We hate random distribution!


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Masternode 1...up for 5 days....1 payment (received on day one) https://drk.mn/masternodes.html#XwRHVcNbUvjTFN6LhA6hfghcDVZmQxdvvN
Masternode 2...up for 8 days...11 payments https://drk.mn/masternodes.html#XmG1tHe2NbRfbNb7ise7p4ihzsWLWLmLQj

Does anybody have a functioning node that has delivered less then 1/5?

My wife and I are having a masternode race. The person with the fewest payements after a certain period of time buys the winner dinner of their choice. It goes without saying that my wife has MN1 and is convinced that I'm trying to trick her.
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Masternode 1...up for 5 days....1 payment (received on day one) https://drk.mn/masternodes.html#XwRHVcNbUvjTFN6LhA6hfghcDVZmQxdvvN
Masternode 2...up for 8 days...11 payments https://drk.mn/masternodes.html#XmG1tHe2NbRfbNb7ise7p4ihzsWLWLmLQj

Does anybody have a functioning node that has delivered less then 1/5?

My wife and I are having a masternode race. The person with the fewest payements after a certain period of time buys the winner dinner of their choice. It goes without saying that my wife has MN1 and is convinced that I'm trying to trick her.

This is a competition nobody wants to win. Here's my entry:
about 8 Days (21.-29.7.) , followed by over 10 days (29.7.-08.8.). Fortunately, this node wasn't so bad before.
You should not punish your wife, buy her a dinner as compensation!
My wife and I are having a masternode race. The person with the fewest payements after a certain period of time buys the winner dinner of their choice. It goes without saying that my wife has MN1 and is convinced that I'm trying to trick her.
BTW: These are the kind of posts which remember me what i like most on DRK: the community! Good to have you and your wife with us :)
Mine was performing great up until 10 days ago. Got 3 payouts in one day then didn't do anything for 6 days. Then got another 2 spread between 2 days and now I'm stuck waiting.

If the coin gains popularity, I'm assuming miners will pick up the coin and mine. If so, will daily payouts increase? This is before the difficulty increases though.

Also, if the value increases I hope the number of MNs will fall.
It must be total coincidence but average CPU load is slightly higher on my wife's masternode too.

My hearts says give MN1 a reboot even though my brain says there is not point.

@lariondas We're only having a bit of fun. I'm sure things will get interesting post RC4 anyway.
Just for the record, I've just had a closer look at CPU loads on our two mnodes and they are virtually identical. There is no way I can see this effecting the voting system anyway. Just a coincidence I think.
Just for the record, I've just had a closer look at CPU loads on our two mnodes and they are virtually identical. There is no way I can see this effecting the voting system anyway. Just a coincidence I think.
Agreed, that's why i leave everything as it is since 45 days :)

The same node has seen 31 payments in 45 days, which is ~0.7 payments a day, which fits nicely in the average distribution.
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I think the issue isn't that my wife has had bad "luck", more that I have had good "luck". My node has had 11 payments in 8 days, would have been 13 if not for the pools that don't pay out...
Earnings going down the drain very fast. my 48 nodes only recieved 12 payments yesterday ...
IMHO there is nothing wrong, its just the way the mathemetical cookie crumbles.
My wife's node got some payments last night as did I.
In any case, the way voting works will change with RC4.
I think we need to take a closer look at this. The node count is not increasing but the earnings are decreasing.

On http://drk.poolhash.org/mnode.html it calculates 0.679 DRK/node and day but I'm getting around 0.2-0.3 last days.
Do you think it's necessary digging into this days before RC4 go live? Voting algorithm has changed in 0.9.12.x/0.10.12.x (now using Top 20 masternode rank list from election, instead of miner votes)

BTW: I am averaging at 0.78 DRK/node and day the last week.
Do you think it's necessary digging into this days before RC4 go live? Voting algorithm has changed in 0.9.12.x/0.10.12.x (now using Top 20 masternode rank list from election, instead of miner votes)

BTW: I am averaging at 0.78 DRK/node and day the last week.
how many nodes? nice. I've been running this for more than a month now and never was abouv 0.7...
mind explaining the changes in detail or pointing me to where it is explained?
how many nodes? nice. I've been running this for more than a month now and never was abouv 0.7...
mind explaining the changes in detail or pointing me to where it is explained?
Running four nodes, current distribution for last seven days

XiWNqpG9xhfzHG26ZpuqWSxPrT9XaZ6hTm    [1][2][3][4]    5    Amazon_Northern_Virginia    United States    _._.179.148    +    +    +    +    +    +    5/5    45971/28826
XwsFrpwbMKnvdpTvTGH3u8zcjjrktPXdoF    [1][2][3][4]    4    Amazon_Northern_Virginia    United States    _._.179.187    +    +    +    +    +    +    10/11    65933/612
XxZiG3ShU4QB9dXGFzg8DW92ikC6Q4kJKv    [1][2][3][4]    8    Amazon_Northern_Virginia    United States    _._.179.196    +    +    +    +    +    +    10/11    32950/32949
Xgo9nDL6NyaeTGaARFVTRGv64LJjk5ATaW    [1][2][3][4]    5    Amazon_Northern_Virginia    United States    _._.179.235    +    +    +    +    +    +    2/9    15254/15248

which gives me 0.78 payouts/node and day - but i have noticed that i got hit by several 10% and 0% payments, so this number is not identical to the DRK/node and day which is 0.68 DRK/node and day - which matches your 0.7

EDIT: For the changes: Give me some times to compile the change notes :)
I think the number of masternodes is just increasing - 858 as of now, and there were only ~730 when I started looking into masternodes a couple weeks ago. This means any given masternode has a lower chance of getting selected. But it's win / win, since each new masternode keeps 1000 DRK out of circulation, benefitting us all ;).
I'm still wrestling with one of my masternodes. Two of my masternodes are paying fairly regularly but the third has only been paid once in the last three weeks or so and that was just after it was set up.

I've just re-set it up from scratch. Restarted instance, new IP, new local wallet and mnode privkey etc... If I don't see 1DRK in the next few days on it I'm going to go mad!

My other two mnodes have paid 20DRK since Thursday night which I am trying not to expect from now on!