make the necessary module and Encompass will work with Darkcoin. If not, is there something holding the wallet release back? I may be able to help.

Encompass can be found (sorry, I'm too new to post links) on github under the user "mazaclub."
kefkius this one? <link>


kefkius what exactly do you need? we are working on an electrum-drk implementation currently and the server seems to work already. do you also need the wallet? is encompass an electrum fork?

ping flare Propulsion ELM4ever akhavr

If you'll look at lib/chains/README.md in that repo, you'll see exactly what's needed. :) Given the source to a working electrum fork, I can create the necessary "chainkey" module easily. A server is needed because Encompass doesn't have a server; it uses servers of electrum forks to retrieve headers.

Encompass is indeed an electrum fork.

If you'll look at lib/chains/README.md in that repo, you'll see exactly what's needed. :) Given the source to a working electrum fork, I can create the necessary "chainkey" module easily. A server is needed because Encompass doesn't have a server; it uses servers of electrum forks to retrieve headers.

Encompass is indeed an electrum fork.
Stay tuned, our first working electrum fork is available here https://github.com/ELM4Ever/electrum-drk-server and https://github.com/ELM4Ever/electrum-drk
We have no servers running yet since we are still reviewing and testing the port. But you could look into it and say if that's a start to build a chainkey module.

The repository link is object to change and the final repository should be hosted at https://github.com/electrum-drk
Releases will be posted here http://electrum-drk.org/

Thanks for your contributions.